Posts for elo

Experienced Forum User
Joined: 7/1/2016
Posts: 3
zeromus wrote:
There is no designed mechanism to go to exclusive fullscreen mode and there is virtually no chance of it being supported in the near future. In the indefinite future, who can say? However, some AMD GPU drivers forcibly activate exclusive fullscreen mode (especially when GL display mode is selected) when it detects that a game has tried to go into windowed fullscreen mode. We counteract this with an option called, in 1.11.6, config > display > window > enable windows fullscreen hacks. This is enabled by default. By disabling it you might get exclusive fullscreen mode.
I have a 660ti, so nah. =p I tried fiddling with the fullscreen hacks before, sadly it didn't change anything for me. Thanks for trying to help me though, I appreciate it!
Post subject: Re: Exclusive Fullscreen?
Experienced Forum User
Joined: 7/1/2016
Posts: 3
creaothceann wrote:
elo wrote:
I experience irregular stuttering while using the SNES core. This also happens with Higan, but it does not happen in SNES9x
How fast does BizHawk/higan run when unthrottled?
Unthrottled gives me ~220fps FPS itself also stays stable in the display during the stutters.
Post subject: Exclusive Fullscreen?
Experienced Forum User
Joined: 7/1/2016
Posts: 3
Hello, I was wondering if there was a way to make BizHawk go into exclusive fullscreen? It seems like it only goes into borderless windowed mode, which is a problem for me. Why? Let me explain. I'm on Windows 10 and I experience irregular stuttering while using the SNES core. This also happens with Higan, but it does not happen in SNES9x (which supports exclusive windowed mode, but it stutters in windowed mode as well). However SNES9x doesn't seem to support named savestates, which is the one feature I value the most in BizHawk since I'm trying to learn a rather long speedrun. The cause for this seems to be DWM, which is always on by default in Windows 10 and cannot be turned off without making other apps malfunction/crash and render the OS unusable until DWM is started again. Seems like it forces windowed applications to use Triple Buffering, no matter what you set in your GPUs settings and that apparently causes some weird desync issues or whatever. Now you might say "go back to Windows 7" - and trust me I would, if it wasn't for all the quality of life changes Windows 10 brought to the table for me. Is there any possibility of this feature being added in future versions? Or am I wrong about this whole thing entirely? Please let me know, it's been bugging me for a couple of weeks now.