Posts for Otwald

Experienced Forum User
Joined: 12/31/2016
Posts: 6
Soo since i am nopt realy working on it anymore mostly cause i lost a huge junk of my motivation for certain reasons here is what i have done last the BK2 Keymap the exp should be fine for the shadowkeeper
Experienced Forum User
Joined: 12/31/2016
Posts: 6
Hey there since i didnt streamed so much lately i make here a quick progress update soo, i am still on reworking chapter 1 for exp route, i needed a whole week to figure out how i beat tower 3 again, i always thought that its decided when i step into the bossroom if the first is a fake or not, but actualy the moment you hit them they decide to be fake or not, that allows you to change even the first one, if needed. but still thanks to my luck and rng i wasnt able to just get the right rng values for 3 reals. so finaly found a solution and now i have just to redo tower 4 and 5 again, yeah -.-
Experienced Forum User
Joined: 12/31/2016
Posts: 6
so i checked the blue door thing, the backwards jump isnt possible there, not enough room for the setup and also ending the jump animation takes longer as just walking backwards
Experienced Forum User
Joined: 12/31/2016
Posts: 6
about the blue door, i make a test about that, it all depends roughly on the momentum but actualy its an intressting idea about tower 3, i tested all the enemys on the way for the rng manipulation and only the one cadet i somehow hit randomly changed my rng value so that i dont need to wait 30 frames to move into the boss room. the point about the whisp is mostly that there hit box spawns very very late i have already passed by when they finished spawning and so yeah also the hit i catch in tower 3 is to manipulate the rng, i wasnt able to get a pattern with a clear rng without any fakes. ^^ and i already pointed out that i messed up boss 4 and cause of that boss 5 ^^ i thought i just get the exp from all. but i already mentioned that i have to rework everything slightly so waiting for some feedback and making it in one go is more effectiv
Experienced Forum User
Joined: 12/31/2016
Posts: 6
Samsara wrote:
Otwald wrote:
Chapter 1
I, uh, appreciate the signal boost, but this is definitely not the right video.
*cough cough* yeah i am stupid Right one thaat should be the right one <.<
Experienced Forum User
Joined: 12/31/2016
Posts: 6
greetings, this is something like a progress report, in the last few Weeks i had worked a bit my Self on Terranigma Chapter 1 and have Finished Chapter 1 so far. its still all WIP , i already know how to save before i move to the Box at least 1 or 2 Frames, and my Tower 4 and cause of that Tower 5 is absolutly Messed up but sine i have to redo everything again, thanks to the dmg Rolls, i thought hey why not catching some feedback and make everything in one go Input and by the way i am not sure if anyone had adressed that properly here in the Forums so far, but you can actualy uses Edges to move 4 Pixel per frame as the usual 3 Pixel called Corner Boost, i am still not sure if there exist even a double Corner Boost, where you get this Edge push 2 times in the horizontal, with the center of Arks Sprite and its Edge well yeah thats it so far