Posts for Zerotech

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I apologize for reviving this thread, I wanted to follow up something about a thread that I've posted As hanzou has pointed out to me in his statement Here are a few links to explain some of the things mentioned so far. why you should jump down the chute at frame 2140 & 12300 : falling faster why Rockman 3 (J) instead of Mega Man 3 (U): avoids ~100 frames copyright screen (I can't find the thread where this was explained) why your Magnet Man fight was suboptimal: know for how long the boss' invulnerability lasts All in all, you've shown a strong effort in this but probably missed some of the necessary techniques because you compared your frame counts only at the completion of each stage. It takes a lot of work, but you instead need to compare times for every piece of the run where you potentially could lose frames. If you hold yourself to that standard you'll gradually come to understand how to make all parts of your run as fast or faster than Vatchern's movie. As for the 2nd controller cheat, I doubt there is much demand for a run utilizing the high-jump, since it'd only be a couple minutes faster while less entertaining and less impressive. I'd recommend trying to improve the regular Rockman 3 movie, except I'm not sure how far along Vatchern and Angerfist are with the next version. Would you be interested in Mega Man 4 or 6? Those runs are also visibly improvable and I think nobody is working on them at the moment. Explanation of hanzou's statement (but probably missed some of the necessary techniques) I can see why now that the people don't want to use the Jump trick as people have mentioned it can devalue the game. As for the some of the techniques used in the game, The only thing I could say that is wrong is not that I can't perform the slide it's more like where I position myself to conduct a proper transition from slide to jump, It is noticiable on the 1st stage of Magnetman where that magnet pulled me back when I should have slid a bit further but I would'nt have jumped to a proper 45 Degree Angle which most of my small jumps I try to position myself to jump at a 45 Degree angle as much as possible than jumping a bit vertical and hugging the wall to complete the jump. If you do happen to look at my WIP Carefully I make sure when Megaman Jumps he lands on the edge of the Terrain thus creating a shorter jump that allows me to slide a lot sooner but instances where this maybe beneficial it can also cause some hiccups, especially if there is a ladder nearby and just happens that megaman stops his slide on one block (8 Pixels if i can calculate it correctly) before approaching the ladder. Others have pointed out that some parts of Magnetman had a static-lag and it is noticeable when I fired the 3 shots at my left when going down the ladder the 2nd time and the 3rd. I don't understand why it lagged when there isn't much objects that were visible at that time. The only thing I got fustrated is the Magnetman fight, at best it looked suboptimal as I could'nt figure out the right pattern how to make him use his Magnet Shield side by side instead he shoots a set of 3 missiles twice which prolonged the fight sequence and added about 3 seconds of the recommended fight time. I'm not 100% sure if the Rush Jet is needed or certain bosses had to be executed in order to manipulate the proper fight sequence as I could not find a clear answer as to how I can beat him effectively. The argument I like to make about the Hard Man stage was the 1st Part of the stage before going up. That I took a Clear Gamble whether I take a risk passing up the swarm of bees or take them out using the Magnet Missile. I know for certain that It will lag when I decided to pass, but how many frames to be exact that I lost I had to calculate carefully that the slide took more than 20 frames to complete it due to de-sync and how how long the lag lasts had to be justifed with the penalty bonus for de-sync would justify having to switch weapons (would take appox. 40 Frames) and getting the Weapon Refill (Min. 25 Frames). By the time I completed the 1st part of the stage It would be like something like My Frame count + Penalty Bonus comparing to the more recent Method of killing the bees and completing it and had to determine carefully if killing the bees was worth it. IMO I didn't think killing the bees was worth it at this stage. People can of course argue it but I wanted to see if the choices I've made so far were the right choice so far I kind of having mixed feelings about it.
Why can't I myself improve on my skills just because of my silly name?
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Bag of Magic Food wrote:
But you didn't even jump down certain chutes...
Could you elaborate a bit more which chutes specifically that i didn't jump down? I could explain my answer better.
Why can't I myself improve on my skills just because of my silly name?
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I have for at least the Hard Man Stage. I've compared the time values of my submission as well as the current and previous submissions for the beginning of the Hard Man Stage. I know that de-sync can actually increase frames and could add to time, but I found that on that occassion I prefer that part of the stage to de-sync and not get hit is faster than the current submission that uses the Magnet Missile to take out the swarm of bees as well as getting the Weapon Energy Refill not to mention the time it takes to switch to the Magnet Missile in the first place.
Why can't I myself improve on my skills just because of my silly name?
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Bag of Magic Food wrote:
Yeah, there are a few different effects you can get from pushing buttons on the second controller, but I think they're disallowed for speed runs because they seem to be leftover debug code and not a legitimate way to play. But who knows? Maybe it can be a run in another category.
That is probably the only thing I should be concerned about, whether or not this trick is allowed is really left up to the judges and as well as the administrators to decide over the legitimate use of this abusive error code. Although this case of me using the jump trick I managed to get to complete the Hard Man stage faster by avoiding the bees at the start instead of shooting it which wastes time and successfully manage to avoid it rather than getting hit from previous submissions which also wastes time. It seems to me like I'm going to have to wait is this is ok to use otherwise it'll be pointless continuing the project if the entertainment value is devalued by not employing new tricks as well as tactical gameplay changes.
Why can't I myself improve on my skills just because of my silly name?
Post subject: Mega Man 3 - Revised Proposal of new TAS Plan
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Hi to you all, I might be a newcomer to the forums so I like to introduce to myself. I have been a video gamer like many video game entusiasts since at a young age. I have been viewing this site for some time now, and have seen the submissions of Tool-Assisted Speedruns from various authours. What inspired me to come here was the 1st TAS speedrun of the infamous SMB3 Speedrun and drew a lot of feedback as well as a lot of criticism. From what I've observed there are quite a lot of submissions of very interesting TAS submissions and I would like to contribute as well by providing my 1st TAS but it's far from complete. From all the games that are available I chose Mega Man 3 using the US Version ROM. I could have chosen the Japanese ROM but I'd rather choose a game that I can understand in my language. I've seen so far the 3 submissions of Mega Man 3 although they are impressive but going through various sites and myself discovering how to utilize a NEW Jump Trick effectively that allows Mega Man to jump higher than normal without the need of using the Rush Coil, so I thought why wasn't this technique used from the previous and current submissions in the first place? If that is ok with you guys I would like to submit a WIP rather than a full submission mainly because it's not complete and i need to compare very carefully if the stages i've completed is actually faster than what others have acheieved. Here are my submission details. Emulator Used : FCEU v0.98.15 Rom Used : Mega Man 3 (U) [!] (Verified Rom) Redo Count: Actual is 1283 but last updated video file displays as 152 for some reason I recorded a new movie from start and loaded up my current save state from pausing the emulator and replayed the Hard Man Boss. I'm not sure why I couldn't keep my current redo progress as other people's submissions although the movie file states it's started from power on. Time Length of Movie : 3:46 - Takes Damage to save time ( I did not take any damage until the Hard Man Boss Fight) - Uses No Passwords ( Did not use any passwords to skip levels or get 9 E-Tanks etc.) - Abuses Programming Errors in the Game ( The most obvious notice is utilizing the Jump Trick that allows Mega Man to jump higher than normal) - Genre: Platform, Shooter I encourage for all you people who are a fan of platform games especially mega man games to come and have a look and any feedback are appreciated before I continue my progress. Thank You. Link to File : Unzip and play the mm3-tas-zerotech-wip-phase1.fcm movie file.
Why can't I myself improve on my skills just because of my silly name?