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Also, the Koopas now look like Mario. Their shells are like masks. I believe the credits will read "Mask Koopas."
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blip wrote:
X-Men : Children of the Atom (The first game I can remember to have cel-shaded artwork. It still looks gorgeous even today, nearly ten years later).
I thought "cel-shading" was a technique used to make 3D objects look like 2D drawings. Can a game with 2D sprites be consider "cel-shaded?" I enjoyed the X-Men game, and Marvel Super Heroes even more, but the whole "air combo" thing really bugs me.
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My name is Dan and I'm 27. I'm not working on anything right now because I've just returned to college. My only contribution to this site was a Bionic Commando movie that was totally decimated by Genisto. Given that I'm at school now, I don't know if I'll have time to make another movie, but I love watching them and I try to give constructive criticism to other players. If you enjoyed the SMB3 movie, you should also check out the Rockman (Mega Man) movies. They're a lot of fun, especially 1, 2, and X. I don't want to tell you how to write your article but I hope that whatever you write makes it clear that we view these movies as totally separate from the competive gaming and speedrunning communities. There's a lot of venom spit on this issue, all of it from people who think that slowdown and savestates have somehow "ruined" their interests. I used to try to spit back but I no longer care to do so. I try to explain why what we do isn't "wrong" but it's not an easy point to make. It's like trying to convince a Pro-Life protestor that abortion isn't murder. People tend to make up their own mind on the matter and don't particularly care to hear a contrasting argument.
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I disagree with rule #4. Yie Ar Kung Fu didn't have blocking. You had to dodge.
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As a Neo Geo owner I am obviously partial towards fighting games. My favorites include KoF 98, Art of Fighting, and Fatal Fury Special. I do not ignore Capcom's great work though, and I am quite partial to the Darkstalkers series which I feel has been underrated by most. So far as I know, they never even released a US version of Vampire Chronicle. Mortal Kombat was huge when I was in high school and I was right there playing it with everyone else. In hindsight, the games weren't so great. As a fighting game fan I am frustrated by current productions. I loathe all 3D fighters which are the only kind game companies seem interested in right now. 2D fighters are not dead but are plagued with recycled sprites and gameplay. Capcom Fighting Jam looks no better than MUGEN (an unauthorized "make-your-own-fighter" for those not in the know). For some reason I can't enjoy the Guilty Gear series as much as it seems I should. I think the gameplay is a bit too manic for my tastes. But I'll take 2D over 3D any day.
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Glad to hear it. Now go forth and yell at our detractors! (just kidding, screw them)
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Looks much nicer.
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That site is ridiculous. Best to ignore it. Bisqwit, I hope you're not too offended by that Hitler thing. I think he's kidding anyway. Makes me wonder though. How are people with real problems ever going to get along if competitive gamers and time attackers can't?
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The normal Xbox has an 8GB hard drive. That's plenty for emulation but if you like backing-up games, you need a new hard drive. But they're cheap.
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I solved my own problem. I think it was speed-changing issue. Somehow when I changed speeds (in an attempt to hurry the fuck up) I crashed the emulator and it would act erratically for a while. Starting cold, without touching speed controls, I am able to watch the play. So I shall close this topic and I apologize for wasting everyone's time. D'oh.
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I've got that one, plus the [o1] that someone else used, and another from someone else. I've got three different Wizards & Warriors ROMs but none of them seem to do it. Did I miss a Famtasia update?
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Post subject: Still can't watch full Wizards & Warriors Time Attack
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As discussed here, I cannot watch Walker's new, full Wizards & Warriors time attack. I have tried different ROMS but they always desync in the blue caves. I'm wondering if it might be an emulator difference. I have watched the AVI but I prefer to retain the smaller FMV files instead. So I'd appreciate any ideas on fixing this problem.
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I have a lot of game systems around, including a PS2, Gamecube, and Dreamcast. My buddy has a modded Xbox which we all play with a little bit. I'm also the proud owner of a Neo Geo.
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Here's the other topic. Phil didn't really explain it though.
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I can't view this run for some reason. It desyncs in the blue caves. I tried the usual ROM plus the one listed above.
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The super-cool Dracula X: Rondo of Blood.
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You can discuss your favorite ROM site so long as you don't mention the name or the URL. I think I know what site you're talking about anyway.
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Back in the day we used the NES Max controller to play this game. The power knee is easy so long as you use "turbo." With an emulator, you could try mapping a key to do both A+B at the same time?
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You know, this question reminds me of one I've contemplated. There may be no good answer, but why is Rockman "rock"-man? It has nothing to do with rocks, and the robot master who theoretically could be "Rock Man" is instead called "Gutsman." My only guess is that six in Japanese is roku, and in some contexts it is pronounced rokku which sounds like "rock." Likewise, there were six original robot masters. But that goes out the window pretty quickly when the number of robot masters increased, plus Roll, and Blues... Whatever. I don't know. EDIT: 300th post. And one of my silliest.
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?I?'?m? ?v?e?r?y? ?d?i?s?a?p?p?o?i?n?t?e?d?.? ? ? ? ?X? ?d?o?e?s?n?'?t? ?s?a?y? ?"?s?h??r?y??k?e?n?"? ?w?h?e?n? ?h?e? ?u?s?e?s? ?t?h?e? ?d?r?a?g?o?n? ?p?u?n?c?h?!? ? ? ? ?O?h?,? ?b?u?t? ?n?i?c?e? ?j?o?b? ?o?n? ?t?h?e? ?t?i?m?e? ?a?t?t?a?c?k?.? ?T?o? ?b?e? ?t?h?a?t? ?f?a?s?t? ?a?n?d? ?b?e? ?1?0?0?%? ?i?s? ?v?e?r?y? ?e?x?c?i?t?i?n?g?.?
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I have my doubts about a Shenmue speedrun/time attack. One of the problems with that game is certain events are timed and you cannot skip them. I didn't get very far but I remember one such event in the very first town. You have to meet some tough guys at a certain spot at a certain time despite the fact that they hang around town all day.
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Gamecube remake...meh. Where's the original? With the cheesy actors?
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I vote Yes even though there is room for improvement. Maybe I'm just being kind because I love Castlevania or maybe I'm just acknowledging the work you put into this first draft. I would like to see the boss fights go faster if at all possible. Also, take great care in how many hearts you need versus how many you actually collect. On the last stage you actually went out of your way to grab an extra heart yet finished the stage with two hearts to spare. Don't forget, when tallying your score extra hearts means extra time wasted.
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I'm sorry, ROM requests are not allowed as stated by the rules. You're on your own.
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Hey Kilu, I just realized that's Wesker in your avatar. That's funny to me. I would watch a Resident Evil time attack. How long would it take?
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