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If by a 100% run you mean all levels will be completed then I'm giving this my thumbs-up. I think it would be quite interesting.
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-DS Castlevanias -Metroid Prime: Hunters (as we all know it involves a lot of sequence breaking) -Pokemon Diamond/Pearl/Platinum -Crash Mind over Mutant -Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Dark/Time -Super Mario 64 DS -LoZ Phantom Hourglass and Spirit Tracks
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Ah yes, that's the one. I didn't remember this but sprite flickering does indeed occur for me as well in that part of the Stardust Fields (me and my poor memory). But if I remember right it's not necessary to use them. I'll have to try which is faster, getting some coins without using them or getting some (possibly) faster, ignoring the lag. Also, the tas is making fairly steady progress, although I haven't worked on it very frequently.
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I'm not sure if these have been already listed (yes I'm lazy XD) but: -Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee -Oddworld: Abe's Exoddus -Crash Bandicoot -Crash 2 -Crash 3 -Roll Away -All PSX Final Fantasy games -Descent 1 & 2 -Vigilante 8 -GTA 1 & 2 -Expendable -Heart of Darkness -The Grinch
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The solution is to turn down the volume.
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Looking at Julius' movement made me lol. I'll be really surprised if this doesn't make it in.
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I really liked the whole movie, especially the Nightmare battle was cool looking. Really great.
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MUGG wrote:
Are you sure, the stache value raises damage given by lucky hits and not only the frequency? If it does, it's probably only a matter of some few damage points anyway, so I wouldn't improve the stache value. (On the other hand, it increases money you sell things for. The SDA run does this later in the run.) Btw, I remember a glitch I encountered when I was playing Mario + Luigi back then. I was messing around with the walls behind the throne in Bowser's Castle. And suddenly, I was beamed up till the top of the screen. If this could be reproduced anywhere, it could allow for some sequence breaks (for example, to enter the final room directly, without having to fight all the Bowser kids.) Or maybe, it just works with the bulges in the walls... I'm looking forward to WIPs.
1) No, I'm not sure the stache stat increses "Lucky!" damage. 2) Bowser's kids are known as the Koopalings. 3) Nice glitch you found. Maybe I should research a bit to see if it's possible to abuse it.
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MUGG wrote:
A high stache value results in more frequent lucky hits.
I do know that the stache stat is the "luck" of the character. I myself have thought of giving the level up extra points to stache every other time and to pow every other so the "Lucky!" hits do more damage (like all other hits). Btw, for the record I haven't gotten any "Lucky!" hits before Stardust Fields so I'd like to know is getting them possible before that.
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Nah. I'm just lazy and I just want to know if there is a faster way. :)
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Does anybody know a way to discover the correct frame for "Lucky!" hit? I'm not a very good memory searcher myself.
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So that's what you meant. It seems useful, as Queen Bean doesn't get time to attack with her bean bounce attack. The advance problem might be quickly solved. In my amateur TAS I used Splash Bros. lvl 3 on all bosses beginning from Tolstar. I got the advance in battle against Dragohoho. However, it might be possible to luck manipulate to get it earlier, I just don't yet know is it even possible.
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MUGG wrote:
The only sprite flickering I have encountered is during the opening scene. This was done on VBA 19 and happens everywhere in the game. I get a headache by looking at it and I don't know how you were able to not even notice it! If there's a way to turn it off, please tell me.
Hmmm, I've never noticed that happening. It's prpbably because of something you've changed from the options menu. Sorry, but I think I can't help you with that. Anywho, none of these bugs shouldn't interfere with the game so that the TAS would be screwed. Edit: I noticed that you mentioned VBA 19. I use VBA 19.3 so that might be because of a bug in the emulator itself.
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blahmoomoo wrote:
I don't recall any glitches when playing this game myself (except for sprite flickering)
The only sprite flickering I have encountered is during the opening scene. Another bug I have encountered is that when you rescue Luigi (or Mario, I don't remember which it was, but probably Luigi) in Woohoo Hooniversity the terrain starts to look strange and won't fix until you change screen, but that shouldn't be a problem for TASer! :D
Floogal wrote:
Are you planning any changes to the strategies used in the current run at SDA? The only two things I can think of: 1) Perhaps use Splash Brothers Advanced on Queen Bean? The time saved doing so would probably counter the extra time upgrading the move earlier. 2) Forget about upgrading Knockback Bros. for the final fight -- just use Chopper Bros. exclusively after getting the Mush badges.
I remember I used advanced Splash Bros. on Queen Bean's hands in my segmented amateur TAS that I made for my little brother. And thanks for reminding me to watch the SDA speedrun, should be helpful. :)
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By the List of ideas page it seems that nobody is working on this game... Except me. I've started TASing this game. So, we'll finally get a TAS of this game. :) Edit: Maybe too much "games" in it.
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How about "Super Hard" Wario Land 4 TAS. I'd like to see what the content description would say, like: Plays at ABSOLUTELY hardest difficulty.
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Is anybody currently TASing this game? It could make a good one if you include enough action.
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