Posts for jlun2

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Enemies 0400 - Unsigned 1 byte - X.Pos 0401 - Unsigned 1 byte - X.Sub 0402 - Unsigned 1 byte - Y.Pos 0403 - Unsigned 1 byte - Y.Sub 0404 - Unsigned 1 byte - X Speed 0405 - Unsigned 1 byte - Y Speed 0406 - Unsigned 1 byte - X.Cam 0407 - Unsigned 1 byte - Y.Cam 0408 - Signed 1 byte - ID 0409 - Signed 1 byte - Action 040A - Unsigned 1 byte - Timer 040F - Signed 1 byte - HP 0411 - Unsigned 1 byte - X.Pos 2 .... 04F1 - Unsigned 1 byte - X.Pos 16 Player data: 00B0 - Unsigned 1 byte - HP 00B1 - Unsigned 1 byte - Ammo 0500 - Unsigned 1 byte - X.Pos 0501 - Unsigned 1 byte - X.Sub 0502 - Unsigned 1 byte - Y.Pos 0503 - Unsigned 1 byte - Y.Sub 0504 - Unsigned 1 byte - X Speed 0505 - Unsigned 1 byte - Y Speed 0506 - Unsigned 1 byte - X.Cam 0507 - Unsigned 1 byte - Y.Cam 0509 - Signed 1 byte - Action 050A - Signed 1 byte - Walking Animation Frame 050B - Signed 1 byte - Walking Animation Delay 050C - Signed 1 byte - IsTurning? 050E - Unsigned 1 byte - Invincibilty timer 050F - Unsigned 1 byte - Death Fadeout Timer With that discovery, I hope this leads to better manipulation :P
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Slowking wrote:
I'm not. Buuuuut Grunz and Bloob are because the TAS was started long before bizhawk had the N64 core and m64s can't be easily ported. Which I did say already on this page... so why are you not reading?
No. I'm just wondering why not redo on a more stable emulator than continue on one that's crap. And before you ask, I have restarted runs like that on other games several times before, and despite the annoyance, it's still sometimes better to do so.
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Slowking wrote:
If you believe that that will then sync when you do the same input on the rerecording mupen, you don't know mupen. * * It might work, but is unlikely.
Why are you still using mupen though?
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Post subject: Re: Technical ratings
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thatguy wrote:
The technical rating seems basically "How hard was it to make this TAS?" And I don't know because I've never TASed - even if I had, it's hard to make a judgement unless you've attempted to TAS the same game. So for me it seems like it should just be the number of rerecords (lots of them = high technical), with maybe a few modifications for if the TAS does something really crazy/slightly sloppy.
Luckily, it's ok to simply rate on entertainment and leave the tech rating blank; in fact, if you clicked on the ratings for a movie with x.5 votes, you'll usually find one or more users who didn't leave a tech rating.
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Uh..... NES Dragon Warrior 3 (USA) "item glitch" in 48:28.08 by dave_dfwm NES Dragon Warrior 3 (USA) in 1:50:36.18 by dave_dfwm Given the number of people who rated and the ratings themselves make both the movies invalid for moon tier, the item glitched run should obsolete the glitchless one since the vault is supposed to be the fastest time.
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Odongdong wrote:
Every time spongebob says 'WOO', it gets better. I like the speedrun overall. Maybe the length is a bit long but numerous glitch abuses keep it entertaining. I throw my yes vote here (though it's pointless now). I just wonder how did you keep in track and find the exit when out of screen, like in Sea Cave or Trench Bottom.
Trail and error while still recording the input on a copy of the movie file. :P Although this means probably shorter exits exist; though I fail to find them.
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Mothrayas wrote:
I found out it is possible to beat the final boss after all: User movie #10498514182923544 My apologies go to adelikat for proving him wrong. At least now the game has a much more acceptable ending point.
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Patashu wrote:
Devil's Advocate: The J version of SM64 is harder than the E version because it fixes BLJ (and I think some other things). If a well done run came along of SM64 120 star on the J version, would it obsolete the currently existing run because it is a 'harder difficulty'? Or are 'harder difficulty by design' and 'harder difficulty due to less glitchiness' different? Er......what?
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Radiant wrote:
Vykan12 wrote:
On the other hand, I fear this sets a bad precedent if every movie on the site could theoretically be obsoleted by those clever enough to find the best initial hardware state for their TAS,
That's not actually the case, since the vast majority of games do initialize their hardware properly before reading from it.
Also, if that was indeed the case, I'm just surprised how runs like Tetris was able to be console verified several times by different people. :P
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Vykan12 wrote:
I don't care whether the game gets technically finished or not, from the encode it clearly appears that Cheetahmen dies on the final boss and restarts at stage 3, then the encode abruptly cuts off. I could understand if Cheetahmen dies and you reach a credits screen or something, but that's clearly not the case.
From here:
The game has no ending, it was not programmed in the game. The fixed version simply transitions to a game over screen as if you died. I achieve that same "ending" by....dying.
Vykan12 wrote:
On the other hand, I fear this sets a bad precedent if every movie on the site could theoretically be obsoleted by those clever enough to find the best initial hardware state for their TAS, which increases the amount of technical knowledge required to make a TAS. We should be looking to decrease the learning curve for new TASers, not increase it, make it as accessible as possible.
If that honestly is a concern, then simply ban RTC while you're at it since knowing how RNG is affected by system time " increases the amount of technical knowledge required to make a TAS."
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BrainStormer wrote:
Can we see the movie so far? I mean how many frames ahead are you? It would be sad for all this tasing to go unseen I mean I doubt you'll tie your previous manipulation (according to your post)... I remember getting huge differences in lag during cutscenes with majoras mask but when I would play the file back I would get a bunch of desyncs back then so I don't know if what you are observing is actually true or just the emulation being buggy...
I'm just curious now on what emulator is the TAS using. :o
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jeffsledge wrote: Why isn't this trick used in your TASes? Shouldn't you be using all of the techniques available from the NES and SNES versions?
The GBA version isn't the same as the NES or even the SNES versions. >.>
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MrGrunz wrote:
The castle collapse cutscene completely destroyed our entire motivation. We simply can't tie the manipulation of my old run and combined with the fact, that this is the most boring and annoying shit ever to TAS (makes cuccos feel like the most enjoyable thing you've ever done) we didn't really work much on the run for the last like 1,5 months......I just started doing attempts again, so pray that the game will be nice to us today.....
0_o Care to elaborate on what was incompatible? Since you mentioned the cutscene, is this run done on Mupen? Since the submission text mentioned about desync errors caused by it.
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feos wrote:
Yeah, none of them obsoletes the harder difficulty run which is exactly the matter here. If people prefer speed over all the rest (once they didn't), it will be accepted. If they prefer the difficulty (and the U version), I"ll have to reject it.
Thanks. Knowing this, I think the hardest difficulty should be used since I usually find using tool-assistance on the easiest settings usually doesn't show clear, superhuman play (of course, there are exceptions, but this situation reminds me of Megaman 2's case).
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jlun2 wrote:
The answer is: I don't know. I managed to save 3 frames through better positioning during the fall, but then I lag more at the circular torrent thing. This may take a while. Here's the input file for it. I'm still kinda stumped on how to get through, so....
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I would love to see a TAS of this category since it would make the run different from the Ruby/Sapphire one.
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Malleoz wrote:
Yes and unfortunately that doesn't work.
Since this thread is getting quite long, can any of you mind posting your findings in the Games Resource page? It would be nice to have all the tricks and information in one page rather than spread across the thread. :)
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feos wrote:
I was in somewhat similar situation with this movie: [1930] NES Zen: Intergalactic Ninja by feos in 11:34.21 The previous one used the medium difficulty, and if I switched to hard, my improvements would become uncountable, due to losses in different places. So I picked the same difficulty to know for sure what I improved and what I didn't improve. However, this run was accepted as a tech and entertainment improvement over the predecessor: [945] Genesis Gunstar Heroes "2 players" by arkiandruski in 35:28.92 despite of being slower in real time for using the hardest difficulty.
Well, there are 7 movies listed that uses the easiest difficulty. I wonder if any of those cases could be applied here in one way or another.
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creaothceann wrote:
page 1 page 2 memory map in screwtape's post link 1 link 2
Wait....does that apply exactly the same even for the NES? What about other consoles? If it does, to what extent? Because like for some games, there are runs that may never encounter such emulation problems since it's route doesn't involve any use of glitches/tricks that may utilize said problem. For example, I'm sure if the any% SMW was improved, the error seen in the glitched run would not cause issues in console verification.
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GhostSonic wrote:
Here's a link to the glitched SMW run in LSMV form that I've actually confirmed syncs on console since I was talking to true about it on the IRC. This should probably be the actual file on the submission. Don't know why it isn't.
I guess you could try PMing a mod to do so.
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I love how the "All-Out" option was abused in this run. Makes the battles resemble one of my favourite games out there. :P
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corronchilejano wrote:
The movie goes on even after the Hard level is cleared, idling on the menu for sometime and then showing the story. Is this on purpose? Without that the video would be half as long.
I've just watched it on the TASVideosChannel and can confirm the encode does needlessly idle for some reason. What was the purpose of it? Did the encoder AFK'd passed out thought the music was nice and noone would mind?