Posts for zvsp

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Yes, that glitch. I didn't confirm it crashes on console. Then maybe..., my current run wouldn't be accepted, though it's reproducible on WiiU?
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Hi, I'm now working on the new any% run. Just almost completed bottom 4 worlds and got about 1 min improvement from the old run. A bit sad that I can't use new 5-1 skip above, because a game over glitch was found and seems it saves more time. (accordingly can't bring heart into this stage) reference:
This is probably the same technique as in the second video in the previous post, but I wanted to make sure any potential new TASers of this game are aware of this.
It's unavailable. Anyone know if it's useful for any%?
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Invariel wrote:
Edit: That does, however, raise the question of why you are starting from SRAM instead of using the starting 'mons throughout the game. 'Mon choice doesn't affect the rest of the game, does it?
Selects different Pokemons because using same pokemon all through is boring. It effects nothing on game. Changing costs every 1 frame.
And, originally, I started this TAS without thinking about submitting, so I did as I wanted.
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Invariel wrote:
Do Togepi and the other three start unlocked in the Japanese version? I am pretty sure they start as eggs in the English version.
Babies from three eggs you said can only be used in other Mode. Togepi and other Pokemons are presents from trainers. The eggs aren't hatched at all.
True wrote:
zvsp wrote:
Simply because I'm lazy about submitting. If the delay is enough reason, please reject.
Nah, never, he just wanted to make sure the movie was the correct one and not stale.
Actually, have that reason too, and additionally, I wanted some more people to watch this TAS because this is another approach compared with other Tetris Attack TASes, at last. Anyway, thanks much for comments, and accepting so soon.
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Thanks for that optimization and replacement. I missed it.
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Simply because I'm lazy about submitting. If the delay is enough reason, please reject.
Post subject: Tetris Attack
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I decided to make a topic of SNES Tetris Attack since there is no general one for this game yet. Link to video Recently a tetris attack player Rokutomo found a new glitch for TAS. I'll write what is happening in above video instead of him, because we wanna tell anyone who is interested in this game about it. First, SFC Panel de Pon and SNES Tetris Attack have a limitation that only 10th and less than 10th panels lined can be erased at the same time, then 11th or more panels lined won't be erased temporarily. In the video, he operates two glitches by lining 11th panels as a [x2] chain. The first one is a glitch which amplifies number of chain. In this game, number of chain increases when panels are lined. Thus if lined panels are not erased, you can increase number of chain by cutting off and re-lining the panels many times. In the video he amplifies by using lower yellow panels. The second one is a glitch which makes the chain keep unfinished. If you cut off the lined panels, chain will never finish as long as the panel(s) remain in field. Also, game will not be over as long as the panel(s) remain in field (go through roof). You can see he maintains the yellow panel(s) and earns [x13] bonuses by a lot of single erasing. He made it with J ver as a testrun, though I confirmed this glitch is also available in SNES Tetris Attack. I'm not sure if he will submit a run with U ver yet.
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Wow... beautiful abusing, I laughed out. Yes vote
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Well, you are a speedrunner of this game. I watched your PB and was impressed with the strategic run. Also, thanks for the feedback. 1) To be sure, there's another route that I'd just missed. I'm not sure if it's faster since it needs at least one stun and a bit complicated jumps, but worth trying. 2) It's simply because I didn't power up fire at all in the whole run. I forgot to mention in submission text... I selected it mainly because of lag reduction. 3) If you say about luck manipulation I'm not sure. I didn't notice any pattern through heavy manipulations, but if you can do any manipulation of Avenger in your run, there're some possibilities. 4) Hmm, it seems I don't know enemy respawning system well. I thought I can't regenerate enemies so easily... but your strat is good and well considered.
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Thank you Judges and everyone who nominated this for a star. I'm so grateful Bomberman 64 is recognized to have good entertainment value for TASing.
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GigaWatt wrote:
What was more difficult, the route planning or the lag management?
Mostly luck manipulation for enemies' behaviors, though it depends on levels. Routing is not so.
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Wow cyghfer! I'm very glad you enjoyed the minor stuffs also, because I care about such things whenever I tas. I tried to put many enjoyable stuffs in this TAS, so I'm satisfied when audience notes them. Thank you very much for your appreciation like that.
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100% submission came here. We'll do a new any% run later.
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John11 wrote:
henke37 wrote:
Why the suicides?
There are two early on where he suicides to get gold cards that are underwater. Otherwise he'd have to spend time draining the water first. There is also one on the ice stage where he suicides to get back to the top of the hill faster.
Thanks, I've forgotten to mention it. Additionally, the one at fire stage is to keep his remaining lives 2, and it is used on the ice stage.
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Absolutely impressive run. Congratulations for the entire work! Yes vote for TAS of 2013.
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I'm now fighting against spellmaker, who takes time because of non-remote battle. And also the next castle is the final difficulty of this run. Well, I think this run will be much more entertaining and save a lot of time than testrun. And so, it's too bad this game on Mupen has heavy lag in some levels... I hope I'll submit it early next month.
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爆ボンのテクニックは美文氏のサイトにまとめられたものから始まり、私が100% testrunである程度の土台を作ってからは、さば氏とNahoc氏によっていくつかの新たな技やルートが開発されてきました。 まずよく使われる技をまとめておきます。多分いくつか忘れてるのでまた書き足します。ちなみにいくつかには名前がついてなくて不便なので仮として適当につけてます( インスタントボムタワー 爆ボンTASをTASたらしめている基本技で、壁もないところに突然ボムタワーを作ります。 原理としては土台となるボムがボムリフトをキャンセルすることによって起きます。(美文氏のサイトがわかりやすい) (初期カメラ方向に対して)縦横方向を向いているときも斜めを向いているときも同様の入力でできます。 作りたい方向に対してA+下→斜め下またはA+斜め下→下(全て100%入力)と押すことでボムタワーを作れる準備が整いますが、普通にやるだけではボンが逆方向を向いてしまいできないため工夫が要ります。 これについては次のレスに詳しく書きますが、ボンが方向転換をする際、入力してから完了するまで数Fの時間がかかることを利用します。 インスタントボムタワーは、足場の端から一定距離の間には外向きに作ることができず、弾むはずのボムが滑って落ちてしまいます。 何故かは不明ですが、おそらく足場の端の影響でボムリフトがキャンセルされる位置が通常と僅かに異なるのではと考えてます。 インスタントボムタワーからの通常の気絶ボムジャンプについて。 縦横方向に作ったボムタワーにはそのまま前に入力することでぶつかれますが、斜め方向の場合遅れてしまうようでできません。そのため一度弾んだボムが落ちてくるまで待つ必要が出てきます。 気絶ジャンプの場合、気絶の反動の際に踏むための後ろのボムの位置もときに重要になります。 仕様上ボムは球体であるため真ん中に当たる場合は端に当たる場合より高さも当たる早さも上です。 ただし発展形のタワーを登る際にはできるだけ遅らせることでボムの弾みとタイミングを合わせる必要があることもあります。 放物線キック インスタントボムタワーの土台ボムを蹴って、連鎖により弾んでいる方のボムを放物線状に飛ばす技です。 この技の利点はボム投げよりも早く出せる、Rでボムを止められるという2つです。 毎回同じように蹴ってるように見えますが実は放物線キックには「強い」キックと「軸がぶれない」キックの2種類があります。 強いキックは後者より早く出せ、飛距離と高度においても上回っていますが使う機会としては少ないです。 軸がぶれないキックとはつまり土台ボムの位置が変わらないということで、続けてインスタントボムタワーを繰り出すことができるため汎用性で大きく勝ります。 3段インスタントタワー(仮) 放物線キックをすぐ止めて直後にインスタントボムタワーを再び作ることで3段のボム階段ができます。 階段はできるだけ縦横距離が長くなるように作りますが、それでも殆どは前述のボムの置き方によってジャンプを遅らせないと引っかかって登れません。 また2度目のインスタントボムタワーを作るタイミングによってタワーの跳ね方が変わるのでこれを利用する場合も多いです。 その他のボムタワーはこれらの組み合わせによって作られます。 Bomb drop(仮) ボムキック等を使わずに足場の端からボムだけを落としてしまう技。原型はNahoc氏のany%runにあり(ホワイトアイス1面)、この技から次項のFalling jump(仮)に繋がります。 単体でもボムキックを使わずに下にいる敵を倒す等の使い方が可能です。 特定の足場で特定の入力をすることにより、ボンが一時的な落下状態(1F)の後足場に戻ることができるため、その落下状態の間にAを入れることでボムだけが落ちます。 これができる場所は今判明しているものでは、坂、足場の角、壁に沿っている端、スイッチ、下に階段や坂がある端、それとホワイトアイス3面の特定の足場の6種です。 坂はできる部分とできない部分があるようですが、どの坂にも数箇所はできる部分があると思われます。 角の場合はどちら側の端に落とすかはボンの位置を細かく調整することで変えられます。 なお足場によってはボムが足場にめり込むように落ちる場所もあります。 Falling jump(仮) 前述のBomb drop後、ボンが後を追うように被さることでジャンプできます。 御存知のとおり長距離ジャンプ+着地硬直回避という反則的性能を持っている極めて汎用性の高い技です。 Bomb dropから待ち時間なしで飛び出しフレーム単位で正確な入力をすれば最長距離のジャンプができますが、この時の入力は飛び出す前のボンの位置によって細かく変わるものと思われます。 入力の最後に反対方向にスティックを入れる場合もあり、このとき着地後にボンが反対方向を向きつつ進むスタイリッシュな姿が見られます。 Floating run(仮) 坂を素早く駆け下りる技。ボンは空中に飛び出したとき一定時間は空中を走っており、この速度は通常の走る速度と(多分)同じです。 坂を走る速度は少し遅いため、これを空中を走ることで肩代わりしてしまおうというもの。 先のBomb dropに通ずるような入力で坂を降りる際に一時的な落下状態を作ると、浮遊したまま走れます。 もちろん一定量空中を走ると止まってしまいますが、それを差し引いても十分な時間短縮となります。
Post subject: N64 爆ボンバーマン (Bomberman 64)
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ボンバーマンの中でも異色なアクションゲームであるN64ソフト「爆ボンバーマン」に関するトピックです。 このトピックを立てた理由の半分くらいは技などの解説のためですが、非常にTAS映えするゲームであるためもっと多くの人が興味を持つきっかけになればいいなあ、とか思ってます。 今後このゲームのTASを作ろうとする人の役に立ったらとても嬉しいです。そんな人がいたら遠慮無く書き込んでください。 ひとまず技とシステム周りの解説を書こうと思ってます。 あと、英語トピックで公開したWIPも一応貼っておきます。100%runの完成にはまだちょっとかかります。
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So I've started a new 100%run, by myself so far. We're not sure if Nahoc or someone else would join the project. Anyway, now we'll need so much time to accomplish the work. I'll release only this short WIP until submission.
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Wow, nice to see this submission. This game have so beautiful music, and the TAS is much entertaining. Voting yes easily.
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Neither IIRC. You can beat Blue Resort temporarily but the barrier of fortress won't disappear. And if you go back to Blue Resort 1, you can't select subsequent stages anymore.
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Derakon wrote:
aluoaniki wrote:
You should have a watch of the Viewtiful Joe TAS run, that's the real deal of too-fast-to-watch.
Wait what. There's a Viewtiful Joe TAS? Where?
Is this? (Excuse me I don't know the game at all)
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Saba improved his full-power any%run with some new bomb-jumping tricks. I think he got motivated by Nahoc's work and etc. All those tricks are hopeful. For anyone interested: Bomberman 64: The Second Attack testrun by Kagemitsu WIP1 : WIP2 :
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Nice work. Some techniques and new routes you found were great, they will also be very useful for 100%run. I have something to say, TASes of Bomberman64 are built on the efforts of great Japanese players (except me). For example, jumping through 5-1 boss was shown by Mifumi, and bridge-like jumping was improved by Saba. I think you should mention their facts if nothing else.
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Dooty wrote:
any chance of a partnership between zvsp and Nahoc doing the 100% run?
I thought so too, but depends on Nahoc's priority. Anyway, at least I would need his support if I do. By the way, it seems there is no text about tricks of Bomberman64 yet. About my testrun, Japanese document written by Mifumi was really helpful to me. These are simple translations of Japanese names of two important tricks; "Instant bomb-tower": Making bomb-tower without wall. "Parabolic kick": Kicking the bomb of instant bomb-tower. The bomb flies as if it is thrown, but it can be stopped by pressing R. The author of any% testrun recently uploaded a video about these tricks, maybe understandable. Account / Free