At least -- since Rktcr has built-in frame perfect controls -- it's probably not something that folks wishing to really optimize their times will need. Now, taking it up a level, and trying to construct optimal runs as quickly as possible...
Also, when I try to launch the Humble Store download (XP Home x86) I just get an error message saying that it's not a valid win32 application. What dependencies does it have? Or does it have to be launched via Desura?
I don't have anything ancient enough to run XP, but I expect it's a "your OS is too old" issue. Should work on Vista, 7, or 8.
So, I'm going to shill my game, Rktcr, for a moment; it was suggested on the SpeedDemosArchive forum that I post this here, and it does seem like a good fit.
Rktcr is a physics-momentum platformer wherein time only moves when you want it to. This means you can play frame-perfectly. Better yet, it shows you the future path your (eponymous) vehicle will take before you roll time forward. Basically, it has built-in tool assist.
Trailer:Link to videoLearn to play video series:over hereDemo:hereKeys (humble store widget; direct download + desura):
If the keys run out, there's always actually buying the game. It's $5 right now. You can afford this. I've been self-financing this thing for a year, and there is pretty much no way I'll make back what I put into it, but if I get to 2^10 sales, I will pull a ~crazy~stunt~ :) .
Useful controls:
F8 : play back current path. CTRL/SHIFT continue to control time. (Useful for recording video for, e.g., youtube)
CTRL-c : copy current path as text. Great for those one-frame tweaks or for (hint hint) sharing on forums.
CTRL-v : paste path from text.
There are already some amazing paths over at the SDA forums.
Anyway, sorry for disrupting your usual foruming. I hope you enjoy.