Thanks a lot!
Unfortunately, I don't have much time to spend on doing this right now. But it's nice to see that someone is checking it. I can't promisse another update but there will be!
I don't really feel like using the "Morphed Ranger code", I am even leaning to morph only at bosses. But I still have to make some tests.
Finally, believe me, I do this for the enjoyment, mine and the viewer's, it's just very very beta yet. =)
I made some tests for Stage 1 and I'm not sure 2p is faster than 1p.
Even more for 1 passage stages like the beggining of Stage 2.
I'll try to find time tomorrow to be sure. If not, next week. :)
i got 2 useless glitches today,one is dying in and spawnin in a moving platform that goes offscreen right after the light beam transports the ranger and the other i died on the boss 4 stage when he was already dead,and the game locks the screen on both events...kinda useless but feel free to try something with it.
also i was playing 2players with a buddy
Thanks, I'll check it out ;)
wicked wrote:
i gave up long ago of working in this movie, but would look great
theres two ways of starting this tas,
already powered up, its just a code you put in the title screen,
or you have to collect the power ups, till fill the bar and morph into the rangers
Yeah, I know about that, but I'm not really confortable with this. I like using the normal ranger, at least for the first couple stages. The moves are better. But i'll experiment with that.
Hey guys!
I started doing this TAS weeks ago, it's my first. I have had little time to work on it since then, but I might work on it on weekends. I'll try to make you guys updated!
I would appreciate any tip you can give me!