Posts for zvxz

Post subject: Finished with my first TASV.
Experienced Forum User
Joined: 4/27/2010
Posts: 3
It appears most people would like to see more optimization. I'll have to research on ways to be more precise with my actions in games I do. Here's my first amateur movie. Again the goal was just entertainment by having Kirby slice through anything in his way with sword. It's about 50 minutes long so fast forward through the ends of stages and maybe have a quick lunch while viewing.[/url]
Experienced Forum User
Joined: 4/27/2010
Posts: 3
Thanks for the feedback people. I should mention the only reason I switched to UFO was to blitz through the Cloud boss, other wise I'd have to float all the way up to the area which would take for ever, as well as trying to fight the Cloud with the sword is just not entertaining at all. The Clock miniboss cannot be attacked with sword while it's sounding its alarm because I can't get close enough to connect with a hit without being hit myself. I doubt I'll do actual speed runs because my favorite games that I'd enjoy have already been completed by someone already, not to mention the steps and effort for exact precision seems a bit daunting to me. For sure though I'll do more runs focusing on just entertainment on other games. Not sure what yet, but I'll start looking at other games when I'm done with Kirby.
Experienced Forum User
Joined: 4/27/2010
Posts: 3
This is my first attempt at a TASVideo. This isn't a speed run, but I did this for entertainment. I just was feedback of what I currently have. I have a hastened Kirby with sword using the glitch that permanently uses powers throughout game that heads to end of each stage demolishing anything in the way. Again the purpose is for entertainment, any criticisms is welcome. Uses version Kirby's Adventure (U) (PRG 1) [!]: