This run was just brought to my attention. Absolutely incredible. I did have to stop watching midway through to read up on how you skipped the badge checks - while still jaw-dropping at the aptly named "Brock through Walls" glitch.
Overall a little disappointing. By glitching a Gengar so early, this run requires very little manipulation, but yet many of the places which do are clearly sub-optimal (see, for example, 8:10 and 23:35). The ending is also rather unsatisfying, but I suppose that can't be helped.
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On my real pokemon red i figured out that during the trainer-fly glitch, fighting a goldeen gives you staryu instead of mew.
fighting a butterfree gives you a chansey,
fighting the bug catcher north of vermillion, with 2 weedles and a caterpie, glitches part of the nugget bridge team rocket member dialog and gets you fighting a wild grimer.
i caught all three plus mew.
This FAQ might be useful:
The Jr. Trainer's Goldeen in the Cerulean Gym is not the Mew trigger, but rather the Swimmer's Shellder. I think you'll find it to be quite a bit faster than the Youngster on Rt. 24 (less backtracking, etc.).
EDIT: Updated the link to something that actually works.
I know Nitsuja did the rerecording features of the version I have, so maybe Nitsuja, if you want to, can you (or anyone else who can program for that matter) add a memory watch feature to Visualboy Advance if it hasn't been done already.
It's there. Tools -> Debug -> Memory Viewer. Opens a child window where you can view specific memory addresses. I typically jump to CFE0 while manipulating battles. FFD3 and FFD4 are also useful if you are manipulating a specific random encounter. Check out the Pokémon Tricks page, maintained by FractalFusion, for further explaination if you haven't already done so.
To re-iterate what FractalFusion said, if you want to do a Glitch-Free run, you should definitely fight the extra battle to get your Charmander to level 9 before fighting Brock. If you've decided to skip Pewter Gym, then just go straight through with a level 7 to Route 3 (in my current run, I fight the Lass with two pokémon, and then back track to Pewter, instead of fighting the Bug Catcher with 4. This is actually a slower option (~60 frames or so slower), an I only do so because it prevents my Charmander from evolving in Mt. Moon. If you skip Pewter Gym, fighting the Bug Catcher would be a better way to go (unless it saves a level up, which it very well might. You'll need to experiment)). Also, when are you planning to catch Mew exactly? In my original Pokémon Red run, I gliched a Mew at the earliest possible point in Cerulean. Later I found, that since an Abra is not necessary to return from Vermillion (as Escape Rope can be used inside the Pokémon Fan Club building), that glitching a Gyarados in Mt. Moon is a much faster option (as can be seen in my previous two submissions).
EDIT: Also the current re-recording version is v20. It emulates a bit slower than v19.x, but apparently this is the 'correct' emulation behavior.
A while ago, I noticed a youtube user account rogueyoshi, which consists largely of TASes taken from this site, many of which containabsolutelynodescriptionwhatsoever (and worse, all of the videos linked to were posted at least 4 months ago). I was going to have my TAS removed and/or have the account suspended, until it was pointed out to me that this site actually links directly to that user's account several times (see: Diddy King Racing or Zelda: A Link to the Past). I guess this means whoever's account it is has at very least editor priviledges here. They should definitely get around to describing these movies in a better fashion than "I'll describe these later..."
Not only is this the fastest completion ever, for any version, it also doubles as a catch 'em all xD
Nitpicky: you waste two frames existing your house. When exiting a building, if you are one tile away from the door, you will exit two frames earlier. Yes, as I said, nitpicky. But you know, if you're going to run billions of iterations just to save a few frames on your random encounter, there's no sense in throwing two frames away needlessly.
And I do agree that this should replace the Doko Kashira Door run. Both runs attempt to warp directly to the hall of fame in the fastest manner possible. Not only that, this run is of a version that most viewers are familiar with.
I think the only objection that anyone could possibly have is the use of save file corruption, which requires a hard reset. Barring that, I see no reason why this run shouldn't be published.
Yes vote.
One question, why can't you "chain" trainer/fly glitches? What does this mean at all (chaining trainer/fly glitches)?
The idea is that you would use a pokémon produced from one trainer/fly glitch as the 'trigger' for the second; in this instance to produce a Ditto the first time, allow it to use transform on a pokémon with the special you actually want, and the complete a second trainer/fly glitch. The problem is, you would need to have both active at once, and completely the first cancels the second, unfortunately.
I've done some experimentation with reproducing this glitch in Pokémon Blue, and it does work. However, a problem I've been experiencing is that after 10 step, one of my pokémon 'faints', at which point the game locks up. Perhaps this is because of where/how I'm performing the glitch? Another value I've found to work, other than the four hanzou mentioned, is 200 (hex C8). This is particularly interesting, because the endless inventory is activated during the battle (without even needing to deposit a pokémon and healing). I'll be experimenting a bit more later and posting an example vid.
Perhaps I spoke too soon? I should probably test that just to be sure... it might provide better opportunites for other trainer/fly glitching. But yeah, since two of them cannot be chained, this wouldn't work in this particular instance.
I don't know if anyone brought this up, but it seems Growth and Amnesia raise the Special number used for Trainer-Fly (I deduced it from Growl lowering the Attack in memory).
Bellsprout has Growth as a default move, but I don't know if its Special allows Growth to hit 76.
That's not quite right. Growl lowers the attack modifier, which may be in the range of [1,13]. It doesn't actually lower the attack. Growth and Amnesia function similarly with the special modifier.
Having Ditto late in the game is a real drawback, but there are other possibilities for getting an enemy pokemon to do Transform. What about Metronome? What about learning Transform then getting an enemy to do Mirror Move? What about learning Metronome then getting an enemy to do Mirror Move?
All very good suggestions. What I was thinking was after the first Snorlax skip, heading down the coast to Route 13, and encountering a Ditto there. If one were lucky enough (luck. right.) to have the Fly HM in the glitched item list, this would not be a problem. I hadn't considered Transform/Mirror Move, but that could potentially be faster.
hanzou wrote:
gia wrote:
you could skip Gary's rematch at Viridian.
Doesn't primo already skip this in the published run?
If you do not have all 8 badges, Gary will not appear.
Unfortunately, Dittos first appear relatively late in the game.
Well, Ditto has a hex number of 4C (76), so it could also be acquired with trainer/fly.
Hmm, that's interesting. Although I don't think it's possible to have two active trainer-fly glitches (it's possible to set up two, but I'm pretty sure that completing one cancels the other). Also, believe it or not, 76 is a very high value.
As a side note, I have discovered no less than 11 walk-through-walls items similar in effect to RIVAL's. I do have a question for Hanzou though. In your example vbm, had you already visited Indigo Plateau, or was there a glitch item which allowed you to Fly there after use? I wasn't able to locate such an item.
There's two things I didn't get.
1) Why the Tentacruel?
Edit: I guess I've found the answer to the first question myself. It's done to skip the second Relaxo.
That's it exactly.
Kuwaga wrote:
2) Why isn't it faster to got to the Safari Zone the second time before getting the Secret Key?
It would be, except that using Escape Rope (or Dig) cancels the Safari Zone step counter. For this reason, one would have to walk back out of the Cinnibar Mansion, and there just aren't enough steps to do this, and to complete the Cinnibar Gym afterwards. Another option would be to do the WTW glitch three times (once for Sabrina, once for Blaine, and once for Victory Road), but this would be quite a bit slower.
Zowayix wrote:
How else does this glitch affect the game. I didn't know it could spawn items or badges.
This glitch also changes the number of items the game thinks you have in your inventory, to something very large. This means that the game is pulling items from locations in memory which do not actually contain items, which can result in several useful glitch items (such as the item which grants all badges, for example).
Now I just need to experiement with the endless inventory glitch to see if I can get the items I need (glitch all badges item, walk through walls item). Additionally, Alakazam glitched to level 100 seems like an ideal candidate for the Ditto glitch setup.
Hanzou made me aware of this glitch a while ago, although at the time, I didn't quite realize the implications of it. It's basically (yet another) extension of the Trainer-Fly glitch. If the last pokémon you battled had a special of 251, 252, 254, or 255, it will result in a glitched trainer battle. This battle can be ended by using an item, such as a Poké Ball. After healing, and depositing one pokémon, the number of items you have in your inventory can increase to a very large number (usually 20 is maximum). This means that the game will be pulling items from an area in memory which doesn't really contain items at all, which can result in having several glitch items. Certain glitch items are very interesting, such as a Surf Board, Walk-Through-Walls item (there are actually several), and an item which grants all badges when used.
A problem, is of course, battling a pokémon with a high enough special. That's where the Ditto glitch comes in. Kadabra is a fading-experience pokémon which at level 100 can have a special of 252 and 254. By encountering a Ditto and allowing him to transform, this will complete the setup. Also, because Kadabra has an internal ID of 38, glitching one early on shouldn't be too much of an issue.
Unfortunately, Dittos first appear relatively late in the game. However, a run done in this manner would difinitely be under the 1 hour mark, and most likely closer to 45 minutes.
Most excellent. Now I just need to experiement with the endless inventory glitch to see if I can get the items I need (glitch all badges item, walk through walls item). Additionally, Alakazam glitched to level 100 seems like an ideal candidate for the Ditto glitch setup.
Thomaz wrote:
I can shave of at least 1 or maybe even 2 minutes with some luck of my current run or if I use a different route (maybe even Take Down? o_O).
I haven't watched your new run yet (although I will be, and leaving feedback here), but I think that using Take Down will be easier to include in your run than you think. Recoil is exactly 1/4 damage done rownded down. Since trainer pokémon always have the same HP, it shouldn't be so difficult to plan exactly which to kill with Take Down. In real time, this could mean that some things could go wrong, but you seem the techniques down pretty well ;)
After a seemingly weird start, I walk back to the guy and he mysteriously dissappeared! :)
Combining this with the Walk through Walls glitch (explained later), I skip Brock completely.
Later, I found out it could be done faster, 29 seconds could be shaved off. Maybe in the future? ;)
Just a suggestion, if you plan to make a new run that will skip Pewter Gym...
There was this part of the run where you were biking around in circles in Celadon, then fought the gym there, then flew to Viridian, deposited your pokemon, and finally did WTW on the ledge.
Instead of biking around in circles, I thought you could go do the invisible PC in Celadon and deposit your pokemon. It'd add a bit to the entertainment factor.
Just a thought. :)
This is an awesome suggestion, and actually doesn't waste any time at all. I will definitely be doing in future runs. Just another thing to make people say, "WTF?" That being said, I won't be making another run just for the Pewter Gym skip, as it doesn't save all that much time, and the last hour or so would be visually identical. But another time saving glitch and/or route change would warrent another run.
EDIT: Scratch that. This has a minor problem. I cannot deposit the other Pokémon until after completely the Gym, because I need to cut down the small bush.
bundat wrote:
Using soup's game, I disabled two areas with this little trick just to see if you can disable multiple areas.
(north and east routes of Vermillion)
Here's a VBA save file:
I'm not sure what use this might be though, but it may be useful to skip some NPCs that block you may be? And still have your start button?
This is interesting in at least a couple places. The last two trainers in Mt. Moon cannot be skipped, because with deactivated buttons, I can't pick up one of the fossils which block the path. Rt. 25 (the route right before Bill's) has an awful lot of trainers. It'd be nice to be able to skip them. And lastly, Victory Road. If one could figure out a way to deactivate events, the game could be completely collecting exactly 2(!) badges.
However, I don't think the last two of these are possible, as there isn't a suitable glitch trainer. As for Mt. Moon, is the effect caused because you flew away and died of poison? Or because you were in the middle of the Glitch City glitch?
The beginning of a hilarious series of videos in which a person attempts to play a hacked version of SMB. In the hack, you're in constant turbo mode, doing anything besides running on ground, jumping, entering a pipe or hitting the flagpole will kill you, and you must match tool-assisted times with an at most 100 frame margin of error. Sistermind does all levels across twelve or so videos, and the editing is quite brilliant.
find the rest in the related section.
New favorite SMB hack, although a lot of the levels need to be tweaked, as they had far too much time left over (6-1 and 6-3 are good examples). I need this in cartridge form.