nahh, even if this guy did 100% in one go, a tas video would still be cool to watch, as long as it has, perhaps, a good number of bugs/exploits. and is better not be 100%, just the more fast possible.
and isone of the best games of play1, I did almost everything that can be done on this game. I even decide to kill the freya before the last fase (you know, revenge for her killing the group of herous so easily if you run out of time). I played on hard and evolved the best possible before the last moment that you can fight her (before enter the last chapter). then I fabricated the best equipament that could be made on that time on the game and get 99 healing itens before the fight.
I don't know if there was a better way to defeat her, but my way result in a fight that lasted, by what I remember, some 3+ hours. then I ran out of my 99 ressurect itens but still was able to defeat her... to be rewarded with... the same death scene (she reporting to odin that she have killed my group, hahaha)