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not sure if they will be intresting. i've played the pc version, but they're kinda easy to finish.
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hmmm i downloaded that one, to be honest it was real boring to watch. they really did a number going from that to prime (i've never played the other metroids) edit: oops that was the nes version i was talking about.
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maybe there's a secret password? "sesame open" :p
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allright, this is my run for level 1 and 2 (including the bosses). i've also written my comments per level and some tips for anyone else who wants to attempt this game (mostly because i got bored, i had to replay the vid so many times because i screwed up getting a save at level 2.4 and 2.5). your vid was a great help bisqwit (also the only vid i could find on the net, aside from a few console files, but they are useless to compare with). some of the stuff you did i would probably never have done if i hadnt seen it. i hope you like this vid so far :) except for two minibossfights, i tried to be at least as fast or faster then you did per act. i've tried to do some "fun idle" stuff (reverse direction in mid-air, etc). but i could've done much more. i usually dont think about doing it untill i watch the results :) tricks: beginners: - double forward is dash - avoid enemies where possible, they cost you about 2 frames delay per kill - the more sprites, the slower you go. this includes enemies, but especially goes for sparks, fireball effects (from that one enemy), ice effects, fast cannon-fire, caving-wall-effects and explosions. try to avoid these at all cost! - avoid: enemies where possible, enemies to use their abilities like beam and sparkle (this is a huge random factor, replay slightly different and the enemy might not use his effect!), breaking of blocks, slow floating, life-bar-powerups (tomato, drink), getting hit. - hi-jump appears not to reset your dash-status (like a normal jump does) - water levels suck. - wheel is your friend - fireball is your friend when wheel is not - randomization is only altered by YOUR keystrokes. so if you want something that is "random" differently, push different keys etc - two power giving enemies sucked in gives you mix (with slowdown this gives you any power you wish for). there are many opportunities to get mix, use them to your advantage (look ahead!) - the two beams in begin of level 1.1 are mix-able! this gives you wheel from the start :) - changing/absorbing a skill is slow. - wheel and fireball are probably your most used skills. hi-jump can be too, since it sometimes gives an opportunity for fast ascends. - UFO, while fun, is slow. - there is a glitch to keep UFO, even at the end of a level (finish a level, re-enter it, get ufo, press select and BEFORE the icon leaves the screen, but AFTER the star leaves kirby, press start and exit). incase you care :p - for the glitch to get infinite MIKE's (the 3x use mass destruction skill), at boss 2, kill the boss with 2 remaining mikes, and use mike on the spot where the staff-piece should appear. you'll pick up the staff, and the game will not update the mike uses counter. you'll keep mike untill you die or loose it. (not really useable in a speedrun, since you have a mix opportunity, the falling stones, before that nasty flying miniboss in 3.2) - for frame comparisson, take black screens as offset. the black screens between acts and levels, this way you can perfectly check your speed on a frame-level. - minibossfights are VERY random. - enemies respond differently to your vicinity, some turn around when you get close. - at level finishes, the "lower" jump to platform 7 is fastest. (there's also a slightly higher jump to platform 7, this is obviously slightly slower). advanced: - reverse wheel in air does not alter direction, and does not cause bumps to walls (it does deal dmg to enemies, and i believe more effective as well!) - changing direction in mid-air will mean you'll go that direction immidiately when touching ground (you can make "180 turns" over small gaps using this) - re-wheeling when an obstacle is hit, can be done perfect, this way you can overcome a 2 "block heigh" obstacle in 1 re-wheel, rather then two. press b exactly on impact, and hold it as long as possible to get the best result. - slide from edge for speed, possible to combo with a speed-float - a normal, level, slide is slower then dash - you can un-wheel in a very short distance, about 1.5 kirbies wide! while wheeling, press the opposite direction and un-wheel. this can be exploited a lot with miniboss fights (best example is the freeze boss in 1.4, you can use this trick right of him at the start of the fight!) - when getting a piece of the staff (boss killed), kirby WILL walk to the horizontal middle of the screen. try to land as close to this point as possible. 1.1: first example of mix (done quite fast). second act shows the profit of re-wheel trick (landing ON the second platform, rather then bumping it), but i later figured i should have tried sliding over the gap. third act shows slide-speed-float trick over gaps. 1.2: nice miniboss fight. 1.3: curse that jump creature at the end of act 3 :@. you'll wheel over the gap (onto the second platform) in the last act, but only if you hit the platform before (you can actually miss it if you wheel perfect). this was simply the fastest. 1.4: miniboss can be done slightly faster, but i couldnt reproduce bisqwits exact speed. i do make up for it with a nice finish :p watch kirby go leftright in the third act :) 1.5: boss might be able to be done slightly faster. the waiting period at the start is because you wont damage him if you go straight away. was lucky on the final hit precisely below, kirby always walks to the same horizontal position, thats why i make the seemingly long jump at the end. (at this point about 11 sec faster) 2.1: this is the best way to cross that gap in act one, period. purposely missing enemies in act 2 (watch how kirby goes thru the umbrella). 2.2: miniboss can be done "much" faster, but after many attempts and a desync of a good attempt i stayed with this one. in the end wheeling below is faster then going for the top. 2.3: i hate underwaterlevels (act 2). act 3 shows some nice wheel tricks. miniboss fight went nice (after desyncing TWICE), entering the door with some fireworks ;) 2.4: 6 acts! notice the quick left puff to avoid killing the flying enemy. miniboss might be improvable (random factor). last act is a sucky one, after trying several approaches (wheeling/running combos) this way appeared to be the best. 2.5: the two enemies i didnt kill in act 1 were purposely done so and not as straightforward as they might seem (tne un-wheel needed to be perfect, as well as the re-wheel to jump over the enemy). i have tried scene 3 completely differently. alot of jump/dashing/slide, but the only succesfull attempt was 200 frames slower then my fastest wheel version. also i couldnt reproduce the walk-dash version again (i couldnt get past that sword anymore, CURSE him :( that one time i managed to slip up right of him and go on without getting hit). wheeling the end part is slower then dashing it. its best to get hi-jump in act 4. try to demolish as few blocks as possible (explosion = slow), you can go up in a straight line. hi-jump will come in handy with the boss and wheel can be gotten back in 3.1. i took the powerup-delay for granted since the alternative (other side) was slower. 2.6: boss, i think i've done it pretty accuratly fast. i have tried several times for a mike, but as he only gets one painting done i havent gotten one so far. i usually got umbrella or cloud :( at first i wanted to do a mid-air dance (hi-jump for the staff, land on high platform) but this cost too much time as i couldnt land close to the edge :( and then i got this finish so i didnt even bother anymore :p (at this point about 24 sec faster) mix possibles (good ones): 1.1: act 1, first two beams (run the first beam offscreen then walk back so it turns your way). use this to get wheel from start. 1.3: act 3, the two flying fireballs at the begin. no real use, you should still have wheel 2.1: act 3, umbrella and beam (might be too slow). probably no use, but in case you gave up the wheel to beat the tree faster (you shouldnt have...) 3.1: act 1 umbrella and sword, act 2 with the stones 3.2: act 2, halfway there are 2 stones falling (one from above the spike). act 4 (tricky) the two freezeblowers. 3.4: act 3 (after miniboss), sword and umbrella 3.5: act 1, sword and sparkle (preferred over 3.4 because its probably faster)
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lets see i usually record @ 25% and a scaled window which is about 2.5x the 1x window size (i have 19", 1x is just too small). when playing back i usually play at 1x size and 300% to fastforward to where i was, then i change to 100%. but having to play the whole vid from start to end 100% every time will get the best of me you know :\
Post subject: fantasia desyncs
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uhm, what can be the cause? i've had about 4 desyncs in 6 levels, including ruining a miniboss fight i cant reproduce anymore, this is getting seriously bad :(
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i think the movies are more special to the maker of a movie, then anyone who watches it. perhaps comments could help (i remember seeing a topic about this somewhere else).
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omg after trying to beat the first main boss (that tree) faster and faster i suddenly rememberd the "reverse wheel trick", where you change the direction while wheeling mid-air. this trick shaves off a few frames while going down (combined with un-wheel and re-wheeling, which was even faster). it shaved off about 3 seconds when doing the main boss. when you hit the tree, and bounce off, rewheel and THEN change direction. you'll "slide" down the tree but still hit it (when the timer allows you). this way you can bump up and slide down. you can also save time (frames) going for the staff. kirby always walks to a specific space (horizontal). if you are sliding down with the last hit, you can wheel towards the middle, to make the ending just a little shorter.
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ok. bisqwit, my new attempt :) look particulary at level 1.2 scene 1. the re-wheel over the first obstacle is the trick i mentioned. the effect is noticeable particulary in this scene, because later, this trick makes wheeling more effective then run/jumping (i have tried both, and wheeling proved slightly better). try to to the part at the cannon, that's not very easy to do. as you can see, i've taken your advice and tried to avoid destroying enemies where possible (although sometimes randomness makes this impossible at some times, where it is possible at other times...). also i believe i've taken every door "perfect". this one is 3 secs faster then the one of two days ago (for the two levels) :)
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hmmm its only because for some reason it desynced one, appearantly, one byte (but no matter i had to re-do the whole next part anyways). but even in such a case its not allowed? and i didnt know it wasnt allowed at all here?
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!!!!!! ok, i had a great run, and i was looking back at it, and suddenly it went out of sync (at the skimp over the water, first gap with water you encounter). so i re-did that untill the end, and the number of frames to the end was EXACTLY the same, so i pasted the begin part to the rest i had. as offset to paste i used the jump (you were correct, it is much easier in 60fps) to the clouds. these too were an exact match. at first it looked good, the re-wheel timings in part 1.2 were perfect, but then at the first mini-boss fight he desyncs (which is a damn shame, that was a GREAT boss fight :() so are there any known desync issues? because this is even worse then anything else... PS. keep in mind that i couldnt playback your fmv either...
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i finally managed to do what you did, that fast slide over the gap into a float thing. very nice my final for level 1.1 is now 47s 2839f moving on :p
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ok i'm using the 60fps version now, and started over once again, going very slow (even slower then before) figuring some things out, stuff thats faster etc. while doing so i noticed that the trick i mentioned before was still possible, just needs a precise timing (i dont know if that's due to the rom, or simply me not doing it perfect enough 2 days ago, but w/e) ok if you want to practice this, its a small trick but can save you a few frames, even half of seconds: in scene 2 of the first level, there is a three level obstacle (bisqwit jumps over it in his vid, its right in the beginning) wheel towards it, and time the re-wheel on impact perfectly with the impact. if you do this properly, you will land ON the second level, rather then hitting the corner of it. if you do the next re-wheel perfect as well, you will jump with about "half a kirby" over the highest level. if you dont do it correct you'll shortly skimp over the top, and if you do it once you will just miss the top. now i've did a few re-runs to see whats faster, because the airtime appears to be slower, but in fact its not, at least according to my tests. i have the bad luck that in my run the last enemy always ignites so there's a few laggy frames there (but all the testruns had that so np there). to do or not to do this trick perfect on this hill was a matter of about 7 frames (not much, but hey) the plus is that this means you can get OVER 2 level obstacles, which is profitable in level 2 i believe. anyhow... :) my first two quick attempts stranded on 48s for level 1 (2888 and 2880 frames) but this one is going to be much faster (i think), its about 4 seconds faster then the level 1 in the vid :p
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its nice, but i must say that about halfway i kinda had it. i did see it all the way to the end though (heh feating kong halfway thru the vid was surprising :) but there is a lot of the same over and over again.
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snes pad is the best imo, but for emulation i use keyboard and any pad with a stick should be burned, killed and destroyed (twice, just to be safe). i hate all of them, bah.
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i'm up for a change to a emu that's still being developped, but that's not up to me personally, famtasia is annoying me more and more.
Post subject: time in famtasia
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is it possible to display the timer and/or the frames on screen? whenever i press ? or help in the debugger famtasia crashes but this would make it so much easier to compare times. its virtually impossible or very time consuming to compare times right now... so a timer of the current vid, and frame counter (or either), would rock :)
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hm i dont know about the differences in roms i DID notice however, that i suddenly was unable to execute a move that i was able to execute before (crossing a 3 block obstacle, in two wheels, rather then 3). the 60fps patch makes the application behaviour very erradic, and heavy on system resources, especially with altering running speed (which i use a lot to get to the last part done fast (speed 999, skip 999 frames)). but if you never played kirby before you created that first speedrun, i bow to your skills :p the stuff so far cost me about.... 6 hours i think, and look at what i got... btw, your fmv desyncs on both roms i've got. is the difference much? what did you mean by lags, and how did you do better at doors? i turn off music, for one i've played most of this at 25% so music is suck anyhow, second, the music throws off the emulator when it runs at high speeds, and third i dont need it either way :)
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ok level1 complete i started out pretty good compared to your vid, but i just cant match your speed of chapter 4, and i'm one "tick" behind the boss as well (i have tried many many times). i have started out on my own, then compared the result with your vid (often disappointed ;) i've used some of the tricks i saw (like the sub-boss in chapter 4) overall i probably saved most time in the first chapter, obtaining the mix, and in the end i'm just a few seconds faster then you (4 or something) i'm annoyed by having to watch my entire speedrun a gazillion times just to check speed, or to catch a savegame or whatever so i dont know when i'll continue. bisqwit can you check whether you can actually play this fmv, so i wont be doing this for nothing :\ i think i have the right rom this time. ty oh yeah and i get the 7jump chapter finishes by manual editing (i've concluded that it's just not possible otherwise, at least not with my emu)
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well i dont know about you, but i mainly only visit the forums, directly, not thru the frontpage ( so i dont see the news no and i dont see a problem with the news being added to the forum quickly tbh...
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could it be possible that new video additions are announced in the forum? that way we can easily see when a new video is added, or an old one replaced by a better one... perhaps a seperate forum for these announcements, that would also allow comments to be done on each individual video.... just a thought
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how many proper ps2 emulators are there? and how many of those can record?
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o_0 how can i forget smashbrothersmelee although i am still unable to defeat that final boss (ok, plural, level 51), i have done all the rest. they really ought to release a second version of that game. i think its one of the best games i've played on the cube, or at least one that doesnt bore once you've finished it.
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hmmmmmmm i'm all for these special types of runs, but i do still think that the runs should not contain deaths... now i dont know this game, and i dont know whether its absolutely unavoidable unless it is done this way to avoid points, and if so.... well i dont know, but otherwise no deaths period.