The reason for your higher frame count, is that you didn't truncate your input file. I will take care of this, since I'm judging it. Just remember in the future to trim your movie before submitting.
I had no idea about this, thank you for doing it and i’ll be sure to truncate my inputs for future projects. Also thank you for all the great comments! The enemy farming aspect is for the strength upgrades, and happens in 1-2, 1-3, 2-1, 2-2, and 2-3. All of these levels i kill the minimum enemies to get the hidden point score at the required level, except 2-3, where it looks like i overgrinded a bit. So a future TAS would absolutely clean up the 2-3 grind. There also the idea of cutting out 1 of the strength upgrades, but im unsure if this will lose time due to slower boss fights.
Health management was suboptimal in the early game. In retrospect i don't need the hotspring in labyrinth 1 or 2. The boss of labyrinth 1 deals 4 health over the fight, so if i could create a health drop after end the end of 1-3 grind or anywhere in labyrinth 1, that shouldn't be an issue skipping the hotspring. I also took damage in labyrinth 1 multiple times where I probably shouldnt’ve as well. Labyrinth 2’s hotspring is the most important one, because of all the damge boosting throught the cycle based spikes. Theoretically Pit should take 5 damage to spike cycles without the hotspring, plus if i really need health the finished run had an extra hammer, which i could use on a statue in labyrinth 2 for more health before the boss.