could everyone see xipo's reply of the video?
西坡 实力强大,内心坚定,不必理会这种垃圾网站的言论
2021-06-06 12:54
he says, no need to understand these opinion in the rubbish website (Tasvideo website)?
if xipo think tasvideo is rubbish, pls not log in again?
In the video can you write back in Chinese what's written between 2min 16sec and 5mins 48secs.
Just separate and mark which bits they are and timestamp if you have to.
2m16s to 3m06s,Chinese version 下面这位名叫TASeditor德国洗稿玩家就更厉害了,他用了和上面这位忍者龙剑传兄弟相同的欺骗手法,先是假意承诺共同开发,然后偷偷改名的恶劣骗术,只不过他做的更加过分,直接把作为主力贡献的我给划掉,把整个项目独占为他一个人的成果。具体的事情是这样的,赤影战士tas最速者的名号在2007年的时候,被名叫klmz的国人玩家获得,成绩是9分47秒(按60.098帧/秒),而我本人在2009年的时候,将这一成绩提升到9分35秒,出于某些原因我没有在tasvideo上公布过任何有关此成绩的消息,只是在国内的圈中分享了我的源文件。事情就这样过去了5年,直到2014年,这位TASeditor的德国玩家兴致勃勃地提出他所谓的最速成绩9分45秒。他的制作时间比我晚了5年,成绩还落后我10秒,这个应该就是水平低下的石锤铁证了,不过我并没有揭穿他,揭穿他的反而是一个m姓的国人玩家(B站同名),同时还附送了我9分35秒成绩的消息大礼。m姓男子看似是揭穿,其实是把我给卖了,直接导致我的录像后来被完全洗稿。而TASeditor的洗稿手法,也是堪称教科书般的标准。让我们看看他是如何操作的。
3m07s to 4m22s,Chinese version首先我的源代码分享已经失效了,TASeditor通过回流技术,访问了失效的链接,未经允许下载到了源代码。讽刺的是拿到源代码,他也没有破解出我的手法,连发我10条消息,问我是怎么做到的。我实在不想吐槽这位tasvideos高级会员的水准,明知道自己水平不行,却强行从事远超自己能力的项目,单靠抄袭模仿死磕,这样的人又怎么会被人尊重呢?最后他提出愿意以合作者的名义共同出版新的录像,2014年我居然天真地相信了他的谎话。我不仅提供了源代码,传授了所有技术原理,还亲手帮他解决了2个困难点,起到了绝对核心的作用。2016年新版本终于公布了,时间是9分31秒,和7年前的老版相比,几乎完全一致,只是利用模拟器的新功能减少了延迟。最重要的是该项目的作者变成了仅是TASeditor一人!之前TASeditor本人亲口承诺过这是合作项目,怎么在正式公开的时候,变成了单人项目?当我质问TASeditor为什么我不是合作者的时候,他居然非常不要脸地回答:他只给对项目作出贡献的人合作者的名分!这就十分无赖了,成品比我晚5年,成绩还差10秒,连手法原理都不能破解的人,居然敢说9分31秒都是自己的功劳?世界上竟有这么无耻的人呀。
4m24s to 5m13s,Chinese version 但凡有点tas功底的人,一看便知新版本洗稿的足迹明显,虽然直观场面弄得花里胡哨,表面上看起来面目全非,但核心内容是完全剽窃我的代码,完全符合洗稿的定义。所以结论就是:TASeditor把我们共同从事的项目(其实是以我为主的项目),通过洗稿的方式,纂改为他的个人作品,这就是掠夺。更令人气愤的是,当我投诉到tasvideo网站后,我原本以为稳操胜券的案子,竟然败诉了,tasvideos上的裁判官居然集体认为这就是TASeditor的个人作品,他们辩护的手法主要有:撒泼打滚,否认承诺,歪曲事实,偷换概念,双重标准,抠字眼,避重就轻,转移话题,强权压人等等。像极了国际事务上针对中国的那一套东西,看来这套玩法,他们真的是玩的贼6。其蛮横袒护之心,一度让人怀疑这就是所谓高度发达的西方世界的审判吗?
5m14s to 5m48s,Chinese version 下面出场的这位外国哀人稍微好那么一丢丢,虽然没有直接把项目占为己有,但属于不告自取,伤风败俗。事件是这样的,我曾经出版过超级魂斗罗的tas录像,后来有人发现有个小bug可以进一步减少时间,就是在关底运用死亡消除关底BOSS的小技巧。我个人并不认为这是真正意义上的改进,所以一直没有改动我的录像。直到有一天,我发现我的新版录像居然上架了。我怎么不知道有投稿这回事,完全没印象啊!一看发布页面,是一个叫feos的国外玩家提交的,他把自己的名字写在了合作者的名单里面。事实上,这个新作品是直接原封不动地在我之前的版本上改的,都懒得洗稿,前面的99%是完全复制,仅仅剪切掉了尾部,把刚才那个消除关底BOSS的技巧加上去。这就成了参与项目的理由?这也太轻松了吧,慷他人之慨?就算要这样做,在剪切我的录像之前也应该征得我的同意吧,至少提前告知一下听听我的意见。很遗憾没有,国外玩家直接拿来剪切,这就是蛮横霸道。
sorry for my late reply :)
Thanks, xxezrabxxx!
Ah, I remember '出' is 'go' and '反' is 'back' in a brief and simple manner.
I'm just fearing mistranslations, misinterpretations and miscommunications will lead to an unfavorable result for both side.
"出尔反尔“ is idiom in China, you could not use google to translate, each Chinese knows, it means"break promise"
"高素质"means"high quality"
Those European and American players that we thought high quality before, are always break their promise. Each Chinese could prove xipo attack foreign tasers many times in the video
OK no, I'm not putting up with this. We've had additional people look into this as well so there really doesn't seem to be any room for alternative interpretations. We did look into Ryse and as far as we're aware they are not a pre-existing user on the site.
Directing xenophobia towards our userbase is COMPLETELY unacceptable, no matter where it was done, and we must take actions to protect the users of the site.
You will now be banned.
A lot of Chinese tasers will prove that I am right. And time will prove.
As I only complain is that xipo attack European and American tasers, I want prevent he spread in China contiously. And you could ask another dependable Chinese to translate the meaning, then publish to the public :)
In the link 1m44s, we can see”出尔反尔的恰恰是我们曾经认为高素质的欧美玩家”, means” European and American always break their promise” ,he attack all the European and American
Why does that sentence mean "break their promise?"
Google translation says, "It is precisely the European and American players that we used to think of as high-quality players."
From Longman Dictionary, 'the' means,
1used to show that you are talking about a particular thing or person that has already been mentioned, is already known about, or is the only one4used before the name of a family in the plural to refer to all the members of that family
If he used it in the former meaning, it does not follow that he is criticizing all the western player.
DeepL machine translation gave me this: “ It is precisely the European and American players that we once thought were of high quality that have gone back on their word.”
I wouldn’t trust Google (DeepL is more reliable but it’s still a machine)”
"出尔反尔“ is idiom in China, you could not use google to translate, each Chinese knows, it means"break promise"
"高素质"means"high quality"
Those European and American players that we thought high quality before, are always break their promise. Each Chinese could prove xipo attack foreign tasers many times in the video
For God's sake, just make xipo a co-author in any submissions if he asks you to do that.
Because if you didn't gather from me commenting about it already or Samsara or Memory. Xipo is lying through their teeth.
Why in any sake should we allow a person who would write anything they want to and ask for credit that they have no involvement in making to begin with?
Hey ryse345, can I please get a translation line by line of the comments made at 7m 54sec.
I know it's mostly shit talking and slang usage but I'm unable to translate it, a "best guess" is fine:
向我清求技术原理 自己坦诚了解的不多, he asked me teach techical theory
照看我的录像抄都抄不好 还向为什么他做不到,这有多菜 could not copy my movie to tas, and asked me why he could not copy, so skillless
我二活不悅,直接幼手 亲自帮他解決 I did it without saying anything, solved the pb for help him
又遇到问题清教 有多菜啊 he met the problem again, he is so skillless
I did it without saying anything to help him again
I think it’s reasonable to see where Xipo is coming from with some of his complaints but, fact is he could have easily just tried to communicate with people to get some of them fixed. The TASeditor situation is in a sort of gray area. How TASVideos handles authorship essentially places a lot of the obligation on the submitter and other potential coauthors to figure things out amongst themselves, but we have some clear baseline rules that this situation doesn’t quite violate. On the other hand the situation with Ninja Gaiden 2 was clearly a miscommunication. I do not think it was appropriate at all to attack Samsara without consulting her that she did something wrong. Similarly the situation with Super C I fail to see Xipo providing any indication until the TASeditor event that feos did anything wrong, nor by most reasonable standards did he do anything wrong. Additionally the statements directed at the entire western TASing scene is in my opinion completely uncalled for and xenophobic.
I’d like to hear a response from Xipo for all this prior to any further discussion or actions. We are not happy with those that direct hatred towards the community at large. If amendments are not made, we will be forced to take action.
In the beginning of the link, we can see"点赞数超过20个出下集",means the video is voted "yes" more than 20, he will publish Reveal foreign tasers matter continously. But anyway, I will follow this, if he instigate Chinese to attack foreign tasers again, I will complain him continously :)
>_< This is how far I was, too. I was expecting some more efficient way manipulating it. Why do I get a LDA #$02?
Xipo has made a video to attack you, can you see your name appear so many times in his video? and he said all the European and American tasers break their promise, so crazy. I have complain xipo's video that slander all the European and American Tasers and Tasvideo, could tasvideo punish him? we cannot tolerate his untrue declare
I can only think of two things I may have done wrong during the creation of NG2:
1. Submitting what is now the currently published run without asking Xipo first. I felt asking wasn't necessary for such a small improvement to an incredibly technically polished run.
2. I changed up small portions of the platforming sections for entertainment purposes. I felt this was entirely in line with what Xipo asked me to do with the run, which was adding playaround after the boss fights. I figured it would be okay to do that as much as I could throughout the movie: Considering how tight Scumtron's previous run was, and how there was only just over a second of improvement, it made sense to me to try and help provide a unique viewing experience to a run people have been watching for over a decade.
At no point did I detect any hostility from Xipo during our correspondence, and I can provide the entire PM log to prove that. I was aware of the previous incident with TASeditor and I was specifically hoping to avoid that. I can even provide offsite conversations I had with friends regarding my worry of doing something wrong, conversations that even preceded Xipo approaching me with the idea of co-authorship. If either of the things I listed were what I did wrong, then, yes, I'm sorry, but apart from that, I am pretty confident I did nothing wrong and don't deserve to be attacked for "plagiarism".
The link 1m44s, all the 13 lines discusstion is that xipo attack you, last sentence ”出尔反尔的恰恰是我们曾经认为高素质的欧美玩家”, means” European and American always break their promise” ,he attack all the European and American , so crazy. I have complain xipo's video that slander all the European and American Tasers and Tasvideo, could tasvideo punish him? we cannot tolerate his untrue declare
feos cannot appear the name in super C because he has no contribution, no any frame is related with feos, could this player of thick face be cooperator?
That's a silly accusation and I already debunked it. Using Koh1fds's example movie, I figured out everything necessary to make that glitch work and implemented all the input for it. I changed Xipo's last level to make use of that glitch and made him the primary author in my submission. I also kindly explained how it works to Xipo. He improved it even further and never asked my name to be dropped. But then, after a few years, suddenly it became a crazy problem. Interestingly he never replied to the explanation I provided there. Welp.
Now, he make the video, insult all the foreign tasers, propagate the video. We should prevent his behaviour. The best punish of him is cancle his movies in tasvideo?
Just to note this is a reprisal of this thread here.
Xipo was only putting out false information during that thread when all information was provided by TASeditor.
It's quite disappointing that even after their attack in another thread where they were clearly still in the wrong that they'll continue this.
It also should be known that when Soig was basically done with the site and creation of their TASes that Xipo also went after them.
This is quite a disappointing attitude that you've continued doing Xipo.
On the account of blind faith, I do hope there is a translated version of what is being stated in that video.
in China, xipo has a lot of enemies, his behavior is too bad, he is really shameless. All my translation about his attack foreign tasers video is true.
in 8m32s, xipo said”在申诉贴里面,我遭遇到了国外杠精疯狂的撕咬。在这里你看到的都是撒泼打滚,死皮赖脸,颠倒黑白”, means”in the complain post ,you could see foreign tasers bait, they are shameless, reversal fact”. Could xipo attack all the foreign taser? In SDA, attack someone should be cancled all the movies. Now, could manager cancle all the movies of xipo?
in 6m19s, xipo said”这种蛮横霸道只能欧美玩家干,其他人就不行。就在几年前,有位中国玩家也做过类似的事情,把欧美玩家的激龟忍者传项目做了剪切,只在官底的尾部加上自己的操作,结果被外国版权正义人士集体批判,现在当这个叫做feos的裁判官做出同样的事情的时候,之前那些版权正义人士却突然集体失了声,全部消失不见了,没有一个人提出质疑。更重要的是,我之后又做了进一步的改动,完全覆盖了这位feos玩家的方案,也就是说最终的成品里没有一帧是和feos有关系的,他没有任何一丝一毫的共享,这样的人也能厚着脸皮当合作者?不仅如此,这位feos的裁判官在之后的赤影战士洗稿案中,参与了袒护剽窃者的队伍,而当我拿着超级魂斗罗剪切事件嘲讽feos时,高素质的欧美玩家再一次使出他们惯用的抵赖本领,强行说feos是有贡献的(有你妹的贡献,你替我做主?)。再后来,可能是自己也觉得羞愧,feos居然在袒护案中假模假样地帮我讲了两句无关轻重的好话,这就是扮完黑脸扮白脸吗?)” It means, rude and unreasonable is belongs to European and American taser, others cannot. feos cannot appear the name in super C because he has no contribution, no any frame is related with feos, could this player of thick face be cooperator? Feos also protect taseditor in kage, feos is blackguard.
I can make the credits start faster without sacrificing any input time, but I was trying to make it maximum entertaining, and it didn't disappoint.
you can see this link xipo attack you
in 5m23s, you can see your name. xipo said very long discussion to attack you, means that "you only modify the stage 8, not pass his agreement, your name could not add in super C". the last sentence"国外玩家直接拿来剪切,这就是蛮横霸道“,meas”foreign taser cut the movie directly, rude and unreasonable". xipo ask chinese tasers attack you,attack all the foreign taser
In the link 1m44s, we can see”出尔反尔的恰恰是我们曾经认为高素质的欧美玩家”, means” European and American always break their promise” ,he attack all the European and American
in the link
you sees your name, xipo said, scumtron is the contributor in ng2, he said samsara break his promise. On the line 9 and 10, “我认为真正该抹去名字的恰恰应该是samsara”, means"xipo think samsara's name should be cancled in ng2, because samsara has no contribute in ng2, xipo attack samsara, and asked chinese tasers attack samsara
Requesting a delay on the submission while xipo and I re-investigate the movie for further improvements. There will be a new full encode when we're finished.
EDIT: Submission, text, and encode updated with the new file.
This is the link that xipo attack "Samsara", xipo's character is really bad, please manager cancle xipo's account,cancle xipo's movie. After some time I will translate what he said in this link
This is the link that xipo attack "feos", "TASeditor" and "Samsara", xipo's character is really bad, pls cancle his account,cancle his movie. After some time I will translate what he said in this link