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Hey, just did some testing and found that BizHawk 2.9 has 193 less frames of load times than FCEUX 2.6.6, so I would like to request if it's possible to replace the FM2 provided from the original submission with the following BK2 please User movie #638679849325519661. I will also be updating the verification movie in the submission text with a BK2 verification movie.
Experienced Forum User, Published Author, Player
Joined: 9/21/2022
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DrD2k9 wrote:
HappyLee wrote:
Good work. Yes vote.
My only concern is the use of soft-reset after 9-4, because previously it's done by dying in 9-1 with "You are a super player" screen. Is it allowed in this TAS? Personally I'm OK with it.
If the letter stages are validly/equivalently reachable via either method (death or reset), the soft reset should be okay. I will double check with other judges to be sure, but i agree with you.
I’d be surprised if we don’t have other games on the site that use soft resets instead of losing lives to get back to a title screen.
I personally used soft resets in Gameboy Donkey Kong to save time on world transitions.
Hi DrD2k9,
Letter world should be accessible via this method on original hardware as the game adds a star to your save file when loading the ending music in 8-4 and as long as you have 8 stars on the title screen you are able to access Worlds A-D.
Definitely a yes vote from me. :)
A couple of thoughts though:
2.1: Maybe you can hit the flagpole lower, just to the point that Mario is at 24 horizontal speed when he lands.
7.1: I believe it's possible to perform a FPG along with the screen-wrap; you just need to avoid being all the way to the right when doing so.
These two I think could make for improvements in your run, but I could be wrong.
That is all; great efforts otherwise!
Hi Asumeh,
I just tested your timesave proposal in 7-1, and unfortunately it comes out to about the same as without Flagpole Glitch. The problem is when Mario is all the way to the right, if the pole has not loaded then Mario can instantly get off the flagpole base when turning around, rather than waiting around 24 frames on the right-side of the flagpole base.
As for 2-1, I don't think that'd be possible to save time that way as Mario reaches peak speed in the air anyway and would only save time if the level completion music kept playing after the level end timer hit 0.