Posts for mozilla-firefoo

Experienced Forum User
Joined: 7/26/2008
Posts: 3
hmm, i did something wrong during my first attempt. i compiled version 1.43 again. the problem is, that now the binary file isn't even capable of playing a normal rom with "snes9x a.smc". is it normal, that the patched version of snes9x can't start normal roms?
Experienced Forum User
Joined: 7/26/2008
Posts: 3
thx for your answers do i also have to do the video conversion stuff if i just wanna watch the video via snes9x? i already installed snes9x version 1.43 on my system (and deleted 1.51). i think i got the right rom version because of the "checksum ok". here is what i did:
snes9x a.smv a.smc
Rate: 22050, Buffer size: 2048, 16-bit: yes, Stereo: yes, Encoded: no
Found ROM file header (and ignored it).
"CHRONO TRIGGER" [checksum ok] HiROM, 32Mbits, Type: ROM+RAM+BAT, Mode: 21, TV: NTSC, S-RAM: 8KB, ROMId: ACTE Company: C3 CRC32: 2D206BF7
but it still just runs the game instead of running the video.
Post subject: running smv videos under linux
Experienced Forum User
Joined: 7/26/2008
Posts: 3
Hey guys. I want to watch some of the speedruns from The problem is that i have no idea how to open the *.smv video files under linux. are the any linux users here who can tell me how it works? i would appreciate it a lot. :)