Posts for darko21

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yep i knew that but it's faster to change than using a backback. nvm I use black belt right now and i don't have to change the weapon.
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wahou it's really impressive dude. My record is actually crushed by yours. why tasvideo hasn't published AOS boss rush yet? I can't find it on movie. edit "nevermind i just read the topic" I have no idea that it was possible to shoot before the door was close. I like the rush but I hate you cause I have to change everything now. But I guess some of my boss is a little faster but I'm not sure. Anyway what is the actual record? good stuff man It was awesome to watch.
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thx everyone I got 1'12'71 now Sub 1'12 is definitely possible sub 1'11 if new strategy sub 1'10 is impossible without giant bat glitch I guess
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All right thx u for your answer. Someone has any idea for balore strategy?.
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I remember I have tried it but didn't work but in fact IT WORK. thx dude. Where can I get some info on boss hit point? thats +3STR might help a lot lol there is no way I can get the fast dashing animation soma crouch evertime on the groud make me lost about 2frames everytime... EDIT:nevermind I'll watch your amazing tas and try to figure how I can do it :)
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i'm stupid I forget that L and R can be used in menu lol thx for the patern. Any idea for the black belt? I notice that the black belt increase the strenght of soma but my game has been save on chaos realm so there is no way I can get a black belt because I can't go back on the castle...
Post subject: Aria of sorrow BOSS RUSH 1'17'90
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*sorry my english isn't perfect* Auteur info : I was always fascinated by TAS movie so I decided to create my own and discovered the world of tasing. So this is my first tasing attempt on castlevania aria of sorrow. I decide to make the boss rush where my RTS time is 1’26. And the current record is 1’21’38. I couldn’t find any tas of the boss rush except some crappy one on youtube so I decided to create the first decent tasing . I complete the boss rush in 1’17’90 no glitch version Description of the rush Giant skeleton : It’s not possible to get faster on this first boss. Even If I killed him faster I have to travel the room using black panther soul and the door will be open anyway. Manticore : Same as previous. Note that sliding below the door allow soma to go a little further than If I had entered the door normaly. Gain of few frames. Great Armor : I don’t think I can gain any frames here. I use black panther the all way and killing him faster doesn’t change anything because I have to travel the room to the next boss. Man-Eater : not even a boss, all I have to do if using lubricant soul with 1hp to increase strength and use red minotaur soul. Big golem : I have to use blocking mail armor to be able to dodge the first hit and be invulnerable for few frames. Allow me to use Black panther soul almost the all time. Ascalon is the best weapon to increase strength of souls but I have to switch to claim’s solais at the end because the weapon does cancel the animation when soma get back on the ground. HeadHunter : same as man eater.I can’t be faster to kill him. But my dashing animation when the door open is terrible and I have no idea how to do It properly. Some frames can be gain here. Death Death is in my opinion the hardest boss in the game. He makes incredible damages and has so many hit points. I think I can gain some frames at the end using the positron rifle that I don't have...I'm not sure it's gonna kill him because no website can give me number of hit point of every boss. Legion I hate him. WHY? cause I have no idea how I can perform the legion quick door (basically you have to kill him at a frame perfect to make the door open much much faster) . I try every possible frames at the end and there is no way to perform the trick. Someone has to help me there. Few secondes can be saves. The rest is OK i guess. Balore Balore is tough and I try so many differents strategies. I used soul like medusa to stay in the air while crushing him but didn't work as well as I was expecting. It seems that Valmanway is a excellent weapon against him . I try to make as much damage as I could with claim's solais,final sword and Valmanway and no doubt that the last one is the best by far. The key on this boss is to use lightning doll (triple hit) and red minotaur soul on the same jump then switch to valmanway. It's funny to notice that you kill him before he used its transformation. I think this strategy is the best. But maybe someone knows a quickest way... Graham Graham has 3 transformations. They key here is to kill its first transformation before he dissapears. Graham has 2 attacks on its form . He can through 3 fireballs and you can avoid them by attacking them or some huge black balls that you can't destroyed. I don't know how to manipulate the boss but I notice that graham will choose it's attacking depending on how fast you will attack him. I lost about 10frames by waiting in front of him because graham will attack by using the fireball instead of the black balls. The rest on the battle is easy , just a combinaison of lighting doll and red minotaur. final word So this run isn't perfect but good enough for a first TAS attempt and it was fun to discovered to world of tasing. However I will collect every different strategies to make a better time. 1'11'XX is possible I guess. All I have to do is to make a better time against death (30-40frames can be gain) ,legion (4-5seconds for the legion quick door) and graham (10-20frames). Sorry my english is not my native language. Thx you for watching. PS : Plz removed this subject if it's not on the appropriate topic
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thank you all for your quick answer here is the final result
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I don't want to create another subject for my question so I'm asking here. My tas is finish. I got a.vbm files and I wanna know how to create a .avi files. Should I use VBA for this or a different software
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i'm currently tasing soma's boss rush but I have some trouble with legion quick door trick. Does anyone can explain me how to do it proprely? How can we move as fast as possible using dash + diagonal kick repeatedly like we can saw on every aos tas.I have some trouble with this when I can use black panther dash thank
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all right thx you for your quick answer guys. One last thing I want to know before I get ready. I wanna be sure to understand the rerecord frame thing. for exemple I realized that my frame 500 isn't good i wanna go back to frame 499. What you I do? Do I have to use FRAME STUFF? (frame search - frame search end - previous frame...)? Or should I use save and load slot option (and save until my frame 500 is correct)?
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thx for your respond. This create a .vbm files after I stop recording the video. Another little question. Tasing is way longer than I would have expecting. How people can made it if it last longer than one day. I mean after I stop the video .I got my vbm files containing my movie and how i can continue it?
Post subject: movie recording
Experienced Forum User
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hello everybody I decide to create my own Tas movie by using tasvideo tutorial for my fav video game castlevania. This is my first attempt so I have some trouble with movie recording. I'm using vba21 and I have no ideo of which kind of video I should use . I guess I have to record full trames (I don't really know if it the correct translation) but everytime I'm watching what I have done it show the frame search i have used during my attempt and not a fluid movement like I expect. How do you record a video on VBA for tasing? thx in advance and sorry for my poor english.