Anyone else notice this? Appears to break 3 hours using game over glitches, starting with dying alone during Nibelheim flashback.
Of course I did that. Specifically I'm interested in seeing the game beaten in the fastest time, within limits.
I feel opening the disc tray is too much hardware abuse. I am aiming to abuse the game's software rather than the hardware.
There's nothing wrong with doing something for personal enjoyment only. Everyone wants to see a good and watchable FFVII TAS some day, though.
If you were really curious about how fast it could be completed you could do an estimation based on the speed runs and subtract the fights and other time spent preparing for boss battles...
I think an entertaining glitch run would include these:
No battle skipping glitch
No save data glitch
Healthy use of the Saga Frontier warp glitch and other scene skipping techniques
Less than ~2:00 completion time.
Some of the best Japanese TAS use text commentary and never audio commentary. I think there's a lot of good to not disturbing the wonderful music of a RPG with someone's voice.
Does anyone have an opinion on opening the cd tray (in order to potentially skip large amounts of the game)?
Specifically it will allow cloud to act as a golden chocobo and travel around the map with relative ease.
In the instance of the emulator I'm using, I will have to load a dummy ISO.
Edit: To clarify, I'm not asking about publication and whether it will be accepted. I'm asking whether opening the cd tray is deemed "legit" or not.
I've already used the emerald countdown glitch in a weird way, so my initial argument for not opening the cd tray is waning.
Hmm, you could relate opening the CD tray to crooked Cartridges (N64 namely but probably all cartridges); Using ocarina of time as an example, that was the first way they found to escape the forest before deku tree, and it was deemed unacceptable as "legit". Here's a quote concerning SDA:
"Why do you allow glitches but disallow cheat codes and tricks like crooked cartridge?
Using glitches is simply trying to use whatever is within the rules of the game to your advantage. When you use a cheat device or outside alteration, then you're breaking the game's rules. As for cheat codes and debug codes, they differ from glitches in being intentionally programmed, so they are naturally outside the rules of the game as defined by the designers. "
Outside alteration being messing with the cart/CD while not offering inputs via the controller. So personally, it's not legit. But, just because it isn't legit doesn't mean it wont be entertaining. The GT code for super metroid was deemed unlegit and I found it very entertaining (although probably a weird reference since it was just a debug code and not messing with the game outside of input) :p. I'd look forward to it if you decide to use it.
In this case, we're distinguishing between corrupting the memory through means of game pad input or through hardware manipulation. For the sake of a run that relies on the premise of corrupting the game's memory, loading a disc that further corrupts the game's memory and allows for fantastic results isn't doing anything to change the legitimacy of the run. It won't be published, but going all out on available glitch techniques only adds to the entertainment value of the run and would make the final product much more enjoyable. My opinion.
That could make the run under 2 hours probably, but no Aeris...even if you have a memory warp glitch, you can't warp across disks to avoid the Jenova at the end of disc 1...the presence of gameshark alone makes me doubt the video...