Posts for jpmccord

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Joined: 6/13/2008
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Location: Georgia, USA
Usually, I want both, because for many games it doesn't make sense to have one without the other. Consider a game like Super Mario Bros or Donkey Kong Country... When I first got it, I just wanted to play it through. If I accidentally found a shortcut, I made sure to avoid it on my second time through the game just to see what I missed. But then I looked for those things on future re-plays. So of course for these games, I want both. (And in Mario's case, I want every variety of a run I can get my hands on.) Of course, I have no interest in extraordinarily long 100% runs when much of the extra time is spent on tedious tasks like repetitive battles or item collecting. I'm thinking RPG's mostly, here. Grand Theft Auto might be an exception though...
Post subject: Just chiming in...
Experienced Forum User
Joined: 6/13/2008
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Location: Georgia, USA
Since Mario can skip entire worlds without warping, NSMB is very different from other Mario games. Naturally these two runs seem most obvious: * Any% (fastest possible defeat of Bowser) * 100% (recommended order: 1, 2, 3, World 2 castle as mini Mario, 4, 5, 6, World 5 castle as mini Mario, 7, 8) The question is whether there is any need for a third run that hits in between... A no-warps run that allows shortcuts through a world but no warps to another world. This means TAS'ers would have to decide whether World 3 is faster than World 4, and whether World 6 is faster than World 7. Naturally there will be disagreement, but in general I figure if there is demand for it and someone is willing to put it together, then it deserves to be shared... even if such a run might not make the cut for most games. I mean, this is Mario after all.
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Location: Georgia, USA
I suppose that's the answer I was looking for. Maybe not the one I was hoping for, but if what you say is true then it's good enough reason not to do the run. I'll probably toy around with that hack and see if I spot any significant or entertaining differences though...
Post subject: Tails in Sonic 1?
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Location: Georgia, USA
I have seen the hacked Sonic 1 TAS featuring Knuckles. It's obvious that Knuckles is different enough from Sonic that his run is more than just a boring duplicate. So the question is, can the same be said about Tails? That is, would his flying offer any improvement over a standard run? There is a hack that replaces Sonic with Tails available on, here. Even if a TAS would never see the light of day, that can still provide some extra Sonic 1 fun. I apologize for making a request. I know it's not exactly good form, and this post can be deleted if necessary. I just wanted the idea to know whether the idea was worth pursuing. I'd give it a try myself except I don't have the time or skills for it, unfortunately.
Experienced Forum User
Joined: 6/13/2008
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Location: Georgia, USA
I think there is enough demand for a TAS that it would (or at least should) be accepted. I agree that some people might think it's a boring game to watch, but those of us who really enjoyed the game don't think so, and even if it is that's no reason to never allow any speedrun at all to exist -- especially since it won't be insanely long. I say go for it, and I look forward to seeing a version on the updates page some day soon...