Sorry this took so long. Schoolwork + a bazillion desyncs against Andross = grrrr. Anyway,
here you go!

So, final time is 22 minutes real time, 082 game time. No damage to Corneria, 340470 score, Mario rank (?).
Some notes:
- The two bosses were pushovers. Wolf was more difficult, mainly because he does more barrel rolls than the other members of his team. There were a few charged shots that he deflected so that I could hit him with others immediately afterward. It may look awkward, but it works.
- I picked up some nova bombs in Astropolis, which came in handy when fighting Andross.
- Speaking of Andross, the beginning of the fight in the subspace area (when he is a mask) is
ridiculous when it comes to desyncs. Loading a savestate there would sometimes (but not always) cause a desync. This made it very difficult to get past the "shoot the eyes" part. I was glad when it finally worked and the rest of the fight went quickly.
Anyone watching this, let me know if the movie desyncs anywhere, especially during the Andross fight.
So, should I submit? If nobody says no, I'll assume that means yes.