Posts for slippy

Joined: 2/2/2007
Posts: 2
Just tried that but it always happens in the same part in DKC2. He makes a bad jump and dies then it just goes crazy. He walks everywhere and drops down to the death
Post subject: Having problems with playing some videos.
Joined: 2/2/2007
Posts: 2
Hello all, I'm having some kind of problem playing the videos. First I downloaded the Snes9x that is in the sticky, then I have gotten the correct ROM which I have double checked that it IS the right one but when I try to play the video the guy played normally in the start of Donkey Kong Country 2 but then he died and started doing some weird things like dying jumping off ledges like the button presses and the ROM had fallen out of sync. I tried Donkey Kong Country after that but in that game it went crazy right at beginning. Then I tried Donkey Kong Country 3. It worked correctly watched about 5 minutes but it got boring because of all the warping. After this I downloaded the edited Gens in the sticky to watch some Sega videos. I started watching S3&K speed run and that was good fun. Then i tried to watch Sonic Spinball (not 100% sure I got it from this site) and it went crazy right at the beginning. Am i doing something wrong here or is it my system? I'd really like some help. TY in advance Edit: Music or sounds never fall of sync though.