Posts for kazene

Joined: 3/14/2016
Posts: 2
Toothache wrote:
No. All decisions about inputs are made by a player. Bots will be used occasionally for repetitive tasks or to make manipulation of RNGs easier, but ultimately the decision is left to a human as to what inputs are selected. A fully automated TAS hasn't been made yet as far as I know, but it could happen sometime.
This is exactly the same as what i discussed with him, so he started to search and found that there is a concept called TAS-bot and TAS is achieved by bot, human can't do such gameplay even with slow motion and S/L. Such a fool.
Post subject: Can we classify the player in TAS video as AI?
Joined: 3/14/2016
Posts: 2
Can we classify the player in TAS video as AI? Someone discussed this topic with me, what do you think?