Posts for Nitrodon

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This is probably too late, but 3-10 can be improved to 418 steps. The trick is to push the 2x1 block last. EDIT: 416 steps.
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Exor (the sword) appears there only if you have a saved game. It's kind of a spoiler for an event which occurs shortly before you reach the first save point.
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The console version has cleared world 1, which may have affected the starting orientation of the spinning island.
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I suspect the failure at the end has more to do with the fact that the code you need to enter is 7190 instead of 7910.
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This should be what you're looking for. Some of these values aren't even aligned to byte boundaries, so it's no surprise that you couldn't find them.
function exp()
  local prevexp
  local totalexp
  prevexp = math.mod(memory.readdword(0x0202BC31),1048576)
  totalexp = 0
  for i=0,0x44 do
    totalexp = totalexp + math.floor(memory.readword(0x0203E7A9+0x10*i)/16)
  return totalexp, totalexp - prevexp

function funds()
  local prevfunds
  local totalfunds
  prevfunds = memory.readdword(0x0202BC28)
  totalfunds = memory.readdword(0x0202BC00)
  for i=0,0x3D do
    for j=0,4 do
      item = memory.readbyte(0x0202BD6E + 0x48*i + 2*j)
      quantity = memory.readbyte(0x0202BD6F + 0x48*i + 2*j)
      if AND(memory.readbyte(0x08BE2234 + 0x24*item), 8) > 0 then
        quantity = 1
      totalfunds = totalfunds + quantity * memory.readword(0x08BE2246 + 0x24*item)
  return totalfunds, totalfunds - prevfunds

while true do
  totalexp, chapterexp = exp()
  totalfunds, chapterfunds = funds()
  tacticianpoints = math.mod(math.floor(memory.readword(0x0202BC24)/16),512)
  gui.text(0,8,"Exp: " .. totalexp)
  gui.text(0,16,"Funds: " .. totalfunds)
  gui.text(0,32,"This chapter")
  gui.text(0,40,"Exp: " .. chapterexp)
  gui.text(0,48,"Funds: " .. chapterfunds)
  gui.text(0,64,"Tactician points: " .. tacticianpoints)
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The statement is actually false as stated: for a counterexample, try N=30. For those posting below me, prove that the Hamming distance between the sequences corresponding to (not necessarily consecutive) factors d and d' is N/2 if and only if the greatest powers of 2 dividing d and d' are not equal.
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Based on your current test runs, when will Thany and Roy get a C support (including the part where one of them has to initiate a support conversation)?
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The C9 strategy would have to be 4 turns; even if Thany starts the chapter promoted, she can't drop Roy close enough on turn 2 to seize on turn 3. Thus, I'd probably have her drop Roy on turn 3, which incidentally lets Thany use the Elysian Whip on turn 2. The enemies crowding around at the end may be more of a problem, but it should be possible to get through if Roy can kill Fir.
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I have some experience TASing this game, so I should mention a couple things you seem to have missed. 1. If you get a combo bonus while clearing the last blocks in a puzzle, it costs 47 frames while you wait for the bonus to disappear. Sometimes this is worth it, and sometimes it isn't. 2. For every fifth block you clear (at the same time) after the first 5, it takes an additional 22 frames to clear them. Having one of them selected as they are being cleared will reduce the effective number of blocks (for timing purposes) by one. Thus, if you clear exactly 10 or 15 blocks, having one of them selected will save 22 frames. For a concrete example in which both of these apply, your run is 40 frames ahead of my WIP before 3-5, but 32 frames behind after 3-5.
Post subject: Re: #3343: nitsuja's Windows Cave Story "best ending" in 50:10.3
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Santa does not wait for me to land on the ground.
Darn. I was so sure he did, and even made sure I was on the ground for that trigger in my speedrun attempts to avoid waiting too long. Now that I actually bothered to test it, I was able to make Santa's dialogue trigger while Quote is still in the air, so it's clear that I was wrong.
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I've played through this game a couple times, and I must say that this run is very impressive. My mind is very much blown. Yes vote. One question, though: in Grasstown, when you reach the trigger to give Santa the key, you are off the ground and traveling upward. If my memory doesn't suck, the text waits for you to land, and thus it looks like you lose time here. At the very least, I know that I always make sure to land on that block before hitting the trigger.
Dada wrote:
Two questions: right before you hitchhike a lift on that flying creature (before Sue gets beat up by Igor), would it be possible to manipulate it so that the creature flies a bit lower, allowing you to move even further into the level? Also: in Hell, after the first boss, if you allow yourself to get hit (and invulnerable), you can clip through the hole in the ground (the part of the ground that's about to collapse), before the big block falls through. I suppose there's no enemy around to get the invulnerability from?
1. Those two flying creatures fly at a fixed height range, so there is no way to do as you suggest. 2. If you look closely, you'll see he does this anyway. You can't go through before the Heavy Press breaks the hole in the ground either way.
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The RNG in the first three Fire Emblem games increments by a certain amount every frame, and by the same amount whenever it's used. As a result, many ostensibly reasonable combinations of events are completely impossible. I can check the exact increment when I get my computer back.
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woabclf wrote:
Nitrodon find FE6 bug
While this is an interesting bug, the RNG state needed to glitch out the path drawing algorithm is rare enough (1/32768) that it's not worth burning the necessary RNs to use it.
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L'Hôpital's rule only requires that f'/g' have a limit, not that f'/g' have any convenient type of form. Recursive use of l'Hôpital's rule is a perfectly valid way to show that f'/g' has a limit. That said, you only have to differentiate twice to get rid of the indeterminacy, since f''(0) is nonzero. You will obtain L=(-1/2)0/f''(0)=0, and hence this is not a counterexample.
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Vykan12 wrote:
For those that weren't on IRC, all three of the GBA games have the camera scroll on where the cursor icon is located, but the arrow while moving can move beyond that location. Normally, holding B while moving keeps the cursor moving fast enough to keep up with the arrow. The problem with this is that once a move location is confirmed, normally the camera scrolls back to the unit before moving if you go too far from it. With this new trick, by not holding B, or only holding for a few frames, you let the camera move slow enough that, when you confirm the unit movement the camera does not scroll back and the move happens straight away rather than waiting. It doesn't work in every instance, but it will save a good few frames when it does.
Crap, I can’t believe I didn’t find this myself! I’ve even used this trick in my FE8 TAS when killing Aias (the C14 boss that Seth double crits on turn 1), thinking it was just a neat entertainment trick. How many frames does this save per character movement, approximately?
Normally, if you move north or south more than 5 spaces, or east or west more than 8 spaces, the camera will need to scroll back to your unit before it starts moving. This trick makes the camera not scroll away in the first place. For movement, this is useful in chapters with plenty of vertical movement, and saves about 4-9 frames depending on vertical distance traveled. It is much more useful when using the Warp staff, since longer distances are involved there. If you don't move enough to scroll the camera away from your unit, this doesn't save any time. In fact, you will sometimes want to scroll one space further, so that the camera does not need to scroll later (such as to an enemy you will attack at the end of this movement). To be fair, I did not discover this trick myself. I saw the nicovideo run use it with the Warp staff while rewatching chapter 28 for planning purposes.
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Vykan12 wrote:
In Vaida's chapter, I think you could save time be deploying Dart and dropping him in the mountains. This way you could block all the reinforcements instead of just 3/4.
Brigands and berserkers are the only land units which can traverse peaks. Dart is unable to cover any chapter 24 reinforcement squares in his base class.
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The aforementioned Wyvern Rider's base stats are 22 HP, 7 str, 5 skl, 6 spd, 9 def, 0 res, 2 lck. I have no idea why this is the case. Either the information on Serenes Forest is wrong, or this one is different in some way.
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You can avoid the "This is a cube" message by completely avoiding cubes until you get Cube Lift. I'm not sure if this will save time, but I thought I'd mention it anyway.
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Vykan12 wrote:
Now, I'm kind of stuck until I can get the code for making fog of war disappear.
3202BCFD 0000 I've been kind of distracted/busy recently, so I haven't gotten around to looking at the current WIPs yet. I will rectify this situation in the near future.
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Heath can block one enemy reinforcement space in chapter 25. It's not much, but it does mean 2 enemies that Pent or Louise doesn't need to kill in that chapter. More importantly, he comes with a mine.
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Tub wrote:
Reading your post, it occurred to me that I could just formulate an infinite number of H0's and define my confidence range as "all possible drop rates I cannot exclude with p<5%". That does indeed get rid of the prior probabilities, I'll have to see how the math turns out and which values I get. Though the result wouldn't be a confidence interval any more, so it's a completely different statement I'm going to make.
This would indeed be a confidence interval.
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(n^2+2cn-2c^2)(n^2-2cn-2c^2) = n^4 + 4c^4. If a = 4c^4 for some positive integer c, then n^4+a cannot be prime unless one of these factors is +/- 1. Each factor can be written as (n +/- c)^2 - 3c^2, which is +/- 1 for some integer n if and only if 3c^2 +/- 1 is a perfect square. If c=2 mod 4, then 3c^2 +/- 1 will equal 3 or 5 mod 8, and thus cannot be a square. Hence, if a=4(4k-2)^4 for some k, then n^4 + a is composite for all n.
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In turn 3 of chapter 2, why did Marcus counter those soldiers with a hand axe? I would expect it to be faster to stay out of their range that turn, and just let them attack without a counter next turn..
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I could have said that, but I didn't want to spoil the surprise. Now that April Fools is over, I'm considering adding that information, along with a turn-by-turn summary.
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Indeed it is. In normal mode, except for the stats gained by killing Batta, the prologue is supposed to play out in exactly the same way every time. However, I don't particularly care what's supposed to happen.
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