Posts for fractale

Post subject: Rayman Game Boy Map
Experienced Forum User
Joined: 5/16/2016
Posts: 3
Hi, I need to have access to the map of the current level (collision map) I locate it at the beginning of the WRAM but it look compressed Do you have any idea which format the map is? Best Regards Fractale
Experienced Forum User
Joined: 5/16/2016
Posts: 3
Thanks a lot scrimpeh. I have not yet found the map. Do you have an idea of how many bytes it is composed (more than 64 bytes)? Is the map must be in the wRAM or do you think the game read the ROM data? Do you think the map is stored in the lower address in memory or in the hight address? Thanks again! Regards
Post subject: Rayman Game Boy Color AI
Experienced Forum User
Joined: 5/16/2016
Posts: 3
Hi everyone! I'm Fractale and I would like to créate an AI like MarI/O ( But for this I need to know the positions of platform and enemies I use the ram search to find Rayman position on the map but I don't know how to do that for the map, because platforms don't move. What can I do? Regards