So I couldn't replicate the glitch on Wii U VC. I went through the same steps and it crashes the game. I even loaded a restore point from yesterday where I was messing with it when it was working and it STILL crashed the game.
Same method crashes the game on J and Eng for GBA SP, DS, and GB Player.
I really don't know what to say about this one.
I'm having difficulty replicating this on a GBA SP doing the same steps. It makes me wonder if there's other variables at play here like level values and stuff or if it's just specific to Wii U VC. Still have more things to test including the J version.
I just wrong warped to Mario Bros within Superstar Saga:
Get Barrel Hop on Mario and Luigi
Turn Mario into a Barrel
Swap the bros, press A to do barrel break with Luigi
Turn Luigi into a Barrel
Break Luigi out of the barrel
Swap the bros
High Jump on Mario
In my short testing session this is what I've determined:
The action commands the bros are set to matter
The height of the bros matter as well
I've managed to call Mario Bros a few times using different combinations of action commands but there might be other applications to this as well.
This was done on the Wii U VC English version. I have not tested on JP yet.
So Wii U VC, DS, and GBA SP do not do action command skipping like the GB Player does, so emulator is far closer to what the other systems do as far as accuracy goes. There's still a discrepancy with the number of button presses and visuals though.
My only guess to why this might be is a different framerate from GB Player. Wii U VC also appears to lag less during the action command glitch. I'm going to time area transitions and other things to see if the VC has any advantages there.
I'm pretty sure the hammer constant depends on the timing of the hit and isn't random. Because if you mash the attack button you will get the same damage every time.
Also yes Chopper Adv uses Luigi's POW. In the current RTA route I only buy one mush badge because the attacks I use only use Mario's POW.
It's important to note that with Bros Attacks that it will use whatever Attack stat of the Bro who makes the connecting hit.
So with Knockback Bros it's using Mario's attack stat and not Luigi's. Failing Bounce Advance after the first input will also use Mario's stat instead of Luigi's.
With spinjump on Luigi, how many L presses do you need to acquire Barrelhop. Or how do you do Joke's End Early?
You cannot acquire barrelhop with Luigi's spinjump in Bizhawk and VBA24. If you say it is possible on console, then this is a rather serious emulation problem. Not affecting the TAS but still...
Is Luigi hat clip to Fungitown the same as to Birdo? Or is there a crucial difference?
L is pressed 7 times, then I hop off and press L twice to get barrel hop on Luigi. This would only be useful on J from what I've found so far. If we can find a way to get a blank action ID on Luigi earlier than the forest then the J version has potential to be faster.
Hat clip to Fungitown behaves a little differently as far as movement goes, but it does the same thing every time if you move in the exact same spot, but in real time that's hard to replicate the same exact movement.
- When doing 2nd Rock skip, and using Luigi's Spinjump to make him float, what am I supposed to do next? When I switch the brothers, Mario will fall down and no rock skip can be done.
You hop on top of Mario with Spin Jump and hop back off, don't use Spin Jump. Swap the bros, then high jump over the rock with Mario.
High jump on luigi again, press L until a high Jump appears then press L 15 more times
This is confusing to me. Did you mean Highjump until the flicker stops?
It really doesn't help that the icon cues are different on emulator... I think you press L 15 times after the flickering stops.
I would be grateful for very precise step by step explanations. Instead of "follow Fungitown skip until across the wall" or such. I hope you understand.
When I can find time I'm going to make videos with instructions.
I tested Action Command Glitch on English version between GBA, GB Player and DS. Someone requested this here earlier...
From what I've noticed the action command glitch does not skip action IDs randomly on DS or GBA but it does on GB Player. DS and GBA behave similarly to WiiU VC in that regard and it does not lag as much as GB Player.
I'm wondering if the GB Player runs at a different framerate.
English: Press L 12 times, hop off, Press L 2 times
As my EDIT said, on vba-24m this takes 12 L presses and only 1 subsequent L press. I did test this at least three times so it isn't random skipping ahead.
If not too much trouble, please also describe or post your pastebins so I know what you do in certain situations:
- What do you do in Teehee Valley in order to skip past the rock towards Popple/Birdo?
- What do you do in order to enter the exitway in Bowser's Castle? Do you have to cycle through all glitch commands after you "barrel hop" on Luigi or is there away to prevent that?
- What do you do to perform both "hat clips"/"huge skips" in Teehee Valley? How many L presses etc.?
- What do you do in the 2nd room after entering the yellow pipe towards Popple/Birdo? I saw there was a video for it - are you aware of it? Do you do the same thing as in the video?
Testing all these on emu will help me see if they're doable and how severe the differences are. Also in the future, I want to try to optimize those tricks if possible.
I'll make videos with descriptions later.
1st Rock Skip @ Guffwha ruins
I have high jump from initial setup of action command glitch.
High Jump on Luigi
Press L 13 times to get glitch hammer, hammer Luigi
Press L repeatedly until high jump appears (I don't know how many times, it always varies on console)
High Jump on Luigi
Press L repeatedly until high jump appears again
High Jump on Luigi
Press R 21 times then hop off
Luigi should have Barrel Break, Press A
Swap Bros, switch back Luigi to High Jump
Jump on Mario then back off
Swap Bros
Jump over the rock using Mario's High Jump (just hold right and press B twice)
Once over the rocks swap the bros
Switch back Luigi to Hammer, use Hammer twice
Camera will be restored once front Mario jumps
back Mario will have High Jump, you'll want to keep this for Fungitown skip
Fungitown Hat Clip
High Jump on Luigi
Press L repeatedly, once I feel enough time has passed I slow down
Once the first high jump appears, press L 11 times (on console I look for six high jumps to appear and press L once after the sixth one, as IDs can get randomly skipped)
Get Glitch Hammer and hammer Luigi into the ground
Press L repeatedly until you get High Jump, then you can perform the skip
Once you get across the wall, High Jump on Luigi
Press R 21 times to get Barrel Break, then jump off
Press A then swap the bros and hop on the elevator with Mario leading
I do barrel break instead of giving Mario barrel hop because it's faster for Mario to have High jump for the next skip
2nd Rock Skip @ Teehee Valley
Go up to the sign in Teehee Valley main lobby
High Jump on Luigi
Press R 21 times to get barrel break
Break out of barrel to make Luigi's action empty
Walk up to sign
Swap the bros
Press L 10 times
Swap the bros, walk away from the sign
High jump on Luigi then hop off
Swap the bros and press L twice to get Luigi Spin Jump (needed for last part of Big Skip)
Walk up to rock, High jump on luigi
Get glitch hammer in the same way you get it on Fungitown skip
Do the rock skip the same way as the one at Guffawha ruins from here
The only difference is instead of Luigi High Jumping on Mario he uses Spin Jump instead (This is very important as it allows you to high jump facing upward as Mario to get over the rock)
Once you get over the rock swap the bros so you can enter the transition
Big Skip @ Teehee Valley
Follow Fungitown skip until you get across the wall
Once across the wall, High Jump on Luigi and jump up in the air to restore normal movement
High jump on luigi again, press L until a high Jump appears then press L 15 more times (or on console count 8 high jumps and press L one more time)
Jump off Luigi, then press L twice to get barrel hop
Turn Luigi into a barrel to restore him to normal
Once you get in the room that requires the torch to be lit, Jump on top of Mario with Luigi Spin Jump
Press R twice and hop off to give front Mario Firebrand.
Keep Spin Jump on Luigi until you get the Red Peppers, barrel hop on Mario is needed for the Bowser Castle skip
I hope I was descriptive enough. It's hard to count button presses on console when there's a lot of L mashing and when the number varies due to random action ID skipping.
For getting barrel:
English: Press L 12 times, hop off, Press L 2 times
Japanese: Press L 18 times, hop off, Press L 2 times
This assumes no action IDs are skipped.
Sign glitch in English:
Starting Commands.
Front Mario: Jump
Back Luigi: Jump
Front Luigi: Jump
Back Mario: Hammer
Get stored barrel commands, break barrel, walk up to sign
Swap bros, Press L 10 times*
Swap bros, jump on Luigi with Spin jump, face opposite direction, jump off
Swap bros, press L twice
Should have Spin Jump on Back Luigi at this point
Step away from the sign so Mario gets a regular jump icon
Jump on Mario with Spin Jump, Press R 15 times**, Jump off Mario
Should have "Jump out of Ground" icon on Mario
Jump out of ground, swap bros, switch Back Mario to Hammer, swap bros again
Walk to sign, swap bros, Press L once (Back Mario will have a small X)
From here you can swap the bros, after Luigi hammers Mario it will give Back Mario Firebrand.
* On console when cycling through action IDs the game will sometimes skip IDs at random. This doesn't always happen and you have to pay attention to the visual and audio cues to notice it. I've had several occasions with this and the action command glitch in general where you can press L the same number of times on console and get different results. This same behavior occurs on the Japanese version too but it does not happen as often.
** When pressing R here on console the game will sometimes skip far ahead in action IDs and give high pitched chimes and a different background instead. This is beneficial because when you start hearing these chimes you can stop pressing R after hearing it twice because you'll have the ID you want when you jump off of Mario. This behavior does NOT happen on the Japanese version and on top of that you only have to press R 10 times on Japanese instead of 15.
Why this happens I'm not sure and I'm only pressing R when it happens. Sometimes it happens and sometimes it doesn't and the speed of which I press R is irrelevant.
I'm going to hopefully get a few videos out today showing the details.
Sign Glitch:
I got it to work on J console -
The main difference from guesst's instructions is when Luigi has spin jump is I need to hit R 10 times.
As far as the J route is concerned this shouldn't change anything prior to this point. Instead of going to Oho Oasis after the barrel room I go straight to Fungitown on the RTA, TAS could go straight to Popple and Birdo from this point. Though I'm pretty sure the TAS can save time if it gets the Mush Badge too because it would save time on Cackletta.
My initial estimate of 7 minutes saved due to this glitch seems a little high now though. It's probably around 4 minutes instead, but the TAS can still shave off more time than that with a Fungitown route potentially.
I'm not sure how this affects English version yet, there's one issue that needs to be worked out first, barring that it's looking at 30+ minutes saved and it might be faster than J.