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// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
// Configuration for pico-8
// config.txt is read on startup and saved on exit.
// To generate the default config.txt, delete this file.
// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
// :: Video Settings
window_size 0 0 // window width, height
screen_size 0 0 // screen width, height (stretched to window)
show_fps 0 // Draw frames per second in the corner
// :: Window Settings
windowed 1 // 1 to start up in windowed mode
window_position -1 -1 // x and y position of window (-1, -1 to let the window manager decide)
frameless 0 // 1 to use a window with no frame
fullscreen_method 1 // 0 maximized window (linux) 1 borderless desktop-sized window 2 hardware fullscreen (warning: erratic behaviour under some drivers)
blit_method 0 // 0 auto 1 software (slower but sometimes more reliable) 2 hardware (can do filtered scaling)
// :: System Settings
foreground_sleep_ms 2 // number of milliseconds to sleep each frame. Try 10 to conserve battery power
background_sleep_ms 10 // number of milliseconds to sleep each frame when running in the background
sessions 501 // number of times program has been run
// (scancode) hold this key down and left-click to simulate right-click
rmb_key 0 // 0 for none 226 for LALT
// Desktop for saving screenshots etc. Defaults to $HOME/Desktop
// 1 to allow controller input even when application is in background
read_controllers_in_background 0
// :: Audio Settings (use "volume" for PICO-8)
sound_volume 256 // 0..256
music_volume 256 // 0..256
// :: usually 1024. Try 2048 if you get choppy sound
mix_buffer_size 1024
// :: map scancodes. Format: 44=47,80=89,.. (scancode a, scancode b -- when press a, generates b)
// run the program with -scancodes to determine which scancodes to use
use_wget 0 // (Linux) 1 to use wget for downloads instead of libcurl (must be installed)
// :: pico-8
version 0.2.6b
// audio volume: 0..256
volume 256
// Location of pico-8's root folder
root_path C:/Users/jesse/AppData/Roaming/pico-8/carts/
// Location of cartridge save data
cdata_path C:/Users/jesse/AppData/Roaming/pico-8/cdata/
// Specify which player index joystick control begins at (0..7)
joystick_index 0
// Treat the first n controllers as if they were a single merged controller
// e.g. merge_joysticks 2 --> P0 gets controllers 0,1, P1 gets controller 2..
merge_joysticks 0
// Custom keyboard scancodes for buttons. player0 0..6, player1 0..5, menu_button, player2 0..5, player3 0..5
button_keys 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
// Play notes as they are plotted in frequency mode
live_notes 0
// iff 1: when using keyboard cursor, snap to closest pixel / map cel
cursor_snap 0
// 0 default 1 dark blue background in code editor 2 black background in code editor 3 gray background in code editor
gui_theme 0
// scale of screenshots and gifs // 2 means 256x256
screenshot_scale 3
gif_scale 3
// maximum gif length in seconds (0..120; 0 means no gif recording)
gif_len 8
// when 1, reset the recording when pressing ctrl-9 (useful for creating a non-overlapping sequence)
gif_reset_mode 0
// 0 for off. 1 for auto. 2 to allow control of a cart's framerate due to host machine's cpu capacity
host_framerate_control 1
// filter splore cartridges
// 0 off 1 on (exclude cartridge tagged as 'mature' by community)
splore_filter 0
// tab display width (1 ~ 4 spaces)
tab_width 1
// 0 off 1 on: draw tab characters as small vertical lines
draw_tabs 0
// 0 off 1 on: record the current cartridge and editor view every 3 seconds (see [appdata]/activity.log.txt)
record_activity_log 1
// 0 off 1 on: allow F6..F9 (alternative: ctrl 6..9)
allow_function_keys 1
// 0 off 1 on: automatically check for a newer version of a BBS cart each time it is run.
check_for_cart_updates 1
// hide mouse cursor for n seconds when typing.
auto_hide_mouse_cursor 5
// 0 off 1 on: backup with a new timestamped filename on every run
// normally not needed -- was used for debugging crash-on-run
aggressive_backups 0
// back up cartridge in editor every n minutes when not idle (0 for no periodic backups)
periodic_backups 20
// global screen transformations:
// 129 flip horizontally
// 130 flip vertically
// 133 rotate CW 90 degrees
// 134 rotate CW 180 degrees
// 135 rotate CW 270 degrees
transform_screen 0
// 0 off > 1: colour to draw pixel grid in the gfx editor at zoom:8 and zoom:4 (16 for black)
gfx_grid_lines 0
// file naming for screenshot / gif / wav captures
// 0 sequential (foo_0.png, foo_1.png) 1 timestamp (foo_20240115_120823.png)
capture_timestamps 0
Experienced Forum User, Published Author, Active player
Joined: 4/10/2022
Posts: 15
Hi, Sorry for the wait
PICO-8 version: 0.2.6b
MD5 hash of snail.png: c9f5ab4ec9ea667c8cac8c587825b2cb
I'm not sure what foreground_sleep_ms is supposed to be, but I'm using WSL2 and I didn't change anything
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Dimon12321 wrote:
Vexxter wrote:
Hello, for the past 8 months I have been TASing Pizza Tower using libTAS with a custom Linux port of the game, however one problem I have always had is that the game does not run with any audio, now that the end of the any% TAS is getting closer
Now it's the "right" time to ask for help =-|
To begin with, I'm not familiar with the game at all.
Have you done enough research on this topic?
1. If you launch the game without libTAS, does it have the audio? If it does, then you can create in issue in libTAS repository and keylie may figure out what's the problem on libTAS' side.
2. I found in this Steam discussion that the game audio is stored in files with .bank extension. Are these files present in the right folder? Maybe these files are not found by the game.
3. If the game is still in development, then you may as well question the devs to make sure if gamemaker-fmod.dll has any Windows-specific dependencies. Then it might be the actual root cause of missing audio.
4. What's this recreation project? These contributors may have some knowledge how the game works, so maybe they can help
5. What about the game logs? I'm sure there is a way to launch the game in some kind of a debug/developer mode and see what errors the game outputs. Maybe some variable in configs or .ini files is responsible for logging
I've searched through a lot of different things, but as I said I am not too familiar with low-level coding so I don't fully understand what could be useful or not.
1. No, the game uses FMOD library files next to the game that are Windows only. While there are Linux versions of the FMOD library files, Pizza Tower's "fmod-gamemaker.dll" file is made by the Pizza Tower developers and only has a Windows version, so the game cannot communicate with FMOD through this file. Some people on Discord have told me that a port to Linux of this file would maybe solve the issue, but I have no idea where to begin on doing that.
2. I put them in the same location as they normally are, which should be correct. The console outputs that it didn't find the library files in the first place, so that would have to be figured out afterwards.
3. I don't know how to contact the developers. A few months ago they said that they're working on a Linux version of the game but I don't think they are anymore, because they've released a lot of updates after that and there still isn't one.
4. I saw this, but I'm not sure how I would contact these people, as I do not have a Gamebanana or Twitter account
5. When you open the game, the console outputs this a bunch of times:
error trying to load assets/gameframe_x64.dll - assets/gameframe_x64.dll: invalid ELF header
error trying to load gameframe_x64.so - gameframe_x64.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
error trying to load libgameframe_x64.so - libgameframe_x64.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
error trying to load gameframe_x64_linux.so - gameframe_x64_linux.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
error trying to load libgameframe_x64_linux.so - libgameframe_x64_linux.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
error trying to load gameframe_x64_arm.so - gameframe_x64_arm.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
error trying to load libgameframe_x64_arm.so - libgameframe_x64_arm.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
error trying to load libgameframe_x64_linux_arm.so - libgameframe_x64_linux_arm.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
error trying to load gameframe_x64_armeabi-v7a.so - gameframe_x64_armeabi-v7a.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
error trying to load libgameframe_x64_armeabi-v7a.so - libgameframe_x64_armeabi-v7a.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
error trying to load libgameframe_x64_linux_armeabi-v7a.so - libgameframe_x64_linux_armeabi-v7a.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
error trying to load gameframe_x64_arm64.so - gameframe_x64_arm64.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
error trying to load libgameframe_x64_arm64.so - libgameframe_x64_arm64.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
error trying to load libgameframe_x64_linux_arm64.so - libgameframe_x64_linux_arm64.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
error trying to load gameframe_x64_arm64-v8a.so - gameframe_x64_arm64-v8a.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
error trying to load libgameframe_x64_arm64-v8a.so - libgameframe_x64_arm64-v8a.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
error trying to load libgameframe_x64_linux_arm64-v8a.so - libgameframe_x64_linux_arm64-v8a.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
After that, it spams this for a while:
error trying to load assets/steamworks_x64.dll - assets/steamworks_x64.dll: invalid ELF header
error trying to load Steamworks_x64.so - Steamworks_x64.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
error trying to load libSteamworks_x64.so - libSteamworks_x64.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
error trying to load Steamworks_x64_linux.so - Steamworks_x64_linux.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
error trying to load libSteamworks_x64_linux.so - libSteamworks_x64_linux.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
error trying to load Steamworks_x64_arm.so - Steamworks_x64_arm.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
error trying to load libSteamworks_x64_arm.so - libSteamworks_x64_arm.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
error trying to load libSteamworks_x64_linux_arm.so - libSteamworks_x64_linux_arm.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
error trying to load Steamworks_x64_armeabi-v7a.so - Steamworks_x64_armeabi-v7a.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
error trying to load libSteamworks_x64_armeabi-v7a.so - libSteamworks_x64_armeabi-v7a.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
error trying to load libSteamworks_x64_linux_armeabi-v7a.so - libSteamworks_x64_linux_armeabi-v7a.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
error trying to load Steamworks_x64_arm64.so - Steamworks_x64_arm64.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
And finally, it spams this for a while before deciding to start up:
error trying to load assets/fmod-gamemaker.dll - assets/fmod-gamemaker.dll: invalid ELF header
error trying to load fmod-gamemaker.so - fmod-gamemaker.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
error trying to load libfmod-gamemaker.so - libfmod-gamemaker.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
error trying to load fmod-gamemaker_linux.so - fmod-gamemaker_linux.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
error trying to load libfmod-gamemaker_linux.so - libfmod-gamemaker_linux.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
error trying to load fmod-gamemaker_arm.so - fmod-gamemaker_arm.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
error trying to load libfmod-gamemaker_arm.so - libfmod-gamemaker_arm.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
error trying to load libfmod-gamemaker_linux_arm.so - libfmod-gamemaker_linux_arm.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
error trying to load fmod-gamemaker_armeabi-v7a.so - fmod-gamemaker_armeabi-v7a.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
error trying to load libfmod-gamemaker_armeabi-v7a.so - libfmod-gamemaker_armeabi-v7a.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
error trying to load libfmod-gamemaker_linux_armeabi-v7a.so - libfmod-gamemaker_linux_armeabi-v7a.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
error trying to load fmod-gamemaker_arm64.so - fmod-gamemaker_arm64.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
error trying to load libfmod-gamemaker_arm64.so - libfmod-gamemaker_arm64.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
error trying to load libfmod-gamemaker_linux_arm64.so - libfmod-gamemaker_linux_arm64.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
error trying to load fmod-gamemaker_arm64-v8a.so - fmod-gamemaker_arm64-v8a.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
error trying to load libfmod-gamemaker_arm64-v8a.so - libfmod-gamemaker_arm64-v8a.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
error trying to load libfmod-gamemaker_linux_arm64-v8a.so - libfmod-gamemaker_linux_arm64-v8a.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
The only debug launch command there is is "-debug", but that's just Gamemaker's default debug mode and it doesn't really help with this problem
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Posts: 15
Hello, for the past 8 months I have been TASing Pizza Tower using libTAS with a custom Linux port of the game, however one problem I have always had is that the game does not run with any audio, now that the end of the any% TAS is getting closer, I want this to get fixed so it can be submitted to TASVideos and potentially even GDQ. I've been trying to fix it in lots of different ways but I'm completely out of ideas and I just don't possess the required coding knowledge to pull something like this off. If you know anyone who would maybe be able to take a look at this, please consider asking them as well as it increases the chances of this getting fixed.
The way the game is ported goes as follows:
Copy all of the game files to a new location (the game is DRM free, so it can run independently from Steam with no issues)
Rename the "data.win" file to "game.unx" and put it inside of a new folder called "assets" next to the game executable.
Place the "lang" folder inside of the "assets" folder you just created
After this, the game should run perfectly inside of Ubuntu 22.04, with 1 problem. There is no audio.
The problem comes from the fact that this game uses a custom DLL file for its audio, the "gamemaker-fmod.dll" file. The developers of Pizza Tower have stated that they do not want to release the source code to this file so it is up to us to figure out how it works. I don't know much about how this works, so if anyone has a better description of what this file is and what it does, please feel free to tell me and I'll update this post.
I would be willing to do something in return if you manage to fix this issue, as long as it's not too demanding or time-consuming of course.
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feos wrote:
I can't get this to sync on the only version of the game I could find:
CRC32: 9F8EC417
MD5: D3F8BD8238AEA7E9E90345D87AAE4D58
SHA-1: 65577BDA28A1DD0E8DAAE7AD0FC0518A74518888
The very first jump fails to make it to the pipe.
libTAS and ruffle are the right versions.
Did you change the movie frame rate to 24? As I mentioned before in this thread 26 the default framerate of the movie and I don't know how to change it
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somyeol wrote:
I remember there being a rule saying that tased romhacks should be of high quality. I do believe that you gave your best to make this as optimal as possible but there is no way something like this should be published. The romhack has bad movement and nothing about this tas screams superhuman, if anything it looks more like a casual playthrough to me.
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Dacicus wrote:
At approximately 0:30, why don't you jump on top of the platform and kill the enemy? It seems like that should save time by getting over the pipe more quickly.
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I don't know how to change the framerate of the movie file settings to 24, I set it to 26 because I assumed it had the same framerate as Super Mario Flash but now it defaults to that whenever I load the TAS file
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User movie #638179710827766425 I updated the TAS with all of the new strategies so it can be removed from Delayed status now.
I would also want TheAmazingYucemu to be removed from the author list because while they did improve the TAS featured in the submission page, the strat they used was already known about and I did not take any inputs from their userfile while making this improved version.
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There is no option in TASvideos for a version 3.0, and you can't hold shells in this game
EDIT: Yes there are a lot of versions for this game, although the only official versions are v1.0, v1.7, v2.0, v2.5 and v3.0. v3.0 is not the fastest version for TASing, but it is the only one which works with Ruffle
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The TAS has been improved by 1 frame in Level 6 by jumping earlier on the stairs to get a 2 block zip instead of a 1 block one
User movie #637867376018902726