Posts for aztectornado

Joined: 7/21/2014
Posts: 2
slamo wrote:
The scrolling towards the sign is very slow (much slower than running speed) so it's almost always best to get as close to the sign as possible before hitting it. The only exception is Lagunicus 1 in the extra run, where Jazz is swimming through a counter-current and scrolling is just a little bit faster. The timer in the HUD can be cheesed to be as low as possible by hitting it early but it's slower overall so we opted not to do that.
Ahh, okay, that's what I was wondering about. Didn't see anywhere that mentioned that, and I'd forgotten that the camera pans at a snail's pace after you hit the sign. Guess it'd get pretty boring and annoying if you did use TNT that way.
Joined: 7/21/2014
Posts: 2
Kinda curious now after watching it and partway through the extra levels one. I saw you occasionally end a level with a TNT bomb when passing an otherwise inaccessible level end sign, but this makes me wonder how many milliseconds could be shaved off the ending if you used TNT right as the sign comes into view, rather than waiting for it to come into range of your gun? Obviously, it's not something that works for all levels since most of the time the game's kinda stingy with the stuff, but in some of them you end up with a surplus of TNT, and gut instinct is telling me there's probably optimizations that could come from that. Edit: Finished up the other one now, dang good run for an under-appreciated game. :3