Posts for ZodaStone

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Joined: 11/10/2014
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Right, again "loading zone" probably wasn't the right word to use there. All I'm claiming is that the game doesn't update the glowing/non-glowing status of rabbits unless you go through a door that fades the screen to black; those 2 doors don't do that.
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Update on white-rabbit-skipping: For those intending to skip opening the front door in a run with this glitch: You need to talk to Lakitu at the front door (and get that key-icon to show up on your minimap). For some reason, if you never talk to Lakitu there, the one Luigi rabbit by the Mario painting never shows up, at all.
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I believe that, the reason you have to catch those specific rabbits (one for whichever character you're using) is that they occupy the same area of memory as that one rabbit for Luigi. Those rooms are not always being drawn, for sure (you can check this by peeking out of bounds), but there are aspects of them that stay constant as you move between those rooms. For instance, if you get that glowing rabbit as Luigi, then return to the character-select room, then go right back to the rabbit, it'll still be glowing, and still be in the position you left it in. Maybe "loaded" wasn't the right word to use; what's important is that the game doesn't re-roll the glowing rabbit RNG until you go through a door that causes the screen to fade to black. Which is why you need Luigi, that rabbit by the Mario painting only spawns as Luigi, and it's the only rabbit you can reach without passing through a door that makes the screen fade to black.
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Okay, (blurry) video created. Paradox was in my channel while I made this; he said he was going to make a Youtube video on it.
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Thanks all for the responses regarding versions. My cart has ASMEN0xxx. I will work on making a video in the next couple of days.
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I made a post a long time ago about a glitch I found that lets you skip most of the white rabbit quest. Now I finally got around to testing it, and I think I have as much control over it as I can get... Prereqs for the glitch: Get to the point of the game where white rabbits can start appearing (50 stars and all characters unlocked?), and cannot have caught the green, Luigi rabbit near the painting of Mario. Doing this glitch involves using either Yoshi, Mario, or Wario. For the sake of explanation let's assume we're using Yoshi. First, you need to catch a specific (yellow, not white) rabbit. Out of the 3 that start out next to the main castle entrance, it's the one closest to the door to the basement (so on your left as you exit the castle, or on your right as you start up the game). After catching that rabbit, switch to Luigi, then immediately (without going through the door back to the main castle foyer) check on the green rabbit by the Mario painting. There is a chance that this rabbit will be white, even though you haven't caught that rabbit for the first time. Catching this white rabbit will result in the game giving you the key to the empty room with the star, regardless of whether you have caught any white rabbits before. In a TAS, (hopefully) you can manipulate the RNG to make that rabbit white, it's the same as any other RNG roll for the white rabbits as far as I can tell. In a humanoid 150-star run, you would check the rabbit by the Mario painting, and if it isn't white, you would switch back to Yoshi, go through the door to the main castle foyer (to trigger a loading zone), then switch back to Luigi, check the rabbit again, repeat until it is white. For RTA, this could save a lot of time if you get it first try. For TAS it's also a significant time save. Why I think it works: I believe (through testing on-console alone) that the game only rolls the RNG for potential white rabbits each time you go through a loading zone. Perhaps the aforementioned Yoshi rabbit and Luigi rabbit occupy the same area of memory, or are in the same slot in the "1-7 order of rabbits for XXX character." When you switch to Luigi and go directly to the rabbit by the Mario painting, you don't hit any loading triggers; this is the only rabbit in the game where this is possible. As I wrote earlier, you can use Mario or Wario in place of Yoshi. For Mario, the specific rabbit you need to catch is the one by Snowman's Land. For Wario, it's the one in the basement. All of this is supported by hours of me running around the castle. I can make a video of this glitch if anyone wants; I have no trouble replicating it. It'd be a very blurry video of me pointing a webcam at my DS, though. Not 100% sure how to check what version I'm on, but I got the game right when it came out, so V0 or V1? NTSC. Sorry for the long post, but hopefully this helps with the 150 TAS if anyone's still working on it, as well as taking out some of the sting from humanoid 150 runs!
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I meant that I have pulled it off at least twice in my lifetime (not in the same playthrough to be sure), not sure how much time was in between those successes. Regrettably I never used save+reset to see if I could store this in a save file.
Post subject: Possible Skip of Shiny Rabbit Quest
Experienced Forum User
Joined: 11/10/2014
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I don't believe anyone is making a 150 Star TAS of this game, but this still seems to be the most appropriate place to post this... While playing casually, I ran into a glitch that let me get the star for the 8 shiny rabbits early. Although I don't know how it works and can't make it happen consistently. My apologies if this is already known; I looked and couldn't find this anywhere. I'm playing on a North American cart, 1st version. I was playing as Luigi and went to catch the rabbit at the entrance to Goomboss Battle. But the rabbit was shiny, even though I had never caught it before. I caught it and I got the text for a non-shiny rabbit. After the text the rabbit threw Luigi a key, but while the key was in midair it froze and I got another text box saying I had caught a shiny rabbit and had 6 left to catch (this was my first shiny that playthrough, so I have no idea where the number "6" came from). After that text box the key landed on Luigi and the game said it was the key to the empty room! And it was! Again, no idea how it works. And no video evidence as of yet (for me that would have to be in the form of a camera pointed at the DS). It has happened to me at least twice, always with the same rabbit in front of the Mario painting. Sure would be nice if someone could get this to work consistently; it would remove one of the most infuriating parts of the game. Who knows, this might end up becoming one of the obtained stars in an any% run.