Posts for cyberwrath

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Well he didn't line up the jump onto the fourth cop car which lost about 4-5 seconds having to go back and stuff, and he only missed the main planter jump once because he accidentally fastplanted. There's a lot of pressure when you have good level times before that! From watching, the other levels were: warehouse :25 school 1:02 mall :55 minneapolis :51 (pretty complex route) DHJ 1:04 San Fran 1:51 (eww :( ) Well I'd glad you actually believe the time now edit: well randy doesn't play for high scores in that game, hence the no contributions of combos. We were just playing some THPS1 over the summer and tried to do levels quickly. The recorded 8:45 run is 288 megs on a digital camera, made basically for me to watch.
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Start, get the first cop car. Ride up the ramp, get to the K, drop down hopefully landing on or near the second cop car. Continue to the right jumping over the far cop car, go up the incline and ramp2ramp for the A. Coming down hit the other cop car gaining speed. Go off the planter onto the rooftop (don't fastplant). Wallride up the beginning to gain special. Go off the secret tape ramp doing a spinning backflip for about 30k points. Go to the right and up the planter to the room with the T. Jump out the window and head for the E. After that, just head to the fifth cop car, then go up a small ramp to hit a grind on the stair ledge and jump into the S. Target time: ~1:30-1:35
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That's because my run is an individual level run to be compared with times on the N64HS site. You don't need the witch switch, mumbo tokens, and your time ends when you get 100/100, 10/10, 2/2
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Or you can make a video of yourself doing it and I can point out why you're so slow.
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Have you actually tried it? You just go in a counter-clockwise motion around the whole level. If you don't make major mistakes (especially on the tape) then you can easily get under 1:40.
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Just watched the video, and lol I WAS off on some of these times, but the real ones were much LOWER than what I said. Minneapolis was 51, DHJ was 1:05. Yeah, this run wasn't sent in because he missed the major trick in San Fran TWICE costing him 18 seconds, getting him a 1:51 instead of a 1:30 target. Final time was 8:45 including menus and such. Maybe he'll go for lower, who knows.
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Yeah, that's Randy. And yes, I'd probably doubt them if I were you, but I'm 100% positive of these times, even though they are pretty unbelievable. Minneapolis uses a very bizarre route, but can be done in under a minute if everything goes perfectly. San Fran you're probably surprised b/c of the hidden tape variable. A pretty cool method is used to get this that cuts off a good 20 seconds by going up to get it from a different way, and the route ends at the S, though it's tricky to pull off consistently. I'm persuading him to send it in to the SDA. And edit: yeah, I've seen jed's videos a few years ago, pretty crazy, though I'm no good at high scores for the first 2 games. edit2: I just remembered I might have a crappy digital camera video of Randy's run somewhere. I'll have to find it.
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I was referring more to the ones such as Minneapolis < 3:00. Don't really understand this since you only have 2 minutes to do it. And yeah, I'd say less than a minute vs. 3 minutes is a lot on a game that takes less than 10 minutes to do. And I'd say that any level that has more than a one minute difference IS way off, and it'd be a crappy as hell TAS.
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lol zurreco, your times are way off :p more like: warehouse 0:25 school 1:05 mall 0:53 minneapolis 0:55 DHJ hard to remember, but I think around 1:20 to be safe San Fran 1:30 all competitions very low, of course, and done in 2 runs. these are all on console, btw, so a TAS should obviously be lower. And I know a ton of useful timesaving tricks for this game, so if anyone's actually interested in doing this run, I'd gladly help.
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hey wouter, there were 2 better videos of me MM - 5:52 and TTC - 8:52. Unfortunately I lost them after reformatting my hard drive :( lol, I barely remember doing that CC video, but I must have. I imagine the time is kinda bad.
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Well it looks like you nailed everything, especially picking up jiggies in flying mode which is a bitch to do on console. Only thing I can think of - if you can get lucky enough with the hippo, you can acquire the jiggy during the cutscene if he's standing in the right place when you throw your treasure to him.
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FYI, my friend Discombobulator was working on a 100% THPS 1 run for the SDA, but he never sent it in, in hopes of achieving a better time (which isnt likely at this point, so hopefully he'll send it in soon). His time was around 8 minutes, I believe, with a TON of route optimization and tricks executed flawlessly. If someone does try to do a TAS of THPS 1, this should be roughly the worst time you should hope for.
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I just wanted to point out a few pages ago when someone said the WR for a console 100% on TTC was 9:36, that page is very outdated. I've gotten 8:52 on a console, and since marsh and I worked together a lot on his SS run at SDA, his route is mainly based off mine. However, I'll watch the WIP now and see if I can think of any time-saving tricks.
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So marsh's record at the SDA is 2:55 single segment. I personally know that someone else has gotten roughly 2:45 using death abuses/save and quits. I also know that the routes marsh used were pretty much compiled from just the two of us (I helped him for his run) and using the speed FAQ on gamefaqs. I know for a fact that the routes can be improved, since we were just two people and a guide. If you had a few people working on this just to test out which routes were the fastest for each level, you have the run right there. The execution is very easy. I'd expect that this run would be 100%, excluding finding Cheato three times and using his codes; basically just 900 notes, 18(?) honeycomb pieces (cant remember), and 100 jiggies. Just take the time to plan out which routes are the fastest in each level and I wouldnt be surprised if a 100% run goes below 2:40, or even 2:35 for that matter.