Posts for magmapeach

Published Author, Player (163)
Joined: 3/5/2015
Posts: 1
I feel like I should chime in on the issue of air sliding. Having played the game (multiple times), there are quite a few places (some required, some alternate paths, some bonus E-tanks and extra lives) throughout the game where air sliding is, to me, the obviously intended solution. Picking apart the level design in the robot master stages in particular seems misguided at best. To suggest that air sliding wasn't the intended solution because you might happen to have rush jet (no, you don't start the game with rush jet; you could very well do all of the robot master stages before getting it and I'm sure Tsukikuro was aware of this) or because you could do a more difficult to execute, more precise slide jump just seems nonsensical. Harder/less obvious/more complex/possibly unavailable solutions don't invalidate the creator's intent and I feel like playing the game gives a much better idea of how the levels are designed than watching a fast-paced TAS. Having worked through the levels myself in both a casual setting and a TAS setting, suggesting that the levels were designed with no thought at all of air sliding or that all it does is serve to make the game easy is almost insulting to the creator in my eyes. Feel free to disagree. That's just my two cents on the matter.