Posts for hndfhng

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Joined: 6/16/2022
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Question. If there was an existing publication for a 200% Memory Manipulation TAS on tasvideos before this 200% No MM TAS was submitted, would it have been accepted as a separate branch? Also, I don't agree with the statement that "it cannot be Vaulted given it does not set a record". It does set a record, but in the "No MM" category. RTA speedrunners have 2 separate categories for 200%.
Experienced Forum User, Published Author, Player (86)
Joined: 6/16/2022
Posts: 5
Is 1 audio channel missing a normal thing for this game?
Experienced Forum User, Published Author, Player (86)
Joined: 6/16/2022
Posts: 5
Memory wrote:
Was ingame time the focus here? Shortest gameplay? Or shortest input?
I would say in-game. I didn't like the idea of ending inputs early and losing speed before crossing the finish line.
Experienced Forum User, Published Author, Player (86)
Joined: 6/16/2022
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Memory wrote:
Which bios was used?
I'm not 100% sure which BIOS Bizhawk decided to use. I have those 3 BIOS files in my firmware. The (E) BIOS seems to be SCHP-5502. Hope that helps.
Experienced Forum User, Published Author, Player (86)
Joined: 6/16/2022
Posts: 5
Going to necro this thread ; ) I found this game pretty interesting. I'm currently playing through the game and figuring out the routing and strategy for Any%. Found 2 very useful glitches in this game: - Infinite MP glitch. Achieved by underflowing your MP. Example of how to trigger this glitch: cast Fireball 4 times to drain your MP from 100 to 20, press and hold R2 button to go into first-person mode, start casting a Fireball, press Select button to enter the menu, choose Rejuvenation spell, confirm selection with Select button, keep holding R2. You'll cast Rejuvenation spell (40 MP cost) even though you only have 20 MP, causing your MP to underflow to over 65000. This essentially gives you infinite MP, since you'll never use it all. Note: when your character levels up, your MP is restored to the max value (for example, 116 MP at Level 2), so you'll have to activate this glitch again each time you level up. - Multi-hit glitch. Use your Mace weapon in the air near an enemy to deal multiple hits. It's possible to do up to 6 hits with each attack. You can do this attack right after jumping, and while landing. So, if you do small jumps, you can land up to 12 hits in about 1 second. This is very overpowered, possibly more damage per second than with spells. What's more, your Mace's proficiency level will increase quickly, as you gain weapon experience with each hit. Not sure if this glitch works with other weapons, I haven't gotten that far yet! Random notes: Jumping is faster than running. Not by much, but it's worth doing. Sadly, you can't change directions mid-air. In corridors that curve a lot might be just better to run along the wall. In the first level, I found a place to get Out of Bounds. In the area with some greenery, before the 2 lifts, you can get over a vertical wall by simply jumping on it a few times. Sadly, this OoB doesn't seem to be useful. The loading zone to finish the level doesn't seem to extend vertically very far, and it takes very long for my character's Z coordinate to overflow to the correct value. It's quicker to just play the level normally, it seems. Damage is very RNG. For example, my Fireball can do anywhere between 55 and 92 damage. Same thing applies with weapon damage. My character also takes random damage. Seems like inputs influence the RNG calculations, but not 100% sure yet. Enemy drops don't seem to be RNG. Not 100% sure yet. If an enemy dies from an exploding barrel or when standing on fire, you will not gain experience for that enemy. Clipping through walls doesn't seem possible right now. I tried doing stupid stuff, but nothing seems to work. When forcing my character OoB by poking the RAM, I just keep falling into the abyss at a quick rate. I hope I can find a way to underflow my character's health points. So far, I don't think it's worth stopping to kill enemies for experience or loot. Maybe killing some with jump attack could be worth wasting a few frames. I'll know after I finish the game and get a better feeling on how the upgrade systems and shops work. So far I have no idea if the gems dropped by enemies are important enough to spend time collecting them. Maybe the multi-hit from my weapon is strong enough to push me through the game efficiently. And an Easter Egg: in the first level, after the cutscene with Necros, throw an Axe on the steel door on the left. Those doors will disappear, and you can explore the hidden area. There are 3 very powerful enemies there, that take a long time to defeat. You will gain 2 levels by killing them all, and gain some defensive upgrades. Most likely not worth doing in Any% run.