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Kyrsimys wrote:
One question though: You bump twice into a leaf on the roof. Why not just destroy it? Does it have something to do with the timing of the leaf that you use to get over the next gap?
one of the biggest problem with this game is the level ending sekvenses is a bit random, thats why i bounce the leaf, i think only lost 3 frames on it. couldnt do anything at the some problem after beating tom the third time, there i lost 13 frames :(
FrostyTheDragon wrote:
I didn't follow the trick discussion topic, so I will ask - what's with some of the random marble throws? Is that some special jump trick?
yes, doing anything while jumping lets u make a extreme mirco jump.
JXQ wrote:
The music is always horrible - it's got the instruments from Treasure Master, but it throws that into the gutter by constantly changing tempos and "instruments"...bleh
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FrostyTheDragon wrote:
Although I'm curious... it says in the submission text you actually lost time on 1-3 and 2-3. As these are both boss fights, and I don't see any explanations anywhere, I'm wondering how you lost that time. Is there some sort of 'fadeout lag'-like scenario going on?
i watched it again and i most have miss calculated, first tom fight i dont think i lose any frame, but in the second i lose 4 frames.
mayby the freeze-fade to black after the last hit is a bit random?
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the big cheese only restores 1 heart and in level 4-1 its like Kyrsimys says to aviod fall damage.
Twisted Eye: cheese awarded comes at level 1-2 because thats the only level you cant avoid to take small cheeses.
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moozooh: dont know, but i notice now that the everybody using (u) roms, so ill do it to next time :D
JXQ: yes i choose to wait sometimes, becurse the enemies moves around and you can walk right trough them :D