Everything but the letters belongs to one region now:
Edit: ...or did these longer lines just negate the amount of time that was saved by connecting segments (and then some)?
This is one of the many games I grew up with, and what I saw here was nothing short of beautiful. Very little shown here is remotely doable in RTA – the combined world record as of just over three years ago was 34:58:49.
I remember building maps and witnessing Zweq (one of the authors here) absolutely crush them on his third or fourth attempts, in ways I hadn't anticipated! He's quite a powerhouse, and I'm privileged to see him in action again after all these years in this different venue. Absolutely an honorable in my book.
He will then reboot, and during the boot up screen we'll display a message like "Gaining Sentience...". Then following the boot up we'll display another message that says "TASBot has recovered from a serious error". After that TASBot will greet the crowd, and will have "full control" over the game and what he draws.
Instead of us disorderly humans, if TASBot sought to speak with something sentient, the first encounter would invariably lie with something more at its bit depth. To foster reaction from the audience, TASBot could identify herein as having always been a girl gamer at heart, and then proceed to romance other A.I. specimen in the room—GDQ Monitor. Some digital banter between those two would allow for better storytelling, and maybe the inevitable third-party ebotica.
The slow-moving twitter account would need an update. I've registered @MrsTASBot before anyone takes it prematurely.
(PDF) Nearly every TI model shares this approach to quasi-randomness; the below stays within 10-12 of their values across all seeds.
The factory seed has been tested at a call depth of 100,000 with no sign of deviating. Other seeds I tried were equally well-behaved.
Input n
a = 2147483563
b = 2147483399
c = 40014
d = 40692
If n is 0 then
e = 12345
f = 67890
e = mod(n*c, a)
f = mod(n, b)
e = mod(c*e, a)
f = mod(d*f, b)
print frac((e - f)/(a - 1) + 1)
How did you find out about this run, if you don't mind me asking?
I've lurked here for longer than I can remember, going back to NESVideos era.
Here's a thinly-adjusted, 83 (non-plus) edition of the file: BMAMBA.83pNo longer a relevant version we're working with.
New keypresses you'll encounter:
AxesOff, 2nd ZOOM ▼ ▼ ▼ ► ENTER
ZStandard|ZInteger, ZOOM 6|8
Xmin|Ymin, VARS 1 1|4
nMin|nMax, VARS 1 ◄ 4|5
I%|PV|PMT|FV|P/Y|C/Y, 2nd x^-1 ► 2|3|4|5|6|7
Horizontal|Vertical, 2nd PRGM 3|4
Pt-Off(|Pxl-On(|pxl-Test(, 2nd PRGM ► 2|4|7
n, 2nd 0 LOG ENTER
Finance vars have fixed locations in memory, so they're referenced measurably faster than the letter variables. Same story goes with the Seq iterators (n, nMin, nMax), plus those assume integer values only.
At any rate, see the level of elasticity that any TI-83/84/+/C/SE submission will present -- it'd require a high level of renown and canonicity of whatever is being messed with on these devices for the results to transcend mere concept status. But I agree with you that Snake is an OK choice for a practice piece. To motivate working in ASM, there is a backdoor on the TI-83 that surreptitiously begins with Send(9... Regrettably, as a pure–TI-Basic devotee, I'm lacking in details, so I must redirect you to the folks at Cemetech where they can tell you more.
Edit: Oh yes, and this version doesn't have wrap-around. We appreciate constraints, don't we?
Hi. It was nearly seven years ago that I drudged up the very code that found its way into this TAS. While wikified, this Snake clone is by no means an "official" version by any stretch of the imagination. The language's ease-of-access grants that there are multitudes of attempts in the wild. This one in particular was made to save face for the wiki by replacing a buggier creation that someone else had self-published. I dabbled in the concept again down the road and produced prgmBMAMBA. If you want a higher-resolution play area that doesn't slow as the tail grows longer, yet without invoking z80 Assembly, then that's what it's about. Also, for the sake of spending less time in the editor, several of those early commands assume a "dirty" environment and can omitted if typed from a memory reset. Plus, there are often 2–3 ways of typing any one token if you want to minimize keystrokes. Lastly, z80 Assembly can be entered as hexadecimal strings into the native BASIC editor and compiled. I know of some experts on that, if you're interested.
Speak of the devil, I see a Dwedit.