Metaknight should totally do more backflips. :P
if it doesn't slow you down, it'd be fun to watch Meta go all ninja on everyone and use combos with all of his attacks, as to just slashing everyone.
Besides that, that was a cool run!
The kombucha mushroom people...
Sitting around all day...
Sorry for the double post. Just an update for people to ponder about.
I got to the first round of the E4 with Blastoise lvl 55 I think? In the end he was 59. Then doing the Sevii Island quest, I only leveled up 3 times.
So I go fight E4 a second time with my level 62. Blastoise!! The E4 is eassssssssyyy!!! One X-item and then crit hit them all. Your Rival, however, is all in your face and he thinks he's all gangsta, word, dawg, etc. He will take the most luck manipulation. Luckily, he starts out with Heracross and abuses Megahorn (which has 80% acc.). Two x-Items, then you crit hit all of Rival's pkmn. End
:EDIT - 10/19: Forget what I said before. After rethinking it, Lucky egg would be faster. By a couple seconds I think, but still faster!! Though, getting a lucky egg without using action replay codes is a pain. :P
The kombucha mushroom people...
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hey, finally started something with the TAS. Played up to Blaine but it's late and I just started messin around. So I'm not posting my time. :P
Questions about the list I should get out of the way:
--Why aren't you stone evolving more pokemon?
Though catching a pkmn and the whole evolution animation are both roughly 30 seconds, most of the stone evolving pokemon are either:
a) out of the way of a time efficient path
b) in the water. We're not fishing, takes too long
c) in the safari zone, and we want to avoid going inside pkmn centers as much as possible.
--No in-gametrades?
The in-game trade pokemon would be in my PC and I wanna avoid the PC. I could keep Spearow in my party for the beginning (to trade for Farfetch'd), but I want room for Sandshrew and Abra, so Spearow is going to end up being sent to the PC in the end.
--$500 Magikarp ftw?
I want to avoid pokemon centers
--Eevee in Celedon?
I have to stray off course, which I don't need to do if I stick with the list.
Anyways, updated list based on what I played:
Updated Oct 16, 6:55 pm PST
-Pallete Town-
1. Squirtle
-Route 1-
2. Pidgey
-Viridian Forest-
3. Pikachu
-Route 3-
don't look
-Mt. Moon-
4. Clefairy
5. Clefable (via moonstone)
-Route 4-
6. Sandshrew
7. Wartortle (should be evolved by now)
Sandshrew doesn't have a quickclaw in FR/LG. WHYYYYYYY???-Route 24/25-
8. Abra (gonna use teleport after Lt. Surge battle)
9. Weedle
10. Kakuna
11. Caterpie
12. Metapod
When searching here, you go into the patch of grass closest to the hiker. Then do that "safari zone trick" where you press the directional pad back forward to get the RNG going.-Route 6-
13. Bellsprout
14. Meowth
-Route 9-
15. Voltorb
16. Spearow
-Rock Tunnel-::1st/2nd floor::
17. Machop
18. Zubat
19. Geodude
20. Onix
:: 3rd floor ::
-Route 8-
-Pokemon Tower-
21. Ghastly
22. Cubone
23. Haunter
24. Blastoise (from Wartortle)
-Cycling Road-
25. Snorlax
When you get to Fuchsia City, go to your PC real quick and deposit Clefable-Safari Zone-
:: Entrance/Center::
26. Chansey (with Lucky Egg)
27. Pinsir
28. Venonat
:: Area 1::
29. Exeggcute
30. Paras
31. Parasect
32. Nidoran M
33. Nidorino
34. Nidoran F
35. Nidorina
36. Doduo
37. Kangaskhan
:: Area 2::
38. Rhyhorn
39. Venomoth
40. Tauros
-Route 21-
41. Tentacool
42. Tentacruel
-Cinnabar Mansion-
43. Vulpix
44. Koffing
45. Grimer
46. Muk
47. Ratata
48. Raticate
49. Ditto (on second floor)
Gamefreak moved Magmar from the mansion to Mt. Ember. Clever...
-Island 3 forest area-
50. Slowpoke
51. Drowzee
52. Hypno
53. Weepinbell
54. Pidgeotto
-Silph Co.-
55. Lapras
-the route before victory road-
56. Fearow
-Victory Road-
57. Graveler
58. Machoke
59. Marrowak
60. Golbat
Does anyone know a good way to manipulate catch rates besides resetting over and over hoping you catch a pokemon? That would really help this run. thanks!
Also, Lucky Egg may not make a difference in this run as long as you have Quick Claw and X-item yourself. Assuming you're level 70 vs. Rival's level 70 pokemon, you can X-item/crit hit people. may possibly be faster to do this do to amount of text?
The kombucha mushroom people...
Sitting around all day...
Um, I can try to do the speed run (since I made a list and all that). I've never recorded anything on an emulator... so, if anyone is willing to have me PM a bunch of n00b questions at them, let me know. :)
The kombucha mushroom people...
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I say Mega Punch since it has more PP. Mega Punch is strong enough to OHKO with critical hits.
Lucky Egg will help you level up faster so you can do more damage on everyone. And definitely Quick Claw because your rival's pokemon the second time you fight the E4 are in the 70s, so no way Blastoise would be faster.
The kombucha mushroom people...
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I know, but this route can be used for both here and SDA. For TAS, you'd just make small little tweaks, like instead of getting eevee, you get Tauros, or something like that. But still, since the encounter rate is based on steps like FF said, you want to catch some pokemon, then repel since I don't think you can manipulate WHEN a pokemon pops up.
I'll tweak the list for this site though.
The list is now TAS friendly and updated
The kombucha mushroom people...
Sitting around all day...
I'm arguing with someone on SDA is what's faster: Catching pokemon or evolving them with stones.
I say catching because you can avoid pokemon centers and buying stones.
He did bring up one thing though! You have to do the Island 3 quest where you have to go looking for Lostelle before you go looking for the ruby and sapphires for the scientist dude. If you do that after you beat Blaine, you can save yourself an extra trip to Cinnabar after the the first round of the E4. Plus, you can pick up extra pokemon, so you won't have to buy a thunderstone for Pikachu.
You can go back to the Islands after the Elite 4 through the boat in Vermilion, it's probably faster to bike to the port and just say "Go to Island 1"
The kombucha mushroom people...
Sitting around all day...
No, you don't. You did in the original Red and Blue versions but in the FireRed and LeafGreen versions, Lapras will automatically get sent to your PC.
Oh really? Awesome, then you'd get Lapras instead of Eevee. It'll be faster since the guy who gives you Lapras isn't out of the way like Eevee is.
kirbymuncher wrote:
So what nature would be good for Squirtle? And is Leafgreen really that much better than Firered?
The best would be a female Bold Squirtle. Bold is +Def/-Att and female to avoid attract attack's from Lorelei's Jynx.
Also, I say Leaf Green is better because Magmar is in Cinnabar Mansion, so there's more Pokemon to catch without having to go out of your way and having to evolve Pokemon.
- Catch Meowth at Route 8 so you don't have to jump over the rocks into the grass on Route 5.
- Weezing isn't in Cinnabar Mansion in LG!! Sorry!!
- Evolve both Metapod and Kakuna
You can use rain dance+torrent to boost squirtle/wartortle/blastoise's water attacks, so it's kind of like a facade attack.
The kombucha mushroom people...
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