Thank you I will apply the script so I don't have to do all the battles and can just progress with the story and see what the situation is with your runners.
Interesting! Maybe it's good that I'm holding off on the run for now. Let me know what you come up with please, because I don't know why I couldn't use the different release version for the final run. Wouldn't it be the same as choosing a J-ROM over a U-ROM?
Also, would the different version be the infamous "Chop Shop" version?
Lastly, are you familiar with Lua scripts? You can use the script Randle posted to give yourself max HP, skills, and weapons for the caryard fights, then use it again to reduce your stats back to what I have.
Interesting. No, I don't know how to use all that stuff yet. I used to apply Lua scripts to a P2P hub I ran years ago that's as far as my knowledge goes with it. If I had some guides on how to use these when playing it would be very helpful and I could assist you much faster.
Yeah there are betas, then in some cases more than 1 version of the game commercially released in regions. I think the PAL ROM is the one with the cheaper prices and do not think there is much of a 50/60hz problem like on some games.
Oh. Good news about the Karma :) - To get from Negotiation 1 to only need 10, so you can get 2 runners AND the needed skill to get the lowest prices!
1+2+3+4 = 10!
Oh. About the prices of the runners. There seems to be differences in the prices between various PAL and NTSC releases of the game. You are using a US commercial release of the game so..I will have to copy your route and actions and see what I can do .. I have only just gotten to the car yards on the same stats (been fairly busy) so I will try and press forward route planning later tonight and tomorrow.
If we are lucky, you might not need to stake old Vlad after all.
Hmm, okay. Thanks for shedding some light on the run.
Ignore my previous suggestions for combat in Drake HQ. I thought you could use a datajack while enemies were on screen, and didn't realize how strong Summon Spirit was with luck manipulation. I would clear the floors of any enemies, activate the lifts and exit. I am going to play this over the next few days, though, and see if there are any Matrix grids that have poorly guarded Nuyen accounts near the lift Nodes. Getting that money here instead of from Vladmire would be a trade-off on frames but might allow you to get a better weapon from the shop beside Dark Blade.
So let's review when and what skills to boost.Caryards: Negotiation to 5. This get's you your 2nd level discount on runners.
After Drake HQ: Strength to 4 (costs only 3 karma). Will allow you to equip the Uzi and an armor that appear later on at the shop by Dark Blade (could visit here on way back from Bremerton and when trekking back to Drake HQ for Volcano).
After Volcano: None. Why? If you don't need Firearm at 7, Summon Spirit can be manipulated to max out without any karma upgrades to the spell, and Leadership has to be learned (waste of time!) there is no need to waste frames doing upgrades. I would just exit the screen and use this as a time to restore health if needed.
Shadowrunner costs after Negotiation 3 and 5:
The guides I have seen seem to reflect difference prices from what I got out of some of the runners last time I played the game. It might be worth investigating different versions of the ROM to see if there are huge disparities in runner costs. I'm sure I got some of the runners several hundred Nuyen cheaper than the guides state after level 5 negotiation. I will also look into this for you over the coming days.
When to do Drake HQ:
My memory's fuzzy but wasn't there a bed in Bremerton? It might be worth doing this just before Dark Blade and healing up later. Heal would probably come in handy after all at this point where necessary.
After Bremerton (needs further investigation):
It might be worth visiting the gun shop beside Dark Blade just before you head over to Drake HQ the 2nd time. There should now be new weapons and armor. Uzi SMG is 40,000. I forget the armor price. If you staked Vlladmir, perhaps got some nuyen from a grid on Drake HQ nearby a lift node, and traded in your existing wares you might be able to afford it. It would be a game changer for Volcano and Aneki. But this is just me waffling.
Anyways, I will try and view the whole WIP again and get back to you on this.
Hi, Hepper. I've been lurking here for years, and so glad this game's being worked on! I've played it on and off since 1995, and contributed tips to the SDA run btw so hopefully I can be of some use here.
Drake HQ:
Consider opening up access to all the floors BEFORE Bremerton with Kitsune, Steelflight, and maybe Norb or Anders. I would also luck manipulate the Summon Spirit attack from Kitsune to leave weaker enemies alive if you can while you focus on getting computer access during the fight. That way you reduce the latency with having too many people on screen, keep the Shadowrunner timers from counting down and access the next floor of the building in faster time.
Once you have access to all the floors do not progress to the top one just head back down the elevator and proceed to wherever it was you needed to go (Dark Blade, Bremerton etc.) depending when you want to do this en route. I don't know when it would be most efficient other than doing it before Bremerton. Arguably you could do this later in the game and rest at Volcano..but the karma / cash / route trade-off might be slightly better.
I read through all the posts here but I think I am being a bit dense and missed something...what skills and magic are you actually looking at acquiring / upgrading? I would say the main ones to level early on are as follows:
NEGOTIATION I think for the runners you are after you only need to get this to 4. You get this skill at the Caryards from the guy at the Arena for 1k. It will drive down the cost of your runners.
CHARISMA The one that keeps them with you longer. I don't know if you need it all the way to 6 for middle tier runners.
LEADERSHIP This one as you know lets you have up to 3 runners. The reason I suggest this last is because you are still gathering karma before you even get your 3rd runner in your route.
Also, if you take these suggestions on board or if you go ahead with your current methods how much Karma will you need in total for skills and at what points do you need to have those skills at certain levels by?
Simply put - what spells are you using besides Summon Spirit if any? And who will be casting them? I presume SS will be casted by both Jake and Kitsune. It's a pity you can't avoid the HEAL pickups since you won't be healing.
General Play:
****Where you can I'd try and avoid having Mages pop up in your enemy layouts because Powerball slows you down slightly more than a gunshot if I'm not mistaken.
****I'd keep that Cortex Bomb ticking away. The beeps might get to some players but it's no different from Link pwning in Hyrule on half a heart container! Plus, it would seem pretty kick ass that you are to busy saving Seattle and the Internetz to deal with a time bomb counting down in your skull :)
****Boosted reflexes is definitely a lost cause. I would honestly buy a better gun after finishing up at Dark Blade and making FIREARM skill sufficient.
****What guns do you intend to use, and where? Just so I know how things are working out. Same question for Armor. And will you be giving any to your runners?
Thanks for reading.
P.S. I kept trying to watch your WIP but it kept crashing on me at various points. What is the best way for me to watch it? I'm on XP.