Just making sure. Are you planning to do a real-time speed run or a tool-assisted speed run?
Because those two are very different things. We mainly focus on tool-assisted speed runs on this site.
Make a test run of the game. Just play through and don't rip your hair out over perfection just yet then watch it back to yourself.
From just doing this you will 1) see a speedrun 2) get a very good feel for the game and how it works and 3) know exactly where you're making mistakes/having difficulty.
Then when it comes to making the real thing you will have the thorough knowledge of the game needed to make a good TAS.
Ive cleared the game like 5 times so should I start the speed run ?
Hello Orochi / Oliver, and welcome here.
>All the games are all ready taken >_<No>what game should I try? got any suggestions.. Megaman is one of my favourite games of all time [:
There is a list of suggestions on ListOfIdeas, but all suggestions there are not necessarily good. It is a good idea to post a WIP when you make a movie so people can give feedback if it is interesting or if there are tricks that you missed.
Keep in mind that most of the Megaman games are VERY tightly optimized as it is, and might be difficult for a first project.
EDIT: For some reason, the >_< smiley ate my next paragraph! What's going on? Perhaps disabling HTML will help...
Thank you :) and my name is Orochi to lol I changed my name to Orochi [: Orochi means 8th God and he is the last boss on King of fighters 97.
Lol now on topic; I want to try on Looney tunes I havent seen a speed run on that game o_o or Alundra 1.
All the games are all ready taken >_< what game should I try? got any suggestions.. Megaman is one of my favourite games of all time [: by the way where do I download the program ?
Hello, my name is Oliver and I live in Sweden. Ive seen almost every speed run video and ive thought of starting a little of my own. I wanted to make a speed run on a game called "Mutation Nation" on NeoGeo. I have everything the program and the recorder but it's a very hard game so I could really use some help from someone that knows alot more then me. If it's an good idea to start a speed run on that game. Otherwise I would really be happy if someone could do a speed run on that game I would almost pay someone to make a speed run on that game.
Any ideas?
// Oliver.