Posts for valzeed

Post subject: minesweeper
Joined: 8/15/2015
Posts: 1
I've been tas-ing minesweeper for windows for a few years now, but I've never seen a place where I could upload a vid where it'd be appreciated. I use pure screenscraping and a highly refined guessing method. the current version self calibrates, and on my 2.1ghz laptop running ubuntu, in a virtualbox running windows xp I can get completion times of as low as .26 seconds on expert. the bot can theoretically be calibrated to work on any minesweeper game with square blocks that have a boarder color (a change in color at the boarder between blocks). to escape claims of memory hacking and luck manipulation I've started using minesweeperx, the wellknown windows minesweeper clone. the entire project is opensource fom the latest working,stable compilation. this is a rather old vid I made of a dry run after a long testing run showing a sub 1 second win on the setup I described above, though I don't have any video of it performing the record as that was done during a 36 hour marathon meant to find the lower boundary of it's speed.. playing nearly 100million games. there are a few optimizations I could still get squeezed in there, and realistically I could make it paralell processing and throw it on a multicore processor with a dedicated GFX card I could probably get sub 50 millisecond wins. if there is anyone up for helping me with this project I'd be glad to show off my code . it's all written in c++. I tried to use as few dedicated headers as I could, but Couldn't find a good, out-of-the-box way to screenscrape crossplatform with any modicum of speed. The mac version would take 10 seconds and linux was only effective 70% of the time, the rest hanging for nearly a second before returning a failure code, thus All of my efforts have been focused on windows as bitblt is blazing fast. email me for details, I may not check in here very often and the updates for this forum go to my spam box.