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Joined: 3/9/2014
Posts: 13
Someone asked me the other day to test something for him on emulator and I ended up finding something by mistake. Not sure if that's known or even usefull thing, but I thought I'd share the finding. If you get damage on the same frame you enter the town or the dungeon zone, it put you in a random glitch place. I never actually played this game and I have no idea what you are supose to normaly do.
Experienced Forum User
Joined: 3/9/2014
Posts: 13
I looked back into the glitch a few days ago and I found some interesing results. I was able to wrong warp to the ending cutscene, but I had no luck getting to the good ending screen. If someone with more asm knowledge want to try to help and figure it out. I'll help with everything I know so far. Here a encode of the glitch: Here a fceux movie file:
Experienced Forum User
Joined: 3/9/2014
Posts: 13
Great work but there a few things that I have to point out. In 1-2 wouldn't it be faster to get the first ninji after you get the key to only jump twice to do a super jump? Also I was wondering why didn't you clip that the begining of 5-1 with the enemy instead of going around? I might be mistaken but I'm pretty sure it's possible on snes to clip like the nes tas. There also a bomb on the floor after you enter the door in 5-1 that might be faster to pick that one up. Of course this is all speculation and those things are probably slower but just wanted to throw those ideas out there.
Experienced Forum User
Joined: 3/9/2014
Posts: 13
I realy don't know if anyone care about this game but I found something pretty cool this morning.I was messing around with this game when I found out that pausing the game while wrong warping cause some weird side effect and the game will warp me to other places.This gave me the ability after a while to find a glitch door where the game crash unless I pause the game.Killing myself while being on that pause screen and pressing certain inputs gave me the ability to wrong warp to the warp of world 4 into a glitched level.I was also able to warp to the title screen with that glitch area.Now if you're not familiar with this game if you press up+a+b on the second controller while being on the pause screen it will kill you like in zelda 1 or metroid.Here the movie file if anyone is interesed
Experienced Forum User
Joined: 3/9/2014
Posts: 13
I found a few glitches that are completely useless in the past few days while messing around with the game. This one seem to only work on snes This one only work on the NTSC 1.0 and 1.1 version of the game on nes This one is more of a trick than a glitch but I haven't seen that one anywhere.The game on snes allow you to use 2 button to run and grab items.While holding the one block with X for example you can grab multiple block with Y while you are holding them down with X. Those are not realy usefull but I felt like sharing them
Experienced Forum User
Joined: 3/9/2014
Posts: 13
Amazing chapter 2! Do you plan to use the warp glitch in chapter 3 or do all chapters?
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Might as well share what I found
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I don't know if this can help I can't get to stage 9 for some reason but can warp to stage 6.
Experienced Forum User
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Posts: 13
So I tested a few stuff and I got a bit of result.First climbing stairs whit the amphora even when simon is blue doesn't do anything nothing happen the game just keep going.I found another door I don't know if the crash will be the same trough. Here another movie file but whit me holding select the result are not the same
Experienced Forum User
Joined: 3/9/2014
Posts: 13
I recently found that you can crash the game by entering a door while being invincible will crash the game.After some testing on stream on Bizhawk I had some realy weird result mostly warping me to the title screen.Here how the glitch is done on FCEUX I don't know if this glitch is known or their any use for this glitch so that's why I posting it here. If you are interesed in different result I got on stream whit bizhawk here a higlight of me going trough the door whit the glitch
Experienced Forum User
Joined: 3/9/2014
Posts: 13
That might seem weird True but can you tell me if on your carthbridge of smb3 their is NES-UM-USA or NES-UM-USA-1
Experienced Forum User
Joined: 3/9/2014
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I got the warp on my nes real time! Thank you so much lord tom and HSS The hard part is getting those 3 frame perfect object and probably gonna take forever to get in a good run but it's doable
Experienced Forum User
Joined: 3/9/2014
Posts: 13
Hey I'm new to this forum but all you need to know about me is I speedrun smb3 and I warped to the end credit whit the glitch here a video of my stream showing it I'm realy sorry I was not recording the inputs when it's happen but I still have the save state when the glitch happen if anyone want it.I did not use any cheat to archive that glitch all I did is the begining is hit the wrong key and my emulator speed was slower. If you have any question I'll try the best to answer...Oh and sorry for this terrible broken english