Posts for Zergrinch

Joined: 10/29/2011
Posts: 1
Long time afficionado of tool-assisted speedruns here, lurking for a while. SD3 is one of my favorite games, and I dig how SoM AND SD3 are getting speedruns almost simultaneously. Anyhow, I did a little editing on the SRT file. Changes are not really major, though I took the liberty of changing some terms. Most word changes are to Heroes of Mana transliterations, if they interfere with the Corlett translation: Enemy force --> antagonist Forsena --> Valsena Rolante --> Laurent Navarre --> Nevarl Pedan --> Pedda The/Lord Flamekhan --> Flamekhan (khan is already a title) (The) Death Eater --> Deathjester Also, in Kevin's ending, the subtitles appear to indicate that Beast King isn't Kevin's father, since he talks about parents dying from disease. I know for a fact (from Heroes of Mana), that Kevin is Beast King's son. So I changed "parents" to "mother" in this case. I also added a tidbit about Jessica being Hawk's aunt, unknown to both of them (hr hr). See --> Interestingly, Angela is princess to two kingdoms, while her counterpart Duran is the only one in the cast who hasn't got a drop of royal blood... The link for the ASS file: