Posts for SophiaFireweaver

Experienced Forum User
Joined: 3/27/2020
Posts: 4
Spikestuff wrote:
Shot in the dark. So excuse the stupid as hell question. Did you accidentally use savestates?
I definitely didn't use save states, always saved using the memory card function
Experienced Forum User
Joined: 3/27/2020
Posts: 4
Zinfidel wrote:
Are you sure that your save data for disk 1 was flushed correctly to save RAM? Try loading up disk 1 and seeing if your data shows up. If so, try loading up disk 2 at least once. Bizhawk should automatically create a saveram file for disk2, named correctly and all that. Check to see if the file name it creates differs from the one you copied somehow.
The save data I copied (then renamed) is identical to the disc 2 save. Loading up disc 1 shows my save data just fine and lets me load it, though it immediately asks to insert disc 2
Experienced Forum User
Joined: 3/27/2020
Posts: 4
Zinfidel wrote:
This is a workaround, but what you can do is go into your PSX/SaveRAM folder and find the .SaveRAM file that has the name of the first disc that you are using. Make a copy of that file, and rename it so that its name is name_of_disc_2_here.SaveRAM. BizHawk should see the game saves for disk 2 after doing that.
Did exactly that, loaded disc 2, no saves.
Post subject: BizHawk PSX save issue
Experienced Forum User
Joined: 3/27/2020
Posts: 4
So I've been playing Wild Arms 2 on BiwHawk now. I've got 25 hours on it and have completed Disc 1. It asked me to load Disc 2, so I loaded the .cue file, only for my save to have vanished. I checked google and the forums on here for help. Following people's advice from similar issues, I ran the Multi Disk Tool in BizHawk. I added Disc 1 and Disc 2 to it, then clicked Save and Run. Disc 1 loaded up. My save data was not there. I tried creating a .m3u file. The same thing happened. Game loaded, no save data. If I load disc 1 .cue, save data is there. I have no idea what I'm doing wrong, or how to go about sorting this mess out. I've been prowling the forums for a couple hours, trying everything other people did that worked for them, to no avail. I just want to be able to finish the game, then start other games that are multi disc.