Posts for kolechovski

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The movie keeps desycing for me in the attic. What version of FCE should I be using? It didn't mention any, so I just used fceu-0.98.15-rerecording. What ROM was used? The checksum matched, so I assumed the vid would work, but Gomez keeps killing himself up there.
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I ran out of time, so you'll have to wait until Monday to see what I've got. Sorry...couldn't help that. BTW, that's a nice new look for Mega Man, Vatch. Nice vid.
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Since Sleepz's link expired, you'll have to just look for it. In other words, head back...all the way back near the beginning, and look for an opening in the trees. It's the entrance to the park. Feel free to use the rest rooms while your there and flush Blade down the toilet. (No, the game won't allow you inside the rest rooms...all that food you've been eating and you can't even dispose of the remains...those programmers are mean.)
Life is like a box of chocolates-when you want peanut butter, all you get is coconut.
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!!! Oh, you mean those scissors thingies. I bet you're referring to the way your Elec Blast bounces back in a spread pattern. The same happens when you nail Cut Man with the beam, though he still gets hurt. However, this is a different type of shredding than what I'm referring to. Basically, if you've used the Select button often after launching a beam, you'll see fragments rip apart from the beam and go on their own. Sometimes, even without pausing, pieces will appear where they shouldn't. Tomorrow, you'll see in my battles with Bomb Man that sometimes I am hitting him without even throwing additional beams. FADV will be especially helpful, but I already have many frame-by-frame pics, so you'll see what I mean. You can also try it yourself, and see if pieces appear in odd places.
Life is like a box of chocolates-when you want peanut butter, all you get is coconut.
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IIRC, once you're up off the screen and standing on solid material, jump twice, then try to climb.
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Pac Men??? I don't recall anything like that?
Life is like a box of chocolates-when you want peanut butter, all you get is coconut.
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Hey, I've got a bunch more bugs, but I ran out of time this morning and didn't get to copy my Nesticle videos/screenshots, so I'll have those ready tomorrow. Although some thingies demonstrated in the vids are well known, you'll also see a few weird things happen in some videos/pics. First, I can confirm that those additional Mega Man mirages that appear at the end of the Ice Man battle are related to the Elec Beam. I've recreated that many times, though the number/location/how-long-appearance-lasts depends on the way the beam was fired/positioned. In the Bomb Man battle, I was able to make up to 3 more of them. I've also confirmed that the fragments of the beam that sometimes seperate are just as Mega Man and bosses. Now to figure out what causes the seperation... Now an issue I've been dealing with in both Elec Man and Bomb Man battles are mysterious warps happening. Twice in Elec Man's room, when he was at the right wall, he suddenly warped to the left wall, as if he got stuck inside and ejected. I failed to catch these on video. In the Bomb Man battles, Mega Man is the one doing the warping, and he doesn't need to be near a wall. He also glitches during the warp, and one of the square sound channels screws up after this. I've got many examples of this happening in the vids. If nobody knows about this stuff or why it happens, well, you'll see what I mean by tomorrow. None of it will likely be useful in a normal game, but's some freaky stuff.
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Guess it's a well known thingy then. Nevermind. Kinda a fun level to screw around with though.
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Hey, did anyone encounter a World 0? I just loaded a "bad" version (according to the emulator) and it started me in World 0-1, an underwater fortress where you have to choose the right paths. There was no Bowser or Toad at the end though, although I still got the Thank You/Princess in another castle speech. Is this one of those junk worlds, or is this ROM really evil? Oh, and it won't let me continue any firther, and in this instance, it doesn't matter what paths you choose, though the uppers are sealed.
Life is like a box of chocolates-when you want peanut butter, all you get is coconut.
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Flying bloopers, eh? I've heard something about them. Can you stomp them like a regular enemy since they're out of water?
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Whoops...never saw any others...must have fallen onto the other pages. Sorry.
Life is like a box of chocolates-when you want peanut butter, all you get is coconut.
Post subject: Ogre Battle-MOTBQ
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Anyone interested in a run of this game? I don't see any listing for it yet. Or doesn't anybody know about this game? Or would it be a boring go-straight-to-boss-and-slaughter-him kind of thingy? Because you could do a get-all-character run or something. Any thoughts?
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"The whole idea of a warpless run is that the viewer can actually see all the levels being played, though, so in my opinion at least, "warpless" means "no use of warping glitches", too." -well, why not have a warpless run that abuses glitches to skip levels, and an all-level run that doesn't skip the stages? Remember that even in the warpless run, huge shortcuts are still being taken, so the whole stage isn't being completed. As for Toad runing faster when he carries something, think of it this way. Locomotives can run fast, but they often have weight intentionally added. This gives better traction, and can get trains moving better/faster. Maybe the weight that Toad carries gives him better traction and allows him to move faster that way. Eh?
Life is like a box of chocolates-when you want peanut butter, all you get is coconut.
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I looked at his other ones...if I'd have seen those fake shots for those other games, I would've known not to bother trying to get to the other "levels" he showed. And that 1/2 block could I not have noticed that? It was so obvious. Well, thanks. Now for another question...I thought somebody said somewhere that there were many worlds in that game beyond the normal 8, likely junk levels like the "minus" world. Is this true?
Life is like a box of chocolates-when you want peanut butter, all you get is coconut.
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parrot, could you repost those? I'd like to see them, but the 7-day limit has passed and those links expired.
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Perhaps a full amazing run is a good idea, eh? A little of every trick?
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Fake, eh? That sucks. How did he make those screenshots? Those looked pretty real.
Life is like a box of chocolates-when you want peanut butter, all you get is coconut.
Experienced Forum User
Joined: 1/13/2006
Posts: 109 Can anybody reproduce this? I've just tried all possible routes getting all coins and it didn't work for me.
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I didn't even know anyone had already started this run...I was just about to make a suggestion for it. C'mon, don't give up!
Life is like a box of chocolates-when you want peanut butter, all you get is coconut.
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Hey guys, I've got a slight bug thingy to show here...nothing special, but it shows that the fireballs aren't a solid red like one might think they are...instead they depend on Mega Man's color. I've made a few vids in level 5 to show these. Also included is a minor bug that allows you to repeat Quick Man's dying animation, and a graphical bug from when you cream Flash Man when he launches the Time Freeze. I was going to include pics for you non-Nesticle users, but I'm out of time right now...maybe tomorrow I'll have them ready. edit-Well, thanks to computer problems, I ain't gonna have those pics until 2 weeks from now. You'll have to wait.
Life is like a box of chocolates-when you want peanut butter, all you get is coconut.
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Keep up the good work. If you have any fcms of the bugs, feel free to post them. All my DW2 saves are from Nesticle, so I don't have a decent way of quickly reproducing these.
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"I was under the impression that the flying bomb thing had respawned there, and he had just been sucked into it by the pipe" -actually, when you go through a pipe that has an enemy in the way, you just pass in front of the enemy...when you go past it, it will disappear behind the pipe for a moment, so they can't hurt you anyways.
Life is like a box of chocolates-when you want peanut butter, all you get is coconut.
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"When you run from the gremlins in Lianport, the battle basically just starts up again." -How exactly does this happen? Do you even leave the battle screen? Or does the conversation repeat, plunging you back into battle? When you run from the lighthouse gremlines, do they return when you reenter the tower, or are they gone forever? When you disgrace yourself in front of the king, is there any way to get him to offer another chance at the tiger?
Life is like a box of chocolates-when you want peanut butter, all you get is coconut.
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Tub, just so you know, it doesn't cost time at the tally-up screen. If you collect no crystals, you still spend the same amount of time on that screen as if you got 'em all.
Life is like a box of chocolates-when you want peanut butter, all you get is coconut.
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This compy couldn't handle that picture very well, either. I wonder why? I don't see how such a small pic could nearly freeze this thing.
Life is like a box of chocolates-when you want peanut butter, all you get is coconut.