Highly entertaining run. Me and a friend actually tried something like this one summer on a real genesis when we were little...needless to say we didn't fare anywhere near as well.
oh, also, this is a speed run yes, but it is not meant to compete with the top speed time. This is a glitch/entertainment video, meant to show ways to play the game that would definitely be 100% impossible (at times) without tool assist, such as the stage 2 boss or stage 3 midboss (hell, all of stage three's lab part), etc.
I had mixed feelings about it. I like pacifist runs, and this had a few surprises and other interesting things that we don't see in a full-speed video... the bosses, for example. That much I liked.
I'd rate the movie is somewhere around B-, stylistically. There was a good human element to it; the ninja danced at one point. However, skipping the obligatory explanation of why "wobbling" is cliched/wrong, there seemed to be some motions that are repeated when something different could have been done. The... uh... zombie-looking boss for instance, you kicked in the head constantly. I don't know how necessary that was, but it was exactly the kind of monotony that needs to be overcome in order to make a pacifist run as worthwhile to watch as a normal run.
Just my opinion, at any rate. Peace.
Thanks for one of the *only* insightful critiques of this video.
I did the zombie boss kicking over and over because that is basically impossible to do on the real game maybe more than two or three times in a row by a human, because of two things;
1) when you jump kick most bosses, you get "sucked in" on 95% of thier hitbox. only 5% of the area you can hit them in will not suck you inwards for damage.
2) the hitboxes on enemies/bosses are HUGE. basically draw a square around any enemies, and round it off a bit.
i don't even think it's "very good"
however in every speed run there are things that i can find to complain about, that are stupid, that look stupid, that waste time, etc.
but the speed run as a whole is good.
if you can't respect the speedrun for what it is, why even post negative things about it? if you really think it sucks that bad, you realize that by posting more in this thread, you're just giving it more attention right?
You have odd ideas. I love ninja games, and I've seen the whole video already. I was just wondering if the wasted time in the first level was part of the insanity.
and you're bad at trying to make sarcasm seem like a real question. no one is entertained by this, besides trolls like yourself.
because I wouldn't be published on tasvideos, so its author decided to publish him elsewhere by himself, which is totally his right. his audience would be much broader than a bunch of gmvs, in a wild topic...
I watched the beginning but the entertaining factor wasn't much there. since it does not (explicitly) go for speed, I don't see what is so interesting here. sure it should be pretty hard to pull this on a real console, but as the rules say, don't run game for your ego's sake, we don't care about how hard the work was, it MUST look interesting... and to me, it isn't.
when i make the compilation, you'll see most of the interesting parts.
it doesn't take off until the 2nd video or so, in terms of crazy stuff.
the last video has some insane bullet dodging that makes it look like a shooter game about 2 minutes into it.
lol what an idiot.
hey, you guys don't want the video, or you only want lame speedrun only videos, fine by me. :D
anyone can speedrun shinobi III without tool assist. using tool assist to speedrun shinobi is completely retarded as anything done with tool assist in a speedrun-only, no limitations run can be done by a human easily.
i welcome anyone else to try and beat my time with the limitations i made, aka making shinobi actually interesting, but honestly, considering that so far maybe two people have shown actual knowledge of the game, i really don't think that's possible. but hey, good luck anyways.
you guys don't want the video, you think it's not hitting bosses when they could be hit at the earliest even though you've proven yourself to have no knowledge of the game, fine by me. :D i got other things to do.
anyone wanting the video, aim me. otherwise, later guys, sad to see that the community is full of people who only want boring runs that could be done without tool assist.
truncated, ideamagnate, aka, highness, and a few others, you're cool in my book. sorry that you have to be around such boring people.
I watched the run in its entirety and its very good considering it was a test run that only took 4600+ re-records. My favourite bit was the the elavator sequence 25 mins into the movie although I have some concerns over it.
Sacrificing huge amounts of time to do something that looks cool to you, but merely looks stupidly time consuming to me.
I got the impression that the bosses were'nt being attacked at the first oportunity and you weren't manipulating their behaviour correctly.
I would definitley vote yes if you re-did this movie with improvements
Please forgive me as I'm not too familar with the Shinobi series I was just giving my judging from what I've seen from an entertainment perpective.
as i've said before, i was attacking them as early as possible. please play shinobi and then you'll see that i was.
pirate_sepiroth: That was completely unhelpful.
deepbluevibes>... at least two or so judges, ... have already said they would vote yes if i just optimized it some
I'm the only judge who has posted in this topic and I hope that this isn't your interpretation of what I have said so far. I still think that a no-modifiers run of this game would make the best movie.
That doesn't mean that I'm not interested in giving you advice on how to improve your movie. Others might like the format.
Well, i could have sword lady... something was a judge, forgot her name.
but you said it was interesting at least, which is pretty much a lot better than what sephiroth said of it.
it's like, you think a no mod-run would make the best movie, BUT you have agreed that the technicalities of the later levels with tons of stuff going on looks crazy (especially the elevator on the final level, that's like out of a shmup almost) :P
Sorry. I was just trying to inform you that from what I have seen, the chances of this getting published are pretty slim. I'm not judging anything.
no problem, unlike what seems to be a few people on here, you at least offered advice that made sense.
however have you watched the video yet? i realize this run will not get published, but at least two or so judges, along with another four or five members, have already said they would vote yes if i just optimized it some, and one or two said they would vote yes even on this version to begin with.
different tastes for different people.
It also puzzles me, Kyrsimys, that shurikens are thrown in numerous places throughout the movie, despite that stated goal.
this is because on some bosses (zeed, etc.) even if you are one pixel from him, you will throw a shuriken instead of slash. i had to get rid of them because after a level the game automatically gives you some.
plus, it was also for entertainment because with frame advance you can cancel out animations and thus throw so many shuriken that the game can't register anymore being thrown but it still counts it down.
i also did this run to show off glitches i'd found that could be used in future runs some way.
Kyrsimys wrote:
I have not watched the run and just quickly skimmed through the topic but I think I noticed you say at one point that you needed to use one shuriken, even though your goal was to not use any. This is a huge but conserning trying to get this published, as it falls directly under "doesn't achieve its goals" which usually means an instant rejection. Solution? You should remove the goal "does not use shurikens" entirely and use them as freely as you want or not use shurikens.
you *have* to use shuriken at one part to break open a box. truncated has tried to escape from there and cannot also.
so no, i will not remove that goal, because this run again, is supposed to be done also to show that you can beat the game without shuriken *besides* that one part. using shuriken makes the game too damn boring and easy.
besides, what the hell else would i use shuriken on besides bosses? i'm not harming enemies remember? I really wish some of you would watch the run before passing judgement on it; i don't think you realize just how much the game throws at you if you don't kill anyone.
Seriously, fastforward to around 24 minutes, and watch the sequence from there on. tell me that's not entertaining once the bullets start coming out everywhere.
Or go to the level 4 boss (surfing) and tell me that's not something that could be exploited in future runs, how fast i killed that boss.
Or even go to the level 3 midboss or level 3 boss and tell me that's not exploiting frame advance.
For those of you who haven't played this, the hitboxes on this game are HUGE. There are only a few given pixels where you can jump kick a boss without the game sucking you inwards once the kick animation finishes; to do what I did is humanly impossible without frame advance, period.
Any other questions/critique on it, hopefully from people who have watched at least SOME of the video past level 2?
also this is a *test run*; i will redo this video and improve on areas where now i've realized i could change things.
such as on the next run, to make sure i have no shuriken, i'll use them all up on the "midboss" area and such, once it's playing the little "you won" theme.
I'm not sure your logic is sound there, pirate_sephiroth. I made a video of Arnold Palmer Tournament Golf that I didn't think was that great, which is probably why I didn't make a thread about it and then insult everyone that tried to tell me in the nicest way possible that it stank.
here's the thing. truncated offered advice. other people offered advice. this i welcomed because it made *sense*.
sephiroth is just blatantly making stupid points that have no ground or validity.
he's telling me that "i think too normal". yet i never played a single boss normal; i played them all by abusing tool assist in creative, impossible ways (outside of frame advance).
i have come to the conclusion that he has definitely not watched the full video, stopping most likely right on the first level, which i've said multiple times was the worst level.
past level 2's elevator sequence, i start abusing tool asisst even more to do amazing, unique things to the bosses. even truncated admitted this. others on IRC have too.
his "run" consisted of something i could do in real life, aka normalcy at it's peak. nothing interesting, almost a carbon copy of the neofix run. (no offense to him, his run is great, but it's based on speed, not entertainment.)
read my post again, read that i'm doing the game in an unorthodox way (i.e. doing crazy stunts and killing bosses in insane ways) than just trying to boringly rush through and kill everything as fast as possible, which was the entire point of my run to begin with.
if you don't like runs that focus *only* on speed, then good for you.
Of course you think it's entertaining!
YOU made that!
I'm so stupid!
me and at least five or six other people on here, some of whom are veterans.
here's the basic point;
you are entertained by speed.
i am not.
i find videos like the smb "air" and such to be much more entertaining than say, a speedrun of smb. speed is boring in tool assist. anyone can do speed. only tool assist can hack the game so you can glide UP the wall with jump kicks and juggle yourself on the boss.
also, i'm mainly disputing your claim that "i think too normal".
your run was FAR more normal than mine, the typical run and jump and attack enemies.
I was *abusing* the tool assist, while you were not. you were only doing small little jumps and normal things.
i was juggling myself on bosses, not touching the ground at all, abusing tool asisst to kill a boss in under three seconds without jutsu, shuriken, or anything else, etc.
just because you only like speed, doesn't mean this video isn't entertaining, and i'm not the only one who thinks so.
You just have to get used to this tool-assisted thing.
Do you think it's possible to go that fast without frame advance? That's the point here.
You're just too bound to normal gameplay.
That's why veteran people don't think your run is entertaining, like you do.
EDIT: Oh, about the enemies I killed, they WERE in my way. It's not possible to go through them, so I had to kill'em.
what i mean by "in my way" is just the samurai on the first level because you CAN NOT pass them. and oops, i *did* go through them. sorry, it's possible. :O
otherwise, NO other enemies should be killed.
i used frame advance for THE ENTIRE VIDEO. that's how i was able to pass the later levels, which you obviously didn't watch, or you would have realized this.
(try watching the second elevator segment on the last level; tell me that wasn't done with frame advance.)
sorry to tell you, my entire run was *far* more interesting than that, especially when i've already said, the first level sucked. not to mention, you did nothing "entertaining". you killed everyone as fast as possible, and everything you did, *i* can do without frame advance; i can do that at normal gameplay speed. :-/
try kicking those guys three times in mid air without being hurt.
i'm *far* from being bound to normal gameplay; in the level 2 boss, i glitch *up the wall* and only attack the boss in the air.
on the level 3 boss, i only touch the ground *twice*. on the level 3 midboss, i *never* touch the ground.
on the level 4 boss, i kill it before it even gets a *shot off* on it's first form, three seconds exactly. on the dragon boss, i beat it in an extremely impossible way outside of frame advance.
on the rock falling level and boss of that level, i jump around enemy shuriken and land one pixel on the rock, avoiding four or five shuriken at once on screen with acrobatics. on the boss i jump from rock to rock while slashing in the air and kicking.
on the final elevator section, there are *five or six bullets* being shot every *two seconds* in a constant stream, meaning not all at once, more like one bullet every third of a second, and i'm avoiding them *all*.
who's not using frame advance again? who's not staying in "normal game play"?
try doing any of the stuff i did in the video past level 2's elevator section without frame advance. actually, watch the entire video, then talk trash, and don't assume things that are incorrect, thanks. read the info also, might help ya there, i'm not going for speed, already told you that.
speed, anyone can do. speed in that game is easily annhilated without tool assist, a non tool assist speed run of that game will be pretty close to a tool assist speed run, which is *why* i went for entertainment rather than speed.
Ok? i don't really see your point?
if that was meant to be better than what I did, you do realize that one of the rules of this run is;
- no attacking or damaging enemies besides ones needed to pass through (samurais in first level)
so since you killed those few enemies, what you did is null and void in comparing to my run. try that without touching anyone and without hurting anyone else, then post it k?
also the little quick attacks aren't really cool looking, i was going for entertainment, not speed.
There's a huge difference between normal play and tool-assisted.
(and remember... I've never played this game before)
huh? wait for the shurikens? what are you talking about?
if you're talking about the final boss, sorry to tell you, i have to do that to bait him, any other action he does or I do, he'll stay invincible and i can't hurt him.
It will probably be rejected for not being optimized and you'll have to go over it anyway, but you can make an AVI of it yourself and post it in this thread to get more criticism.
the only codec that works for gens for me is fucking huffyuv, and that = 4 megs per SECOND >< and that's at lowest quality lmao
so i will probably submit it, do a huge ass submission text with tons of info about what i did in certain parts and why i did it, and gifs going with it
one i remake it, or even the first submission here soon, my shinobi III video.
i annhilate the stage 4 boss extremely fast, and all of the other bosses i do crazy ass aerobatics on.