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Sadly, I didn't record it yet. I just did a run on the emulator for testing purposes. I will record a run in the coming days though. The route I used is heavily based on shenanagans route. The only changes is that my battles are obviously better and that instead of doing a T/F twice to get the 255 item, I just catch MissingNo after using two X-items. That's it really. Edit: I wasn't paying attention. Shenanagans did use the catching method. So I guess most time is saved from better battles and no encounters.
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Yeah, so forget about the catching another Pokemon thing. It's not required. I just beat the game in 18 minutes. On Pokemon Red though, so I needed more coins for Abra (and was dumb in getting it). I reckon it might go to 17 in a segmented unassisted run. Maybe even 16, but I doubt it. Good stuff though, regardless.
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I figured I'd reply also. My first try used a nicknamed Bulbasaur. That didn't work so I figured, maybe it's the name and thus I redid my file and didn't nickname anyone. But as you might have guessed, that didn't work either. I then proceeded to catch two Pokemon, a Pidgey and Rattata. And that worked! I'm not sure if the amount of Pokemon matters or it's species, but I'll try and see what happens if I deposit some of them. To confirm: using just one Pokemon extra works also. This doesn't rule out the fact that catching two matters, but I assume it doesn't.
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That Jackal fight looked pretty fast. Nice. I'm wondering though, do you want to do a TAS with the boy or do you want to do a TAS while finishing the game asap? Because if it's the latter, then the girl is faster. =P She has less bosses to fight and distance to travel. Both categories are fun though.
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thatguy wrote:
^Actually wersterlobe cracked out a 42:44. However he didn't submit it to the site because he doesn't believe it to be an official category. He only made the run because he was pissed off with people using a subpar route.
Well, he was right though, the other runs were pretty bad. The only thing I dislike is that it seems I copied his route or something, while I had routed the game long before that. Oh well, nothing to do about that. My fault for not finishing the run I suppose, although running segmented takes so much more time in comparison.
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Don't you mean non-TAS? =P It would be very annoying yes, but not undoable. =P I'm not too worried about that. I'm more worried about the rest being possible. With the Mega Memory card, I can even reset for Charmander's DV's while keeping the correct Trainer ID. Before I decide to do all this though, I have to be sure that what I'm doing is actually possible. Testing on the emulator would be easy though, but I'm not sure how well that would translate to the real cart.
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Hey guys, After spending god knows how much time to try and figure out a good way to finish Pokémon fast. I've tried different stuff like JACRED and I was also able to use the Super Glitch to trigger the glitched menu, but then MrWint's Item Underflow TAS was published and I had to change my plans lol. I had already started a segmented run but luckily I was still stuck on catching an Ivysaur in Viridian Forest so I only had to change my strat a little to include Nidoking and go from there. A few days ago, I finally finished the run and I'm in the progress of writing up the comments so that I can send it to SDA. The run has some mistakes here and there, a few because of stuff found later (after I had already done said segment) and some because honestly, I was a bit lazy and it was only a second lost (I'm guessing I lost at max like 5-6 seconds total). I finished in 0:39:xx. But while all that is going on, I've frequently wondered wether the newest published run is possible for a segmented, non-TAS run. Or even a run like you guys are mentioning right now. I have a Mega Memory Card so redoing segments wouldn't be too difficult. Aside from the rediculous luck required, would it actually be possible if you saved inbetween? My (edited) run btw, which is basically a tweaked TAS route lol:
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Hm, so the UD is faster after all. Would that also be the case for non-TAS? Otherwise, I might just have to restart the run. <____<
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gia wrote:
I did not understand what step fails given your post though. Kadabra is supposed to be required to get a Ditto, is that the step that fails or have you got it already? Hopefully that isn't wrong. You can skip kadabra by meeting any wild ditto that uses transform on your 254 special pkmn. Gameshark one if you must (turn it off before doing the glitch just in case though).
This is what I do in steps: 1) I get Kadabra with the right Special to appear; 2) After the battle (I ran), I Teleport back to Vermillion City; 3) I walk all the way to the right for the first Start screen to appear; 4) I Teleport back to Vermillion City and Ditto appears; 5) I use Lick with Haunter because it's in the first slot; 6) Ditto Transforms and I run from battle; 7) I walk up for the second Start screen to appear; 8) I Teleport again, back to Vermillion City; 9) Trainer Battle; I throw 1 Poké Ball and run from battle; 10) I enter the Pokémon Center and before I even reach the computer, the game freezes on me. Now, this is what happens if I have deposited all but one 1 Poké Ball before even entering the grass outside of Lavender Town. If I deposit everything after seeing the Kadabra and having Teleported back, instead of the Start screen, I get a trainer speech, but Ditto still appears. This means I cannot Teleport back. I don't remember what happens then though. There are some things I haven't tested yet, like: 1) Switch in Haunter on Ditto, instead of it being in the first slot; 2) Deposit items after the first Start screen; this would mean I only have to walk back from the second Start screen up north. The Fainting Pokémon message I get could be because the Pokémon I use for Cut and Growling (Dugtrio) is at low health to begin with, because of the Ekans battle; 3) Not deposit items, but change the amount I have, either by tossing some Poké Balls or tossing an item altogether. 4) Not getting Dugtrio at all. Who knows, maybe he's cause of the freeze? I might test it on the emulator with Charmander for the Growler instead (very hard battle versus Ekans, but definately doable on emulator and doable on the gameboy with insane luck). For now, my run is saved near the patch of grass outside of Lavender Town with Haunter leading, Abra, Gengar and Dugtrio and all the items still in my bag. I also have a French Pokémon Yellow saved on the exact same spot, but with only one Poké Ball in the inventory. I'm trying the latter first, but I didn't find the right Kadabra just yet. >_<
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It's not even that it requires a lot of luck, it's more that I don't really understand why the glitch isn't working for me eventhough I've tried a lot of different things. And having to get the right Kadabra every time I want to try out a different strat just takes so much time. I try to get a Kadabra once in a while when I feel like it. When I actually figure out what I have to do, it won't be long before I upload the run. Also, I happen to be working on Pokemon 100% as well (granted, very different from TAS) and current segment is annoying because I bought the exact amount of balls I need before I get the Master Ball so catching stuff at full health is aggrevating at the least. But I'll get it. =) Haven't uploaded my newest seg yet though.
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I wouldn't use zzazz obviously, in 100% at least. (although I am planning on doing an unassisted Yellow run using zzazz. The route is complete, but I don't know how zzazz works, which is the stopping point for me atm. :/ Otherwise, I'd start taping). Anyway, I've decided not to skip Brock. If I skip him, I'd only have enough money for 7 Poké Balls and 3 Escape Ropes, while if I do fight him, I'll have 20, which is enough for me because by the time they are all used up, I'll have Master Balls. Skipping Brock means I don't fight the first two trainers in Viridian Forest. I, however, need that exp (and the speed the level ups give me) if I do fight him. Oh well, in my original run/route, I wasn't planning on skipping Brock because of the same money problems.
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The glitched areas are saved as long as you used a battle to regain control.
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Pretty much no use in comparing both runs, I guess. I use Zapdos for a lot of different triggers, by leveling it. Same as with Omanyte/star. Stuff like Squirtle, Bulbasaur, Arti, Tres, Kabuto and others. Manipulating random Pokemon with random encounters would probably too hard, but it should be possible. For me at least. In TAS, everything is possible. >_>
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At least you guys can. I have to catch a Zapdos to trigger the higher Poke's. I do use Aerodactyl for Machamp and Omanyte/star or various other Pokemon. Manipulating non TAS is annoying. Not neccesarily because of the luck involved, but rather that I need to check the Pokemon each time, to check for stats. :/ Btw, I timed the difference and while I don't know the frames, catching an evolution takes as much time as it takes to evolve the pre-evo with one Rare Candy, at least, seconds wise. So catching a level 21 Zubat + RC = Golbat. The time difference will be bigger in TAS I imagine, because of being able to get everything on the first step. However, if it's more levels, you are better off catching the evolution. Just worry about Box amount I guess. :P I better start working real hard on run. I don't want you guys beating me to the punch. :P
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Just glitch them. :)
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I think I remember having around the 45+ segments in my old route. My last game ended at Seafoam Islands, I was 2 hours into the run. And yes, I'm gonna SR for Zapdos to get certain Pokemon from Ditto + Trainer/Fly. Omanyte too, Aerodactyl too I think. And Magneton. :P You can watch my run upto segment 24 I think. It's on my Youtube account. Beware that the route will be changed a wee bit so I'll definitely do some things different (and faster) because of the new route.
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Uh oh. I'd better get on with my run. :/ I've restarted my Blue 100% Pokedex run since I accidently deleted a segment of it, but now that I've looked through the route again, I've found timesavers I didn't use in my run before, so it's alright I guess. Of course, normal 100% needs a different route then TAS'd so I can problaby not help you.
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Well, Gyarados would only be used until right before Mew since Mew can get to 100 and Dos can't. You can get Gengar either in Mt.Moon or right after Nugget Bridge, but since it cannot be poisoned, I wouldn't use it. You can definitely get Gengar in Yellow before Brock, but the sheer (console) luck you need for it is astounishing. Triggering a Pidgeotto with the right IVs is pretty ass. It also only get T-bolt, Psychic as the only good moves too. Lick and Night Shade are good, but stop working at some point of the game (when they get > 100 HP and have high Def to resist Lick). PS. Do you have msn? :P
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I wasn't sure if I could bump this with a double post, but oh well. I just tried to do a glitched run up until past the Nugget Bridge (right before catching Abra). I didn't go for perfection because it was a test run. I tried Gyarados for once, trying to see if it was faster. It's probably not. I timed it to be 1 minute slower (and that's with the 30 seconds penalty because of the mistake in the earlier run). I don't remember my exact time in my old run, 25:XX, but now I had 26 minutes past the Nugget Bridge. A very high 26 one. Now, of course, I realise my luck wasn't as astoundishing as before and I could have gone for more criticals, I also got in two random encounters during the capturing of Gyarados. That took about 23 seconds total, but that won't lower the 26 to 25, I know. Even if we assume I go for near perfect battles, that might save about a minute in a Gyarados run. It would probably tie my old run. Remember, Gyarados becomes useless after getting Mew. I'd also need to deposit one extra Pokemon. Not to mention the amount of luck I need to actually be able to tie or outspeed my old Charmeleon run. I think I can therefore conclude that Gyarados in an non-TAS glitched run, is just not worth it. At least I finally got to test it now. :) Also, a near perfect stats Charmeleon will probably have an easier time in most battles because it's way more easier to actually get those 1 or 2HKO's now. Of course, this is only the beginning part, the biggest improvement in my run will be using Blizzard instead of Ice Beam and using Take Down like in the TAS. Routewise, it wil be almost like the TAS, I think. Sorry for my rambling. *leaves thread*
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I'm doing the latter. I've already deleted the save file. I should try to go for (near) perfect. My currently uploaded run is good, but not perfect, so that's what I'm going for now, perfection. :) At least I hope. :P
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gia wrote:
You have a 68% poke at worst, 85.3% at best, where 100% got max ivs. Personally I wouldn't run until I got a 90%+ poke (68 combined iv), or are you dropping it for a glitched poke early?
I've already tossed it. If you've seen my other any % glitched run, I'm using it up to the Pokemon used for getting Mew to level 100, but the most important Pokemon before that is Shellder. The run will basically be the same, aside from fixed mistakes and a few new strats. The first part aside from the different way to skip Brock will be the same until right before Celadon City. I wonder if I should be bothered enough to reset endlessly just to get good stats. I'll never know if Mew's stats might be really bad, so yeah. =/ And now I realised that I can't actually OHKO the Rattata. I'd be better of 2HKOing and just making sure that I outspeed it on the second turn.
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Quite a bump from a while ago, but I have decided to redo my Pokemon speedrun. Right now, I'm in the process of SRing for a good Charmander. And I just got this one: Charmander HP: 11-15 Att: 9 Def: 7-13 Spec: 14-15 Speed: 10-12 I fear that Atk is too low. And I also know that if Speed is 10, I will NEVER tie the level 11 Rattata on route 3. However, if I fight just one battle in the forest, it will level to 12 before it and it will ALWAYS outspeed it as long as Speed is 8 or higher. So basically, if Speed is 11 or 12, I suppose I could take a chance and hope for a tie break. I know that near max Spec critical Ember will OHKO the Rattata. I remember from my other run that I couldn't. Probably because Spec was too low. In the end, the extra battle would only help against the Rattata, but it would ensure me to not go crazy on Ekans after finally beating up Rattata. I could of course SR for a new Charmander, knowing that a 15 Speed IV will ALWAYS outspeed said Rattata. I just need some luck with the Atk/Spec stats. Opinions? Remember, I'm not TASing.
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I have a question for you guys. I'm trying the Lobby BLJ into BitDW (the 'easy' one, not the TAS one), but I'm kind of clueless on how to manouver the BLJ (granted I don't always know if I have enough speed). I've seen Drybes pausing the game and in that way manipulating the course of the BLJ and with testing I think I know how it works for a bit (holding the direction in a mirror-kind of way). Yeah, need some help here. x_X
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Bloobiebla wrote:
Azorae wrote:
If you superslide into Ganon's cutscene and hold R, he doesn't knock the Master Sword away and you can use it.
*High five* Visual video of said trick. :)
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Yeah, I had tested such a thing already. I was trying to get a Dragonite from the Bellsprout in Mt.Moon but I got a Gyarados after all that trouble of trying to get it to use Growth (and without random encounters. >_>).