Posts for bakery2k

Joined: 5/26/2010
Posts: 1
Congratulations janus - this is an excellent speedrun! I found it really entertaining, especially since the conversations between characters are still just about slow enough to follow the story. I'd also like to compliment FreshFeeling on the very interesting commentary - it really adds an extra dimension to the run. One particular part of the commentary stood out to me though - during the final battle, "Chaz is doing the most damage output ... at level 4". Given that the Shadowblade glitch is no longer available at this point, is there a reason why Chaz is still at such a low level? Simply keeping Chaz alive to the end of the fight with Sa-Lews allows him to reach a level between 11 and 17 (depending on who else survives the fight) - would the final battle be any quicker if Chaz was at one of these higher levels?