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The video with extended hud is good.
In fact, I am very lazy that I only check and improve my movie for little time, quality is low,My movie needs a lot of improve,The improvement point that caitsith2 talk is all true, For another example when i am ice mountain,In the memory game,Just because of my bad skill,After the third round I can not let each point locked in an orrexium through control luck.And it's going to need a lot of details processing in my movie,I'll contine to make it,and try to make it perfect.I aslo going to collected XY item to correct the mistakes.
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Movie File Download:http://www.multiupload.nl/3WQ1OAFS9G
I'd like to improve my movie BUT,
I think my movie is not enough entertainment.
Or the game doesn't suit to make a TAS.
How to do next?
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Playing time:47:20.80
Rerecord count:85120
Rom:Battle Kid 2 - Mountain of Torment (U)
Emulator:FCEUX 2.1.6
This is my first time making jump game's movie,Unable to avoid inadequacies,so I will improve my movie later
I can't upload AVI file to youtube(Although I can enter) Hope someone can help me upload it.......link to video:http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNjY5NDM4ODI0.html
AVI file download:http://pan.baidu.com/s/1hqKEP6G
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True wrote:
Does not sync on console.
Desyncs at a similar spot that the recently obsoleted submission did - at the orange pillar at the spike + railcar segment in Area 9. Protagonist doesn't leave ceiling. Maybe some frameplay could get it to sync.
Edit: In fact, I just looked at console vs emulator, and another change is that the third guy doesn't get hit on console, but the protagonist ends up going under him... so there's some emulation inaccuracies here...
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JXQ wrote:
That is brilliant for the 3-Way gun boss. I wonder, though, if you tried either of these additional ideas:
- If you fall from your position and shoot in mid-fall, would all 3 shots hit? If yes, you might be able to save a little more time for the last shots (or maybe periodically throughout the whole fight as you continuously drop and regrab the ceiling?).
- If yes to the above, what is the cool down time for that gun if all 3 bullets are "absorbed"? If the gun can shoot again as soon as all 3 shots are gone (rather than having to wait for a set number of frames), you might be able to drop from your hanging spot and get a lot of quick shots off during that fall.
Of course I have tried it,But no matter what I tried,The system always suffered two bullets,Then I test the three-way gun,I discovered only in attack large objects(the boss plane from Area 5 or 10)It can hit three bullets,Finally I am sure, large object can suffered three bullets,But the system is not the "large object".
And in this game weapon damage is related to the size of the object, Such as the use of rocket launcher can use only one bullet to kill the boss plane.
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mklip2001 wrote:
I can't watch this now, but it's great to see there are more improvements! The generator of Area 7 sounds utterly genius.
nEilfox, when you describe position, are you talking about subpixels? Or is this a game that changes position in some unusual way to avoid using subpixels (sort of like Super Mario Land 2)?
This may be unique to this game,When I test other games, I do not find these things will affect the performance of some characters, in this game, moving in the air of each frame will cause after the fall of the position change! Sometimes it is the game's time attack brought great convenience.But I can't found the rules of Position change, so this is just a probable conjecture.