Posts for neo_sporin

Joined: 3/14/2013
Posts: 1
So I have started to run this game NON-TAS and was hoping you TASers might be able to answer a question or two. 1) The critical strike--what are the specific mechanics (ie, what determines if it does 2 damage vs 3 or more) from my view it seems its strictly based on how long the sword stays in the boss as it really just decreases its invincibility frames between attacks. 2) On boss 3 does a quick kill appear possible for a human? Every attempt seems to fall 1 attack short, it seems you currently do a small move to the left to avoid his hit, is that before or after you've killed him (always hard to tell on frame perfect movements) Currently my time is 14:58 but I know I can break 13:45 if I stop choking, having trouble figuring out the rest of the time saves that are human possible Edit: So in reading the notes from the original video that explains a bit more about the critical strikes, I guess back to the drawing board for me.