There is a search box on the front page of the site. You have to remember to include submissions too (there's a checkbox after you search the first time) , otherwise you won't find everything.
We have a run for Toki, but for Genesis. Neofix has made a run for NES, which was deemed not good enough:
You can find an encode on Youtube.
Perhaps it can be made more interesting with better playing.
I hadn't seen Thrillas Surfari, but maybe it could work as a TAS, like if it's possible to get to a higher speed than you normally would. Excite bike style!
Yeah, I saw neofixes run it was very str8 forward but im sure it could be done faster and glitchier. As for thrillas surfari I know left+right or up+down has no visible effect on anything but im sure excitebikes tricks could hold some use with this. I actually got tired of messing with it and tried predator out. Let it be known tas+ predator= boring. Despite its level skip glitches
Been thinking about starting a run on these games. Looking for ideas and some input about whether or not they would be good games for tas. Also any known glitches and runs of them would be great. So far I have not seen any videos on the site. Thanks in advance! Also, I will more then likely need help editing them once the runs are done.
EDITED BY A MODERATOR: Made this thread to be about Town & Country II: Thrilla's Surfari instead of two different games. So, talk about Town & Country II: Thrilla's Surfari here.
If you are using FCEUX to record a NES movie, you can open and edit the movie files in notepad. This way you can splice movies together by cutting and pasting sections of input from one movie file to the other.
Nice, is there a tutorial for this? I've been considering a run of toki, or thrilla's sufari for my first shot at a published run. Im sure this would be useful for that.
Maybe you can find some information here.
If you were intending to run Super Metroid, keep in mind that it's a very over-TASed game, it is being played on a very high quality level (saving every frame possible). And it has a lot of categories already.
So probably it would be a good idea to run a lesser known game which doesn't have a published run.
See here. However, it is said that you can learn from watching and investigating a published run.
Also keep in mind that not every game qualifies for a good TAS. It's recommended you post on the forums about your TASing activities and in case you need help with something.
TASing requires patience so you shouldn't aim to complete a 20 minute TAS in only 2 days. Try to put some effort into your movie and make it be interesting to watch.
Yeah, before I tried doing super metroid, I did a quick run of super mario bros. Just to get the idea. It took me about 5 hours and my time is 5:30.77 from power on to princess 19,879 frames. The super metroid project was more for myself then then to be published. I wanted to emulate taco and krioles run and im or was about a weeks playtime in. having just picked up the speed boosters. I don't know what point was by stating all this but this is basically the extent of my tasing history. Thanks
What I'm using for editing movies is Maximus' TAS editor.
For games that have random lag or a lot of randomness it will be hard/impossible to splice movies together.
Also, the frame numbering in the TAS editor isn't equal to the emulator's frame numbering (I didn't check thoroughly, but frame 134 in VBA could be frame 133 in the TAS editor). So you should do something on the same frame (press A on the frame you want the two movies to be spliced together) and use that frame for reference. Of course, if you provide the two movies and the game name, maybe I or someone else can do it for you.
But chances are you were running Super Metroid and I wouldn't think this game is hexedit-friendly...
Hmm so a restart on the run is for the most part unavoidable. Guess I should have started asking questions before I got 6 videos in lol. Thanks for the tip and link. Im still really new to all of this. Is there a guide I should follow? And are there any more useful tools that I should become familiar with. My ultimate goal is to get a site worthy run submitted and learn as much as possible about all things tas.
Ok, so I was directed to this thread in hopes of finding a way to splice videos together. Im going to start diving through the links in a sec, but I figured id post real quick to see if someone could save me some time. Check this link if I managed to confuse anyone.
Thanks for the help in advance
The method I told you will result in only a single movie file. You might be able to save your current movies by splicing them together into one movie file (back them up first!). You can find programs you can splice with via the linkies in this thread.
Sweet thanks alot!!!!! Oh, and the way you said worked like a charm. Now im off to save my project lol thanks again!
Another quick thought for the app. Maybe, we can figure out a way to save and play the videos on our phone the same way we download and watch the videos on our emulators on our computers. This way we can view key presses and do frame by frame analysis on the go.
Get to the point where you want to resume recording (either by loading a savestate or playing the movie up until that point), check that it's still playing the movie, then toggle read only mode (probably shift + 8) so you can record over the movie. Then simply continue recording.
ok sweet. Thanks ill try it when get home! Oh one more question since I have 6 different videos if I just do what you suggested will it play from start to finish? Like video 1 through 6 or from where 6 starts and ends. And if not is there a way to run these videos together that would still make it submission legal ( although its not worthy in its current state)or even just for general purposes
What you want to do is known as "rerecording"; you need to use a rerecording emulator (pretty much all TASes are made on them as they make things so much simpler). Basically, you make a savestate when you shut your computer off, then when you want to start again the next day or whatever, you load that savestate up again and it handles splicing together the bits of the movie for you. (The exact details vary between emulators, but ability to do that's considered vital in a good TAS emulator nowadays.)
Ok, im using snes9x not sure what version though, I got it of the site. What ive been doing is replaying the movie up to the last frame recorded and then hitting record from now. For some reason when I would try to continue the video from where I left off without doing it the above way I would get the savestates not from this video or something similar. End result, I have 6 different super metroid videos each picking up where the previous left off. Im going to have to start the whole project over again huh?
Maybe an app similar to the TASVideos XBMC addon (here)
Yeah I like it lol. Im sure if we get enough thought in this we can make anything happen. I would personally like to setup a way to be notified when specified threads have been commented on or even when I have received a messages, this way its easy to keep up with everything that's going on. Face everyday something new is found and recorded on this site.....and that's just awesome
Yeah, I didn't really like the iphone emulators anyway they weren't quite right for some reason....droid though I've got no complaints:) anyway who do I need to talk to around here to see about getting a tasvideos app? Maybe we can brainstorm what the app should be. Im not talking the tas emulators anymore. Im thinking more website related, like at least making the forum droid native.
No, there is no interest for making Iphone or droid apps for TASing, here are a number of issues:
IRC wrote:
(21:04:44) Brushy: TASing on a smartphone?
(21:04:50) Brushy: Sure...
(21:05:45) Brushy: I mean, the screens are small and most of them don't have enough keys to do frame advance + A + down + right at the same time.
(21:07:14) andymac: auto hold?
(21:07:53) Brushy: Not too comfy IMO.
(21:08:14) ais523: you could do it JPC-RR-style, where you press a key to turn it on or off
(21:10:00) andymac: A lot of actual emulators have little or no interest to keep them updated
(21:10:15) andymac: I don't think there's much interest to make an Iphone app for it.
(21:10:58) Ilari: And besides, I don't think iphone app store allows emulators (and only way to run apps not in there is to jailbreak the phone).
(21:11:08) andymac: yeah, too many loops
(21:11:14) andymac: too many difficulties
(21:11:19) andymac: not worth it at all
(21:12:00) Brushy: I agree.
(21:12:51) andymac: plus, I bet you the emulators on the Iphone are innacurate as hell
(21:14:03) Ilari: And also, to really TAS with them, one would have to have the emulator be sync-compatible with some GPC emulator...
(21:17:00) Ilari: Not to mention that smartphones don't have a lot of processing power, one would be limited to relatively "primitive" emulators (something like up to 16-bit generation)...
[/ quote]Oj
Yeah I can understand comfort and actual playability but there's wii mote and classic controller support now on all the emulators in the droid market place. So I thought the added keys would make the frame advance thing a tad more possible and comfortable. But anyway how about tasvideos forum app or widget or something you can't tell me that wouldn't be handy;)
Ok, im sure im just missing this completely but.... let's say im tasing super metroid, and I get tired and shut my computer off. The next day I want to pick up where I left off. Do I just watch the movie till the last frame and record from now or is there an easier way to this? I've got like six different clips of super metroid from begining till just after the speed boosters in an attempt to emulate taco and kriolas run, which makes it very annoying becouse I have to stop and switch video parts every time I play it back. Thanks in advance!!!
Ok, to be quick and simple, why the hell aren't there tas apps in the droid marketplace (or itunes)? Even just an app to make browsing the forum on my droid x easier would be nice.........but who wouldn't love to be able to make tas's on the go. The emulators are already there we just need the frame advance and re recording abilities. Does anyone know if there are any projects in the works for these things?
thanks alot guys, right after i posted this i started looking around and found out about the auto hold command but couldnt figure out where it was lol (noob!!!!) so thnx for the details on that..... but i dare say the addon would be sick :)
ok, im pretty new to all this but i have mupen 64 and an addon that brings the controller up in a separate window so i can control what im doing that way. im just curious if theres one of these nifty things for snes. the reason i ask is i tried to start a run of super metroid and found it sorta difficult holding all the keys i needed to hold while tapping the the frame skip key.