thats a hoax. that movie was splitted into several shorter ones. i could not find any longer movie than janus' breath of fire 2 and that was 5 hours. so i would say that getting over 10 hours should be no problem at all. no one is interested? well seems to be a too crazy idea perhaps... :D
i just thought about a crazy idea and i just wanted to tell you about that. i thought it might be a funny idea to have a very very very special video on youtube.
we got some seriously impressive encoders here and we have the source to produce long movies with only a few megs of space.
why not combine these two things and provide the longest movie on youtube.
like 2gb of mario running and after several hours at the end comes something like 'too slow for you? try for the fastest possible way'
well its just an idea because i got a directors account without any timelimit but 2gb of filesize limit...
i think such movie might be lots of hours which would get pretty much famous as the longest movie on youtube with the link as a watermark or subtitle in the movie itself.
i think the most efficient way would be repeating a mario with star sequence because the music repeats way faster than the usual music.
flygon, it was not my intention to blame you. i took your pm because of the permission chaos. i just wanted to show that i got several different informations about it. so there is absolutely no need for you to apology. on the contrary i have to apologize for posting your pm.
maybe i can make a proposal. swordless link, i will take down your run and reupload in a few weeks like 4-8 weeks and not before. on this way you can be sure that your movie on your account will be the one shared on most sites. later when the run is a bit older and not that new i will reupload it and yours will be on top with way more views when searching for it at youtube. maybe you feel comfortable with my proposal.
on this way most of the attention of this run goes to your channel and i have the possibility to complete the collection of movies from here at youtube.
in some way you are right when talking about rights. it depends form the country you live in. here in germany i.e. it is absolutely forbidden to use any kind of roms. but we have a phrase in german which sounds like this:
where is no suitor there is no judge.
that means as long as nintendo or sega do not care there are no problems. the problems will occure the moment you earn lots of cash or get very famous with these things.
....i know my english sucks so i am really sorry about that.
i do understand you swordless link. thats the reason why i did not linked the youtube movie here because i know you will link it by yourself. but the moment you submit you have to follow the rules at all.
maybe you have seen my topic on sda forums. over there they have no global rules for republication so i asked for it at their forums. the permission has to be asked at each player. because of that i have not uploaded the sda runs at all.
i understand that you feel like i misuse your run but as you can see there are no google ads or similar on my channel.
i am not in a snit but i have no time to ask everybody for permission. thats the reason why there are no sda runs.
on the other hand i do not understand why you do not upload the movies to youtube when you got a directors account. you could do so as well. for me it looks like you are bothered to upload all movies but the moment its your own run you do not want it to be done by someone else.
well i do not get it at all. i got several requests on youtube that i had not asked for permission to upload movies. swordless link seems a bit upset that i have uploaded his movie to youtube without asking him.
flygon writes me a pm here saying this:
I request that you stop uploading new submissions shorter than 10 minutes to YouTube, I've gotten permission from adelikat to upload High Definition uploads to YouTube which are higher quality than yours and am allowed to link to my videos in preference to your uploads.
However, I don't encode SNES, PSX, 64 or Saturn based games at this time, those are safe to upload to YouTube still.
the rules on this site are the following:
Webmasters, please don't link directly to the files. Link to this page or the front page instead.
Republication of movies from this site is only allowed under the following conditions:
Video and audio content must not be changed (including the pointers to this site),
The movies must be prominently labeled as tool-assisted speedruns,
The actual player(s) (always shown at this site) must be properly credited.
Do not label them with speculations. If unsure, read Why And How or ask for details.
i am following ALL rules perfectly but nevertheless many people do not agree. so what is the state of affairs?
the main objective of me uploading all movies to youtube was to have them all in one place at a streaming media site. there are several people with a directors account but no one seemed to be able to upload all movies at all. so i searched for your rules, followed these and now there is a huge chaos...
i have to agree to warp. my native language is german and spoken english is pretty hard to understand in some cases. subtitles are way easier to understand and way faster to follow than spoken words. in addition i do not think that there are many people who will add audio commentaries if their own native language is not english. for these people it will be way easier to add subtitles.
i often watch movies from mega man i.e. because of the music. =) spoken commentaries would decrease the entertainment because subtitles would be more passive.
i have nearly every tas from here uploaded to youtube but adding them to a group is a mess. i remember years ago it was possible to add several movies at once to a group but nowadays it seems to be impossible. is it possible for the group owner to add multiple movies from any user to the group?
If you want to do a football game do some of the early Tecmo Football Series games
soccer and football are not the same at all. its some kind of typical united states thinking... :D
isn't the snes version looking better in this case of marko's magic football?
i remember that i asked nintendo and sega about permission before i started my site years ago. sega did not mind and said that i can use their stuff for whatever i want but nintendo gave me absolutely no permission to publish any movie of a speedrun or similar though i ensured that there are absolutely no commercial intentions.
the problem with the law is that you will have to react if a company like nintendo shuts down your page for the case that it was not right. but the law of the country where the site owner lives is imoprtant, nothing else. so its us law now and was swedish before. i think swedish were better...
another example is that Geneon Entertainment (USA) Inc. deleted my speedrun of doki doki panic on youtube in 2007. i do not know if this is legal but i had to make further steps which can be pretty expensive though if i might be in charge to publish it.
i got almost every movie from here uploaded to youtube in full length. you can find the movies at unfortunately youtube messes up the quality as well as the framerate though the load times are very good mostly.
i just wanted totell you that it is still not possible to download the following movies:
boku dracula-kun gb
el viento
smurfs gb
kid niki 2
kung fu master
links awakening dx
mega man ii gb
skate or die 2
sparkster gen
fortress of fear
would be great if someone could help with an upload or maybe with a 1 click hoster upload. thank you :)
why do you think this way? why dont you take these comments as a motivation to improve your run. you said that it is improvable so why not make it perfect? this is maybe a good test run to see where and how you can save lots of time to improve your run. make a thread to get more help when starting to work on it. post your wip and see with help of comments what still can be improved.
i tried to download all available movies but i recognized some movies which cannot be downloaded because of missing seeds for several days. these movies are not available for direct download from neither.
daikatana gbc by ferret warlord
elviento by superhappy
smurfs by mugg
kondo rage by ferret warlord
kid niki 2 by randil
kung fu master by mugg
links awakening dx by chefstef
mega man 2 by dezbeast
mission impossible by laughing gas
quackshot by aka
skate or die 2 by jxq
sparkster by ferret warlord
super pitfall by jeffc
trojan by adelikat
wai wai world by fuzi2
widget by ctrlaltdestroy
fortress of fear by dacicus
i am uploading all movies at the moment from here because i got an old directors account on youtube with no time limit. i started another thread some days ago here:
uploading goes pretty fast with around 30-40 movies per day. here is the channel:
hey there,
i still got an old youtube account with director rights. that means there is no timelimit for uploaded videos. some days ago i thought about giving some credit to players and encoders and this site as well after i shut down my own site. so i started uploading your movies to youtube. i considered to follow all rules which are written on each movie site which say:
Republication of movies from this site is only allowed under the following conditions:
Video and audio content must not be changed (including the pointers to this site),
The movies must be prominently labeled as tool-assisted speedruns,
The actual player(s) (always shown at this site) must be properly credited.
upthorn and comicalflop both wrote me messages that i should make a topic here about that. so here i am. maybe i start from the beginning.
some of you may know me from i was the webmaster over there some days ago. i had uploaded many movies of some members which gave me the permission to encode and publish their movies. later i had to close the site because of some private issues. my main objective was not the competition but giving something back to the tool-assisted speedrun community which i was very interested in from the beginning on.
so the day came that i got some more free time and i found my old youtube account and the channel was still visited pretty well for not uploading such a long period. so i tried to find your rules as mentioned before and i deleted all links to my site from the channel and gave proper credit to players encoders and the site itself. i started uploading the long movies which are splitted in several parts on youtube most times. then i got 2 messages from upthorn and comicalflop so here i am.
i have no intention to quarrel over rules or permissions because i think i did nothing wrong when following all rules which are set. but i think you will notice that its not necessary to do so because i do not want anything nor i get anything. its just that i always wanted to have everything in 1 account and it was not possible because of many reasons. on the one hand someone stopped uploading after a few videos or another one got a timelimit and had to split the movies and so on.
so maybe you will see that it is not necessary to talk about the permission because you can only win with more promotion for your runs and your site.