Posts for San_Liberty

Joined: 8/23/2014
Posts: 1
Hello, I have discovered a glitch in rockman x. I'm not a speedrunner, nor do any kind of tas, but I felt like I had to share the glitch I discovered a few days ago. I was playing rockman x on zsnes 1.51. I was on the chill penguin stage. When I got to the bunker things (the ones where flying enemies keep spawning), I decided to use the big robot in order to get to the rooff of the cavern. This is where some very interesting stuff happened. I was running, dahing, shooting toward one of these bunkers (can't remember exactly which of these it was). Here is what I think I saw: I dashed and shot towards the bunker. X was almost touching the bunkers. At the same time, an enemy took off the bunker, and probably hit X. At this moment, X died, even though his life wasn't low enough to get killed by one of those ennemies). Then, X respawns on the first stage of the game (the highway, where you must fight Vile). But there is more: I had the ice beam, even though I didn't defeat chill penguin, nor finish the stage. Unfortunately, I don't remember if I still had the dash. It's not over: whenever X got hit by a projectile (typically, the missiles from the blue robots), instadeath would happen, no matter his life bar, and the highway level woud start again and again. I can't remember if this affected the life stock, and I think X could touch enemies without meeting instantaneous doom (which means only projectiles were affected by the glitch) I don't know if this could be useful for you guys. I believe it's useless for speedrunners (since you must get hit by Vile in order to finish the level, and those hits might make X die), but maybe it's not for a tas. Perhaps you guys can find a way to use this glitch in a proper tas. Of course, it might have happened because of the emulator I use (zsnes 1.51), or you guys already know this glitch, in which case I'm sorry you read all of this and wasted part of your time. This glitch just happened, I didn't record it, I didn't savestate, and it just felt wrong not sharing what happened to me. Also, I didn't know where to share, and I thought tasvideo forums were a good start. Anyways, I'd like to thank you guys for your hardwork. To watch a tas is always great, and Rockman x, which was my favorite game during childhood, is a great, great game. Thanks Again, and keep up with the good work! Ps: sorry if I did any misspelling, my English isn't perfect.